> > >   int  gnucash_lowlev_app_init();
> > >   int  gnucash_lowlev_app_main();
> > >   int  gnucash_ui_open_file(const char name[]);
> > >   int  gnucash_ui_select_file();
> > >
> > > Each UI needs to provide these,
> >
> The function gnucash_lowlev_app_init() was just supposed to do
> whatever part of initialization was necessary so that when it
> finishes, it is OK to make UI calls like gnucash_ui_open_file().
> gnucash_lowlev_app_main() is where you finally end up, and should
> contain the UI's main loop.  gnucash_ui_open_file() and
> gnucash_ui_select_file() are just the helper functions that you can
> call (from C or Guile) to open a file or pop up a file selection
> dialog respectively.
> The current startup procedure looks (roughly) like this:
>   main(argc,argv):<ui>/main.c
>     gnucash_main(argc,argv) --- guile/gnucash.c
>         /* startup Guile */
>       gnucash_main_helper() --- guile/gnucash.c
>         /* Publish the C functions we need at the Guile level */
>         /* Enter Guile */ --- prefs/startup.scm
>         ;; Process arguments
>         (gnucash:lowlev-app-init)
>         (if (pair? gnucash:*command-line-remaining*)
>           (gnucash:ui-open-file (car gnucash:*command-line-remaining*))
>           (gnucash:ui-select-file))
>         (gnucash:lowlev-app-main)

> > the sample src/guile/simple-app.c does a #include <gnome.h>
> > I assume this is a typo?
> This file is horrendously out of date.  It was the old prefs/gnucash.c
> file.  I just renamed it so that it wouldn't be confused with
> guile/gnucash.c and haven't gotten around to updating it.  Don't look
> at that file :>

We now have shutdown-hook and startup-hook, and the user can add their
own functions to these with (gnc:hook-add-dangler ...).

There are also two new functions on the C side which should be
respected (from gnucash.h):

  void gnc_shutdown(const int exit_status);
  /* All C code should call this function to exit.  It makes sure both
     the C and Scheme sides are cleaned up (including calling any
     scheme shutdown hooks) before it calls exit(). */

  /* Private (normally you shouldn't be calling these */

  void _gnc_shutdown_(const int exit_status);
  /* Any code that needs to be called to clean up the C side should be
     put in here.  Don't put it anywhere else or it may not be called if
     a quit is initiated from the scheme side. */

I've fixed the C side to respect gnc_shutdown (in closeMainWindow),
but any future exit's should also be handled through this function.

Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu> PGP=E80E0D04F521A094 532B97F5D64E3930
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