;; Mikhail Nikolivich/Nicco ;; -*- outline -*- * NG dwarven fighter-cleric of Chandra, I mean God, I mean Goibhniu male 4'6" 140lbs. 26yr long, curly black hair and beard, grey eyes ** STR 17 | 16/18(52) hit +2 dmg +3 mp 305 door 13 bblg %25 weight 70 ** DEX 16 | 15/17 missile +0 react +2 def -3 ** CON 18 | 18/18 sshock %99 hp +4 res %100 ** INT 13 | 12/14 lang 4 ** WIS 18 | 19/17 bonus spells 3,2,2,1 fail 0 mdef +3 ** CHR 15 | 15/15 hench 7 loyalty +3 react +3 * experience: 8/7 * AC: -3 10 -2 -5 -3-2 -1 base dex bracers shield ring * hit points: 86 | 86 d10+2/d8+2 10/8 7/7 9/5 7/8 9/8 1/7 8/7 7/(*5*) * weapons weapon #AT AttackAdj DamageAdj THAC0 Damage Rng Speed hammer 2/1 +3+2+3=+8 +3+3+3=+9 5 d4+10 d4+9 4-3=1 hammer (t) 3/2 +5+2+3=+10 +3+3+3=+9 3 2(d4+10) 2(d4+9) 210 4-3=1 shield 1 +2+2 =+4 +2+3= +5 9 d3+5 d2+5 1-2=1 l sword 2/1 +2 s sword * saving throws ppd 7 rsw 11 pp 10 breath 12 spells 12 mental defense (wis) +3 dwarven magic resist +5 dwarven con v.poison +5 defense adjust (dex) +3 ring of protection: +1 plate mail magic: +3 shield magic: +2 cold resistance: +2 fire/elec resistance:+2 --- cloak (v elements) +4 (given to Alskal temporarily) * race/class ** Race (45) 10 Infravision 60' 10 Saving Throw Bonuses 10 Mining Detection Abilities Det sloping passage 1-5/d6 Det new construction 1-5/d6 Det slide/shift wall/room 1-4/d6 Det stonework traps/pits 1-3/d6 Det depth underground 1-3/d6 0 chance magic item failure 20% 10 Meld into Stone ----- 45 - 5 ** Fighter (15) 10 Magic Resistance 10 Multiple Specialization ----- 15 + 5 ** Cleric (120) 5 major all 10 major healing 10 major necromancy (3) 5 minor time 10 major numbers (3) 10 major divination 5 major gaurdian 8 major elemental earth (11) major all major astral major charm major combat major creation major elemental major gaurdian major healing major protection major sun major weather 25 wizardly magic (alteration) (5) 15 shape change (7th level) 10 Detect Evil 5 Cold Resistance (7) 7 fire/electrical resistance (5) -5 Delay elemental earth to 11th level -3 Delay cold resistance to 7th level -2 Delay fire/elec resistance to 5th level -2 Delay Wizardly Priest (alteration) to 5th level -1 Delay numbers to 3rd level -1 Delay necromancy to 3rd level -14 ----- ** Cleric of Goibhniu Celtic God of smiths. Reputedly, weapons forged by Goibhniu never miss their mark, and those struck by them will surely be slain. In the Great Feast of Goibhniu, the god serves a variety of foods and drinks which can sooth, heal, and even make immortal their consumers. Alingment: NG Will allow: any neutral Area of concern: manufacture of weapons and armor, healing Holy Symbol: anvil Spheres: all, astral, charm, combat, creation, elemental, gaurdian, healing, protection, sun, weather Duties of the Priesthood: Watch over and protect both smiths and warriors alike. Required to take blacksmith, expected to oversee the feeding and healing of the faithful, especially warriors wounded in battle. Granted Powers: 1st level: _hero's feast_ once per week 10th level: craft weapons, shields, or suits of armor +2 (1 month per) * magical equipment ** Cloak of Plenty -- LOAN TO ALSKAL This cloak of black wool, lined with deep purple satin, radiates an aura of alteration magic. It keeps its wearer warm and dry in any climate or weather. It gives a wearer a saving throw bonus of +4 against all forms of elemental attacks. The cloak is so comfortable as to permit the recovery of hit points while the wearer sleeps, as if he were resting in a confortable bed. The cloak has other properties. It grants _infravision_ to its wearer. There are 12 hidden pockets inside that open to an extradimensional space. They contain the following items, which the cloak refills daily one-half pound of cheese one-half pound of fresh cinnamon raisin bread (warm) one pound of spare ribs, four ears of steamed and buttered sweet corn, one apple, one orange, one pear, one half-pint honey, one-half pound cracked walnuts, one quart strawberries one quart cold apple cider one quart cool water one wilderness survival kit which contains scrap of parchment piece of graphite fish hook 25' fishing line on spool 1 gp Swiss army knife wooden whistle cloth pad 3 pieces sugar candy 3 pieces dried fruit Flint and Steel Lockpicks ** bracers of defence (AC 5) ** ring of protection +1 ** bag of dust of dryness this special dust has many uses. If a pinch is cast into a cubic yard of