; Spider ;; -*- outline -*- * Spider ** Human male, 6'4, 225, 27yr, black hair, crew cut, short goatee, hazel eyes CG `Builder' (CG human mystic `Mage/Fighter/Priest') As a youth, Brent W. Worthington III was raised in an wealthy family; well fed, well bred, and well led, as he would later describe it. He was taught and challenged by good (sometimes very good) instructors from the nearby areas in all areas, including religion, and his mother wants him to grow up to be a mage. Idlylic childhood, yadda yadda yadda, makes Brent into your typical storybook upper-class, well-adjusted, God-fearing, precocious, somewhat spoiled, somewhat naive late adolescent wizard's apprecentice. Brent's master is Terrance, an old, retired adventurer wild mage, who was lured by the prospect of relaxing days in the balmy quiet, casting the odd spell for his rich patrons and catching up on his reading and research. Then the soldiers come. <> Brent is standing nearby when Terrance get bombarded to death by hundreds of pink stuffed bunnies as the result of a surge. Brent is knocked unconscious, and left for dead. When he reawakens to the sight of his hometown destroyed, he runs off to join some military organization, vows to learn warcraft, and to spend the rest of his life seeking vengeance. After some time (about 7 levels worth :-), Brent is now gifted young warrior, but he's troubled. Natural aptitude coupled with obsessive work habits (probably the result of the earlier traumas) have made him a sucessful warrior, and he's managed to claim vengeance against the group that destroyed his home and family, but for the past several months he's been haunted by disturbing dreams (some of them daydreams). Scenes of an alternate life of happiness and light with his family and neighbors are intermingled with terrible visions of death and destruction all around. Worse, lately he's been recognizing the dead and undead in his dreams as people that he has fought and killed, and most recently he's noticed that sometimes his dreams include himself among the undead, ghoulishly hacking away at the dead remains of his victims... After some time of this, during the off season, Brent happens to end up in evening dinner company with a fine fellow who actually turns out to be a druid of God. The druid is an odd sort, who gives his name as `Huhuhfurnur', or `Huh'. He's newly part of an adventuring group that Brent often joins during his free time - more to keep himself active than for any other reason. Huh claims to be a pacifist, and talks for a bit, quite eloquently, about the ``dark stains of the soul'' that result from killing intelligent beings, before his fellows quiet him down with teasing pleas for mercy from his preaching. Brent says nothing, but feels as if Huh flowery descriptions have struck a chord deep within... Later, Brent goes to again meet with the group, hoping to speak to the druid, only to find that Huh has wandered off, as the others tell him that he is wont to do. The next day, Brent gathers his posessions and strikes out in search of the wandering druid. Somewhere along his journey, he stops at a small town, at a small church, and speaks with the old Reverend there. He realizes that what he seeks is not really the wandering druid, but instead absolution from his daemons. He recieves what he believes to be a vision from God, describing how he can change his life; how he can come to work for justice and right instead of for vengeance or power. He heads off to to try and begin a new life. Brent has taken a new name, `Spider', and a new purpose, trying to litterally rebuild his life. Scuplting, carpentry, and engineering are matched with healing and herbalism; the subject doesn't seem to matter so much, as long as the method involves building. After spending a while helping the clergy with their labors, learning ones of his own, Brent starts to feel the calling of God again. While he's never been deeply religious in the past, God has showed Brent a new way to pursue his place in the world, while also serving the cause of good. As Spider, he is familiar with the worship of God, but he has a much more flexible relationship with his diety than many priests. He lives (and encourages others to live) not necessarily according to the laws of God, but rather according to the morals of God. He prays to God, and channels God's powers, but doesn't spend much time in any one physical church -- in fact, his `relaxed' viewpoint about ``God's Law'' makes him somewhat unpopular with certain especially bureaucratic priests. His abilities follow this `organic' relationship, coming more from his studies and prayers into particular areas, than the more normal, standard paths followed by many priests. * Stats ** ST 15 (+5 fatigue) | 20 ; ST 10, FT 15 ** DX 18 ** IQ 