PGPMenu Documentation and Presentation

Derek Atkins

PGPMenu is a tool to help new users use PGP simply and effectively. This document is a tool to help users learn and understand a little about PGP, Public Key Cryptography, and, of course, PGPMenu. Included in this document is a step-by-step explaination of all the menu options of PGPMenu.

I assume here that you have some knowledge about PGP. If you do not, then you can read the PGP Documentation, which is in two parts. Part One of the Documentation contains information about how to use PGP, and Part Two contains more advanced uses of PGP. Users are encouraged to read both parts of the Documentation fully before using PGP.

This presentation will describe:

To run PGPMenu:
athena% add pgp
athena% attach warlord
athena% /mit/warlord/afscell/classes/4.207/