water, the liquid is instantly transformed to nothingness, and the dust pinch becomes a marble-sized pellet, floating or resting where it was cast. If this pellet is hurled down, it breaks and releases the same volume of water. When the dust is sprinkled over an area (such as with a wave of the arm), it dries up as much as 15 cubic feet of water. The dust affects only water (whether fresh, salt, brackish, or alkaline0, not other liquids. if the dust is employed against a water elemental or similar creature, the creature must save vs. spell or be destroyed. A successful save still inflicts, 5d6 points of damage upon the water-creature. a pouch of this dust contains d6+4 pinches. ** portable hole ** dwarven thrower II ** weapon+2 ** ring of fire resistance ** longsword 3-27-A ** shield +2 ** rod of rezz ** cloak of the bat * profs nwp + weap + int + (fighter + priest)/2 * level 8 + 8 + 12 + 32 = 60 ** weapon 6 swords 2 warhammer 2 shield 2 weapon & shield 8 mastery (warhammer) 2 [long,short] sword 22 ** nonweap 2 +1 religion 4 +2 healing 3 herbalism 3 spellcraft 5 weaponsmith 5 armorer 2 +1 reading/writing 2 +1 riding, land based 3 +4 throwing 29 +9 * notes ** jericel - male elf to the left, male elf to the right, female elf to the front. female elven remains (skeleton) say: ``He said that you were our best hope. He lied.'' ** dwarven female, incarnation of Berronar Truesilver ** the Ethin family Father Lon: butler Mary, his wife: wife their boy Jamez: stable/messenger/errand daughter Karen: maid ** Batur al'Hadam ** Fatur al'Hadam ** Terrique al'Hasan * spells all astral charm combat creation elemental gaurdian healing protection sun weather ** first (6) 6 ** second (5) 5 ** third (4) 4 ** fourth (2) 1 ** scroll aleph charm person withdraw neutralize poison cure serious wounds ** scroll bet imbue with spell ability tounges air walk cure critical wounds heal word of recall holy word * Schtuff ** potions *** elixir of health *** oil of etherealness *** oil of impact *** potion of animial (mammal) control *** potion of clairvoyance *** potion of climbing *** potion of dimunition *** potion of extra healing *** potion of fire resistance *** potion of fire giant control *** potion of human control *** potion of invulnerability *** potion of poly self *** potion of speed *** potion of treasure finding *** potion of ventriloquism *** potion *FAIL* *** elixir of madness *** philter of stammering and stuttering ** staff striking magical of strength +3, strikes at +3 for 1, +6 for 2, or +9 for 3 charges. can be recharged ** staff thunder & lightning staff +2, additionally: Thunder: +3, and save v/ rsw or be stunned for 1 round and lose init the next round. one charge. Lightning: short spark on hit (disregarding metal armor), +2d6 damage. one charge Thunderclap: cone of deafening noise, 5' wide apex, 40' long, 20' wide at end. within cone, save v/ rsw or stunned for d2 rounds, deaf for additional d2 rounds. if save, deaf for d4 rounds. two charges. Lightning Stroke: 8d6 lightning bolt, (1s count as 2s), single or forked, two charges. Thunder and Lightning: combines thunderclap (above) with lightning bolt (as above, but 1s and 2s count as 3s, save for half+deafness). four charges. Initiative for special effects is equal to charges expended. ** scimitar +2, speed ** morningstar +1 ** mace *FAIL* ** wand enemy detection (59) ** rug of welcome carpet of flying: 6x9, spd 25, 4 people smothering: smother to death in d4+2 rounds, cannot be physically stopped, but responds to: animate object, hold plant, wish (to ogre-sized or less) transform: can elongate and become as hard as steel, maximum length of 27x2, suitable for bridge, barricade, etc. In this form, AC0, 100hp. portable: command word transforms into half size for `easy transport' ** ring X-ray vision (Terrique) * Treasure ** Money 150 10gp 112 50gp 40 100gp 21 500gp 20 1000gp 10 5000gp assorted gems worth 41500K 10,357 pp 6,358 gp ** 9 mithril bars (90 pounds) ** 600 lbs admantite ** dark purple dragon scales (for dwarven armor) * Bank 14237 pp 17944 gp ~59 pieces of art (total value 41-42K) bank * house ** ring mail +3 ** leather +1 ** scale +1 ** full plate +2 ** plate +2 ** cestus+1 * bric-a-brac ** golden dragon statue (10000 gp) ** 5 minatures (4500gp each) ** tapestry (4000gp) * Garlain's bag 10K pp 10K gp 2 5K gp gems 25 10 gp gems 25 25 gp gems 10 50 gp gems 1 golden minatures 1 manual of quickness in action