An OggSquish Update
Last updated: August 09, 1996
What is available right now?
For code and applications you can get right now, see the beta release page.
OggSQUISH player/converter application
The basic player and conversion application is being finished and
tested alongside libogg. At the moment, the conversion is capable of
parsing WAV, AIFF and AIFC files as well as raw data; in the future we
also intend to read and write SND and VOC.
Right now, the Ogg player can only do a few fixed compression
selections; this too will improve for release.
Libogg version 0.98 soon to begin full testing
Libogg/OggSquish 0.98a should be externally testable soon; internal
versions are currently loading and running OggScript programs. Fuller
documentation of libogg is also now available.
Look for libogg.a and libogg.h to be available on the beta pages soon.
X windows version of the OggSquish "toolbar" converter/player
Work on the X version of the command line OggSquish converter player
is now underway. There's no target date for release yet, but assume
the deadline to be 'ASAP'.
OggSQUISH, OggScript, OggLite, the Thor-and-the-Snake logo and
Xiphophorus are trademarks (tm) of the Xiphophorus company. The
OggSQUISH library and OggSQUISH applications by Xiphophorus are
copyright (C) 1994-1996 Xiphophorus. All rights reserved.
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