Welcome to The Xiphophorus Company homepage, updated as of December 10, 1996

Please note: This site is brand new; we're still preparing the documents we wish to present. Watch the 'last updated' markers to know when new information arrives!

The Net's most advanced digital multimedia, Period.

Low Fluff Web Policy

We believe in high content, low bandwidth pages that are esthetically pleasing but also load quickly. For this reason, we shun uneccessary imagemaps, large pictures and animations, gratuitous formatting, and cute Java scripts that add nothing. We'd rather spend all that effort keeping our links up-to-date.

We support the W3C, and the HTML standards it sets forth; the few Netscape specific tags that appear in this front page source (but nowhere else) are soon to be replaced by W3C style sheets. Forgive our laziness that they exist at all.

In conclusion, Comments and questions about this web site are welcome.

OggSQUISH, Xiphophorus and the Xiphophorus Fish Logo are trademarks (tm) of The Xiphophorus Company. These pages are copyright (C) 1994-1997 Xiphophorus. All rights reserved.