;; Mikhail Nikolivich/Nicco ;; -*- outline -*- ;; ;; Mikhail was advanced to 8/9, but this doesn't reflect it yet. * NG Dwarven Fighter-Cleric of Chandra, I mean God, I mean Goibhniu male 4'6" 140lbs. 56yr long, curly black hair and salt-and-pepper beard, grey eyes ** STR 17 | 16/18(52) hit +2 dmg +3 mp 305 door 13 bblg %25 weight 70 ** DEX 16 | 15/17 missile +0 react +2 def -3 ** CON 18 | 18/18 sshock %99 hp +4 res %100 ** INT 13 | 12/14 lang 4 ** WIS 18 | 19/17 bonus spells 3,2,2,1 fail 0 mdef +3 ** CHR 15 | 15/15 hench 7 loyalty +3 react +3 * Experience: 8/8 * AC: -10 (-10 w/shield) 10 -3 -8 -3-2 -6 -3 -2 missile base dex bracers shield ring cloak cape * Hit Points: 91 | 34 ## me: 3 d10+2/d8+2 10/8 7/7 9/5 7/8 9/8 1/7 8/7 7/5 * Weapons weapon #AT AttackAdj DamageAdj THAC0 Damage Rng Speed hammer 2/1 +3+2+3=+8 +3+3+3=+9 5 d4+10 d4+9 4-3=1 hammer (t) 3/2 +5+2+3=+10 +3+3+3=+9 3 2(d4+10) 2(d4+9) 210 4-3=1 shield 1 +2+2= +4 +2+3= +5 9 d3+5 d2+5 1-2=1 l sword 2/1 +2= +2 +3= +3 11 d8 d12 5 s sword 2/1 +2+ +2 +3= +3 11 d6 d8 3 mace +1+2= +3 +1+3= +4 10 d6+5 d6+4 4 mace (und) +2+2= +4 +1+3= +5 9 2(d6+5) 2(d6+4) 4 r pistol 2/1 (20/clip, 3 clips) 13 3d6 30/60/90 3 r rifle 1 (10/clip, 2 clips) 13 6d6 50/100/200 7 * Saving Throws ppd 7 rsw 11 pp 10 breath 12 spells 12 mental defense (wis): +3 dwarven magic resist: +5 dwarven con v.poison: +5 defense adjust (dex): +3 ring of protection: +1 shield magic: +2 cold resistance: +2 fire/elec resistance: +2 cloak of prot: +3 * Race/Class ** Race (45) 10 Infravision 60' 10 Saving Throw Bonuses 10 Mining Detection Abilities Det sloping passage 1-5/d6 Det new construction 1-5/d6 Det slide/shift wall/room 1-4/d6 Det stonework traps/pits 1-3/d6 Det depth underground 1-3/d6 0 chance magic item failure 20% 10 Meld into Stone ----- 45 - 5 ** Fighter (15) 10 Magic Resistance 10 Multiple Specialization ----- 15 + 5 ** Cleric (120) 5 major both all 10 major both healing 10 major god necromancy (3) 5 minor god time 10 major god numbers (3) 10 major god divination 5 major both gaurdian 8 major both elemental earth (11) major goibhniu astral major goibhniu charm major goibhniu combat major goibhniu creation major goibhniu elemental major goibhniu protection major goibhniu sun major goibhniu weather 25 wizardly magic (alteration) (5) 15 shape change (7th level) 10 Detect Evil 5 Cold Resistance (7) 7 fire/electrical resistance (5) -5 Delay elemental earth to 11th level -3 Delay cold resistance to 7th level -2 Delay fire/elec resistance to 5th level -2 Delay Wizardly Priest (alteration) to 5th level -1 Delay numbers to 3rd level -1 Delay necromancy to 3rd level -14 ----- ** Cleric of Goibhniu Celtic God of smiths. Reputedly, weapons forged by Goibhniu never miss their mark, and those struck by them will surely be slain. In the Great Feast of Goibhniu, the god serves a variety of foods and drinks which can sooth, heal, and even make immortal their consumers. Alingment: NG Will allow: any neutral Area of concern: manufacture of weapons and armor, healing Holy Symbol: anvil Spheres: all, astral, charm, combat, creation, elemental, gaurdian, healing, protection, sun, weather Duties of the Priesthood: Watch over and protect both smiths and warriors alike. Required to take blacksmith, expected to oversee the feeding and healing of the faithful, especially warriors wounded in battle. Granted Powers: 1st level: _hero's feast_ once per week 10th level: craft weapons, shields, or suits of armor +2 (1 month per) * Profs nwp + weap + int + (fighter + priest)/2 * level 8 + 8 + 12 + 32 = 60 ** weapon 6 swords 2 warhammer 2 shield 2 weapon & shield 2 two weapon 8 mastery (warhammer) 2 mace 22 ** nonweap 2 +1 religion 4 +2 healing 3 herbalism 3 spellcraft 5 weaponsmith 5 armorer 2 +1 reading/writing 2 riding, land based 3 +4 throwing 29 +8 * Magical Equipment ** bracers of defence (AC 2) ** shield +2 ** ring of protextion +6AC/+1 save ** dwarven thrower II ** mace of disruption Appears to be a mace +1, but it has a NG