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notes on building a Perl 5 module

From           Paul S R Chisholm <psrc@exmachina.com>
Organization   Ex Machina
Date           Tue, 10 Dec 1996 15:40:38 -0500
Newsgroups     comp.lang.perl.misc
Message-ID     <32ADCAC6.1B68@exmachina.com>

One of Perl 5's design goals is to make modules much easier to use than
they are to build. Good news: You've probably used a lot of Perl 5
modules, and it was easy. Bad news: You've thought of making your own
module, and it looks really complicated. Worse news: It *is* really
complicated. Better news: Here are some hints on how to do it. There are
various level of sophistication; I've picked some combinations of things
you can do, and described them below.

There's an *awful* lot on this subject I don't know. I hope others will
help fill in the gaps.

Level one: Make sure you have some useful, working Perl code. (Avoid
false laziness.-) "Code isn't reusable until it's usable."

Level two: Put some reusable Perl code into a separate ("module") file.
This file should probably have a ".pm" suffix (or maybe a ".pl" suffix,
especially if you want it to be compatible with Perl 4). All the names
(of variables and subroutines) defined in the module file will be in the
name space that's active when you use or require the file. To find the
directory the file is in, pass the -I flag to the Perl interpreter, or
put a "use lib" in the client code, or update @INC in a BEGIN block in
the client code. Don't bother with a "shebang" (#!/usr/bin/perl) at the
beginning of the module file; this is (like a) library, not an
executable. The last executable statement should return true ("1;" is
the usual idiom).

Level three: Put a package statement at the beginning of the module
file. The package name should be an identifier that starts with a
capital letter, but isn't all capital letters. It should be the same as
the base name (less the ".pl" or ".pm" suffix) of the module file. For
example, you might have a package called Fizzbin; it would start with a
"package Fizzbin;" statement, and would be stored in a file called
"Fizzbin.pm". All the names defined in the module file will be in the
Fizzbin name space; to invoke them the deal subroutine, you'd call

Level four: Derive from Exporter, and start letting the user control
which names from your module file end up in the global name space. Near
the beginning of your module file, you'll need three lines:

	use Exporter;
	@ISA = qw(Exporter);
	@EXPORT = qw(...);

where "..." is the list of names from the module that should be put in
the global name space. (The qw() notation is a Perl 5 trick for getting
a list of quoted words. qw(a b c) is the same as ('a', 'b', 'c'),
including the lack of interpolation.) Start reading about the Exporter
module, and re-read the description of the use statement. Knowing
something about Perl 5's object oriented facilities will help.

Level five: More control. Set @EXPORT_OK and maybe %EXPORT_TAGS and
@EXPORT_FAIL. See the Exporter module documentation for details.

Level six: Add Pod tags. (Why defer this until now? No good reason; do
it earlier if you want.) The fine print says, any line in a place that
could be a statement, but starts with an equals sign, is the beginning
of a Plain Old Documentation section. Everything from that line, down to
(and including) a line that begins "=cut", will be ignored by the Perl
interpreter. Such lines will, however, be read by the various pod
utilities: pod2text, pod2html, pod2man, pod2latex, etc. Pod isn't
described in the Blue Camel book, but you probably have a perlpod man
page (generated by pod2man).

Level seven: Defer when your module's functions get loaded. Perl is an
interpreter; it parses the Perl source every time. The more source it
has to parse at start-up, the more time goes by between starting a Perl
script and its first "real" activity. Thus, there are various ways to
defer when code gets parsed. If you're lucky, some code may never get
parsed. If you're unlucky, all of the code will get parsed anyway, and
the overhead will increase your program's total execution time. Are you
feeling lucky? (Note: CGI scripts won't appear to start any faster with
these techniques. Well, maybe "non-parsed header" CGI scripts will.)

There are three "common" ways (supported by pieces of the standard Perl
distribution) to defer loading. (I don't really understand any of them;
caveat reader.)

The first way is to use AutoLoader (and the AutoSplit utilities). The
idea is to break the module up, with each function definition in its own
file. These files are parsed (just in time) the first time the function
is called.

The second is to use DynaLoader. This ... um, I don't know what this
does. The idea (I think) is to pick up functions (written in C) from
dynamically loaded (shared) libraries. The DynaLoader module description
in the Blue Camel implies that a few lines do everything you need,
except that a lot more needs to be done. I've seen the parts of the
on-line documentation that describe all this; I just haven't read them

The third (common) way is to use SelfLoader. This puts the class
definitions into a string, which is evaluated (just in time) when the
class is used (or something like that).

There are more than three ways to do it. These three are just the ones
supported by stuff in the Blue Camel.

Level eight is to use ExtUtils::MakeMaker to build and install your
module. The Blue Camel suggests that, if you just put in the files you
need, the things that need to happen will happen. I'm not sure exactly
what things those are.

As promised, I left a lot out. Anyone want to pick up where I left off?

--Paul S. R. Chisholm, AirMedia group, Ex Machina, Inc.
mailto:psrc@exmachina.com  http://www.exmachina.com/~psrc
I'm not speaking for the company, I'm just speaking my mind

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