Rei's Random Documents
The more serious writings are on my main homepage.
Stuff I wrote:
Random Yummy Recipes. I think they're original. New: "hack" wine ... a fast and easy way to
experiment with making wine.
A random thing about Ki (Chi, Qi, prana(?)) energy. What is "plus" Ki?
A random list of cool organisms.
A random list of fragrant garden plants. Plus, backyard adventures with natures.
A random list of MMP gaming terms as of 2/2003.
A random list of downloadable screensavers as of 2/2003,
with commentary.
My not random tribute to Big Jimmy.
A random list of truly evil things.
A few random thoughts on being a writer.
A random list of (no longer
recent) computer games that I've played, and
what I thought of 'em. Mostly Mac, SNES (Super Nintendo), and
Playstation RPG games.
For those with nothing better to
read: Me. Plus my local
random favorite foods (favorite Boston-area places to eat).
For those of you at MIT who like
to bitmap: Inessential
Bitmap, in HTML format! Also available in the SIPB Office and on
online help (olh).
CyberMUD." (My random text adventure game from 1994). By the way,
there IS a plot. It just starts about 1/3 of the way through....
Should I put my rejected stories here? Hmmmm....
World Wide Web for the Clueless. Just in case, like me when I
started, you don't know netscape from apache.
Stats for these rei-related pages. I was just curious.... Here's 1 day's stats (this page got 237 connections via
Memoirs of MIT. Written in '92, and re-discovered in a forgotten corner of my account. Best understood if you've been here.
In defense of cynicism, and one way out of it.
A Random List of Cool Qualities of Organizations.
A deodorant that works
Stuff I have that I didn't write, but which I either have a copy of or help maintain:
EIT. Have you been EITed lately?
The October 1992 MIT hack,
Cathedral of Our Lady of the All-Night Tool, had these Commandments.
Interested in self-defense?
Here's Ki Society
info. The Ki Society teaches Ki-Aikido, a type of aikido which
stresses Ki development and mind and body coordination.
If you're interested in becoming a SIPB member, check out the SIPB Office Manual.
The MIT Hack Gallery. Everything from the CP Car on
the Dome to the Bat in Lobby 7.
The one and only MIT SIPB home page, of which I was
a webmaster. I
maintained the MIT
Community-founded Commercial Sites page. For a while I did the stats.
Once upon a time, I did stuff for
the Official MIT home page. Useful MIT info, like how to apply.
I do articles for EX, the new online Anime magazine.
Speaking of mags, once upon a time I did some art for The Perl
Journal. Perl: The Swiss-Army Chainsaw of scripting languages. Yeah.
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on! Deo.