alignment, and any evil character touching it will recieve 5d4 points of damage due to the powerful enchantments laid upon the weapon. If a _mace of disruption_ strikes any undead creature or evil creature from one of the lower planes, it may utterly destroy the creature. Skeletons, zombies, ghouls, shadows, wights, and ghasts, if hit, are instantly blasted out of existence. Other creatures roll saving throws as follows: CREATURE SAVE --------------------- Wraiths 20 mummies 17 spectres 14 vampires 11 ghosts 8 liches 5 other affected 2 Even if these saving throws are effective, the _mace of disruption_ scores double damage upon opponents of this sort, and twice the damage bonus. ** bag of dust of dryness this special dust has many uses. If a pinch is cast into a cubic yard of water, the liquid is instantly transformed to nothingness, and the dust pinch becomes a marble-sized pellet, floating or resting where it was cast. If this pellet is hurled down, it breaks and releases the same volume of water. When the dust is sprinkled over an area (such as with a wave of the arm), it dries up as much as 15 cubic feet of water. The dust affects only water (whether fresh, salt, brackish, or alkaline0, not other liquids. if the dust is employed against a water elemental or similar creature, the creature must save vs. spell or be destroyed. A successful save still inflicts, 5d6 points of damage upon the water-creature. a pouch of this dust contains d6+4 pinches. ** portable hole ** Cloak of Plenty This cloak of black wool, lined with deep purple satin, radiates an aura of alteration magic. It keeps its wearer warm and dry in any climate or weather. It gives a wearer a saving throw bonus of +4 against all forms of elemental attacks. The cloak is so comfortable as to permit the recovery of hit points while the wearer sleeps, as if he were resting in a confortable bed. The cloak has other properties. It grants _infravision_ to its wearer. There are 12 hidden pockets inside that open to an extradimensional space. They contain the following items, which the cloak refills daily one-half pound of cheese one-half pound of fresh cinnamon raisin bread (warm) one pound of spare ribs, four ears of steamed and buttered sweet corn, one apple, one orange, one pear, one half-pint honey, one-half pound cracked walnuts, one quart strawberries one quart cold apple cider one quart cool water one wilderness survival kit which contains scrap of parchment piece of graphite fish hook 25' fishing line on spool 1 gp Swiss army knife wooden whistle cloth pad 3 pieces sugar candy 3 pieces dried fruit Flint and Steel Lockpicks ** cloak of the bat ** cloak of prot+3 ** cape of the hornet ** ring of fire resistance ** ring of prot+6/1 ** ring of charm-like prot ** ring of lantern ** rod of rezz Jericel 5 Renebar Tevik 1 Alskal 2 ** rod of alertness acts like footman's mace +1. eight-flanged macelike head *** +1 bonus v. surprise, -1 bonus to init. *** if grasped firmly, allows: (no charges) det alignment det evil det good det illusions det invisibility det lie det magic *** area protection (one charge) can be planted in the ground and activated, the rod will `sense' any creature within a 120' radius if the creature intends to harm the posessor. Each of the flanges will then cast _light_ out to 60'. At the same time, it creates an effective _prayer_ spell upon all posessor-friendly creatures in 20' radius. Immediately after, the rod mentally warns the friendlies of the creature. *** _animate object_ (additional charge) the rod can _animate object_ up to 16 designated objects, placed around the perimeter of a 6' circle centered on the rod. *** recharge the rod can be recharged by 16th level (or higher) priest, as long as at least one charge remains. ** goodberries: 0 good for 9 days, cures 1pt (max 8/day) or counts as full meal * Notes ** Jericel - male elf to the left, male elf to the right, female elf to the front. female elven remains (skeleton) say: ``He said that you were our best hope. He lied.'' ** Delican attack squad string 061753 ** scroll of history of banshee's place ** playing G&Q (3.5-4 months old) R.G.T. Playing G and Q off each other. Choose obvious side. Do not consider other side friendly, despite our control ** watch pass (4 weeks) R.G.T. Watch mtn. pass for Justice members. Attempt capture. do not kill ** Astiri wine (4 months) R.G.T. Send Astiri wine immediately ** high temple (3 months) R.G.T. Have reestablished High Temple in forest. All glory to the highest * Portable Hole ** scrolls *** find traps *** find traps *** locate object *** scroll aleph charm person withdraw neutralize poison cure serious wounds *** scroll bet imbue with spell ability tounges air walk cure critical wounds heal word of recall holy word ** potions *** elixir of health *** oil of etherealness *** oil of impact *** potion of animial (mammal) control *** potion of clairvoyance *** potion of climbing *** potion of dimunition *** potion of extra healing *** potion of fire resistance *** potion of fire giant control *** potion of growth *** potion of human control *** potion of invulnerability *** potion of poly self *** potion of speed *** potion of treasure finding *** potion of ventriloquism *** philter of stammering and stuttering *** potion *FAIL* *** bag of potions (5 ventriloquism) ** cestus+1 (loaned to Tyrras for familiarity) ** tech pistol 1+2 clips ** tech rifle 1+2 clips ** dark purple dragon scales, partially worked into dwarven armor (51 days) * Treasure ** Money 150 10gp 112 50gp 40 100gp 21 500gp 19 1000gp 8 5000gp assorted gems worth 41500K 10,357 pp (+ (* 5 10357) (* 9 5000) (* 19 1000) (* 21 500) (* 40 100)) 14,358 gp 2,000 sp 1,000 cp ** 9 mithril bars (90 pounds) ** 600 lbs admantite ** Lord of Eternal Night's `treasure' * Bank 14237 pp 17944 gp ~59 pieces of art (total value 41-42K) bank * Spells ** first (6) 1 ** second (5) 0 ** third (4) 1 ** fourth (2) 0 ** Healing - major, both *** first clw *** second cmw slow poison *** third cure blind/deaf cure disease hold poison repair injury *** fourth csw fortify neutralize poison *** fifth ccw *** sixth heal *** seventh regenerate ** All - major, both *** first bless/curse combine detect magic orison purify food/drink *** second chant mystic transfer sanctify *** third dispel magic remove curse *** fourth focus tongues uplift *** fifth atonement commune meld quest true seeing *** sixth speak w/monsters *** seventh gate ** Time - minor, God *** first know age know time *** second hesitation nap *** third accelrate healing choose future unfailing premonition ** Combat - major, Goibhniu *** first command magical stone *** second aid spiritual hammer *** third prayer unearthly choir *** fourth recitation *** fifth flame strike righteous wrath of the faithful *** sixth spiritual wrath word of recall *** seventh holy word ** Guardian - major, both *** first blessed watchfulness light/darkness sacred gaurdian *** second iron vigil silence 15"" radius wyvern watch *** third con light glyph of warding *** fourth abjure dim anchor *** fifth dispel evil unceasing vigilance of the Holy Sentinel *** sixth blade barrier forbiddance *** seventh symbol 7 ** Divination - major, God *** first analyze balance det evil det poison *** second augury det charm find traps *** third det spirits extradim det locate object speak w/ dead *** fourth det lie divination omniscient eye *** fifth consequence magic font *** sixth find the path stone tell *** seventh divine inspiration ** Necromancy - major, God *** first dispell fatigue invis to undead *** second aid restore strength *** third animate dead feign death negative plane prot remove paralysis speak w/ dead *** fourth suspended animation unfailing endurance *** fifth raise dead *** seventh restoration resurection ** Astral - major, goibhniu *** first Astral Celerity Speak with Astral Traveler *** second Astral Awareness Ethereal Barrier *** third Astral Window Etherealness *** fourth Join with Astral Traveler *** fifth Plane Shift *** sixth *** seventh Astral Spell ** Charm - major goibhniu *** first command remove fear/cause fear sanctuary *** second enthrall hold person music of the spheres snake charm *** third dictate emotion control *** fourth cloak of bravery/cloak of fear free action imbue with spell ability *** fifth *** sixth command monster *** seventh confusion exaction ** Creation - major goibhniu *** first Light/darkness *** second create holy symbol *** third con light/con dark create food and water *** fourth *** fifth blessed abundance *** sixth blade barrier hero's feast the great circle/the black circle *** seventh ** Elemental - major goibhniu (major earth elemental God 11) *** first wind column strength of stone firelight log of everburning create water/destroy water *** second dust devil soften earth and stone fire trap flame blade heat metal/chill metal produce flame watery fist *** third wind servant zone of sweet air meld into stone stone shape flame walk protection from fire pyrotechnics water breathing/air breathing water walk *** fourth windborne adamantite mace produce fire/quench fire lower water/raise water reflecting pool *** fifth air walk cloud of putrification control winds spike stones transmute rock to mud/transmute mud to stone animate flame wall of fire produce ice *** sixth whilrwind stone tell conjure fire elemental fire seeds part water transmute water to dust/improved create warer *** seventh conjure air elemental wind walk animate rock antimineral shell conjure earth elemental earthquake transmute metal to wood chariot of sustarre fire storm conjure water elemental tsunami ** Protection - major goibhniu *** first endure cold/endure heat prot evil/prot good ring of hands/ring of woe sanctuary *** second resist acid and corrosion resist fire/resist cold withdraw *** third line of protection/line of destruction magical vestment negative plane protection prot evil 10'/prot good 10' remove paralysis *** fourth spell immunity *** fifth antiplant shell impregnable mind *** sixth antianimal shell *** seventh antimineral shell impervious sanctity of mind ** Sun - major goibhniu *** first light/darkness sunscorch *** second *** third con light/con dark starshine *** fourth blessed warmth *** fifth moonbeam rainbow *** sixth sol's searing orb *** seventh sunray ** Weather - major goibhniu *** first faerie fire obscurement *** second *** third call lightning waether prediction *** fourth control temperature, 10' prot lightning weather stasis *** fifth control winds rainbow *** sixth weather summoning *** seventh control weather ** Alteration - wizard *** first affect normal fires burning hands chromatic orb color spray dancing lights enlarge/reduce erase expeditious retreat feather fall first burst fist of stone gaze reflection jump lasting breath light mending message metamorphose liquids murdock's feathery flyer shocking grasp spider climb *** second alter self cat's grace continual light darkness 15' deeppockets displace self fog cloud fool's gold irritation levitate magic mouth maximillian's earthen grasp moon rune pyrotechnics ride the wind rope trick sense shifting shatter strength vocalize wispering wind *** third alacrity blink delude explosive runes far reaching I fly gust of wind haste infravision item leomund's tiny hut maximillian's stony grasp melf' minute meteors secret page slow snapping teeth squaring the circle tongues/babble water breathing/air breathing wind wall wraithform *** fourth dilation I dimension door extension I far reaching II fire shield improved strength leomund's secure shelter massmorph mordenkainen's celerity otilukes's resilient sphere plant growth polymorph other polymorph self rainbow pattern rary's mnemonic enhancer solid fog stoneskin turn pebble to boulder/turn boulder to pebble ultravision vacancy wizard eye * Loaned Equipment ** longsword+2 ** full plate +2 ** hammer of thunderbolts ** morningstar +1 ** bracers of defense (AC 4) ** bracers of defense (AC 5)