20 ** HT 14 (hit points: 16) ** move 7/speed 7.5 ** stormtrooper armor: PD4/DR35 * Advantages (+ ; cost name page ; 35 ; Magery (3) (+3 spells) 1 ; Cool CI23 (always calm, +1 fright) 10 ; Extra Hit Points(2) CI24 (+2 hit points) 50 ; Gageteer (quick) CI24 (see gadgeteer section) 5 ; Lighthing Calculator B21 (instant math in head) 10 ; Mathematical Ability B22 (+3 math/comp (!Op), +2 Engineer/TL6+) 5 ; Disease-resistant CI24 (+8 HT v disease) 3 ; Temp Tolerance(3) CI30 (+HT/lvl to comfort zone) 5 ; Versatile CI31 (+1 artistic, elect, eng, gadgeteer) ; 40 ; Power Investiture(4) CI42 (cast `clerical' spells, at +4 IQ) 10 ; Visualization CI47 (minute concentration, skill +Will-check) 60 ; 2x Eidetic Memory B20 (4x m points, +2 spells, free recall) 15 ; Combat Reflexes B20 (+1 Active D, +1 Fast Draw, ; +2 Fright, +1 init, +6IQ wake/stun) 10 ; High Pain Threshold B20 (no stun (but head/crit), ; +3v torture, will+2 to ignore pain) 2 ; 1x Language Talent/l B20 (+1 IQ to learn languages) 12 ; 3x Strong Will B23 (+3 to Will, +3 resist spells) ;;;;;;; Quirks -1 ; Broad Minded CI86 (ignore up to 2 pt of reaction ; penalty from race/appearance) -1 ; Vegetarian -1 ; -1 ; -1 ; ;;;;;;; Disadvantages -10 ; Cannot Harm Innocents CI86 -15 ; Xenophilia CI95 -15 ; Wierdshit Magnet CI100 ) * Skills (+; - cost - skill ------------------ type ---- check -- ; Physical skills .5 ; swimming p/e ST ST-1 .5 ; sculpting p/a DX-2 .5 ; Free Fall p/a DX-2 .5 ; Mimcry, speech (CT152) p/h HT-3 ; Weapon skills 4 ; Force Sword p/a DX+1 ; 8d/4d 1 ; Force Shield p/e DX 4 ; Staff (B52) p/h DX ; swg+2 thr+2 1 ; Beam Weapon (Blaster) p/e DX ; pistol: ; rifle: ; Maneuvers .5 ; ??? Disarming (CI167) p/h DX-3 .5 ; Dual-Weapon Attack p/h DX-3 ; CI167 (default +1) (D: combat/weapon -4) .5 ; Off-Hand Weapon a p/h DX-3 ; CI171 (default +1) (D: combat/weapon -4) .5 ; Off-Hand Weapon b p/h DX-3 ; CI171 (default +1) (D: combat/weapon -4) ; Mental skills (point values x4 from eididic memory) 2 ; engineering 5 m/h IQ-1 2 ; orienteering m/a IQ 2 ; mathemetics m/h IQ-1 2 ; riding m/a IQ 2 ; astronomy m/h IQ-1 2 ; sav-faire m/e IQ+1 2 ; blind fighting m/vh IQ-2 2 ; armoury * m/a IQ 2 ; blacksmith m/a IQ 2 ; carpentry m/e IQ+1 2 ; Vac Suit m/a IQ 2 ; Strategy m/h IQ-1 2 ; Tactics m/h IQ-1 2 ; Research (B62) m/a IQ 2 ; Mech: Fuel Cell & Elec m/a IQ 2 ; Mech: Spaceship m/a IQ 2 ; Mech: Starship m/a IQ 2 ; Mech: Robot m/a IQ 2 ; Mathematics m/h IQ 2 ; Engineer Elec m/h IQ 2 ; Engineer Reactionless m/h IQ 2 ; Engineer Hyperdrive m/h IQ 2 ; Shipbuilding m/h IQ 2 ; Electronic Operations m/a IQ 2 ; Computer Operations m/e IQ+1 2 ; Computer Programming m/h IQ 2 ; Computer Hacking m/vh IQ-2 2 ; Armoury Starship Armor m/a IQ 2 ; Armoury Starship Weapons m/a IQ ;;;;;;;; 2 ; lockpicking m/a IQ 2 ; traps m/a IQ 2 ; Dreaming (CI139) m/vh IQ-2 ; (remember/control dreams) 2 ; Meditation (CI142) m/vh IQ-2 ; (concentrate 18-skill (min 1) ... ) ; or m/h IQ-1 ; (prep for some things, recover fatigue at 2x) 2 ; Thaumatology (CI149) m/vh IQ-2 ; (physics of magic) 2 ; Wierd Magic (CI149) m/vh IQ-2 ; (+2 improvise/research spells) 2 ; SIGINT (CI151) m/h IQ-1 2 ; Philosophy (CT157) m/h IQ-1 2 ; Science! (CT158) m/vh IQ-2 ; (research 14, 2 prereq science skills) 2 ; Speed-Reading (CT158) m/a IQ 2 ; Wierd Science (CI159) m/vh IQ-2 ; (+5 invent, +1 gadgeteer, +2 sciences for wierd) ) * Gadgeteering Compendium I, pp 121 relevant Engineering skills, Base requirements: Simple 12-14 Average 15-17 Complex 18-20 Amazing 21+ * Psi ** Healing (P15, [21]) Power: 7 *** Healing [2] IQ-1 *** Sense Aura [2] IQ-1 ** Electrokinesis *** Confuse *** Cyberpsi *** Dampen *** Energy Sense *** Energy Shield *** Photokinesis *** Surge * Spells ** Modifiers 20 ; IQ 3 ; Magery 4 ; Power Investiture 2 ; Eididic Memory -2 ; `Normal' Mental/Hard Spells -3 ; `Tough' Mental/Very Hard Spells ** notes *** Resurrection, type(M/VH), needs(Instant Regeneration, Summon Spirit), duration(Permanent), castingcost(300), time(2 hour), notes(One try only!!! Brings subject back, assuming enough body is left. Remember -10xHT is automatically too dead to restore. Subject will have ST and HT 0, and must regain them in the normal fashion. All limbs will be intact regardless of injuries. -1 to skill for each FULL day since death.), page(M45) *** Summon Spirit, needs(ADS:Magery=2, Death Vision), duration(1 min), castingcost(20,10), time(5 min), notes(Half cost at site of death. Lets caster talk to spirits of the dead. The subject resists at -5 if he was a friend of the caster. If the spell succeeds, the subject will answer one question per minute as truthfully as their knowledge as at death will allow. failure prevents summoning for a year. CS summons malignant spirit which lies.~PMods - -5 if full name not known.~P - -1 if over a week since death.~P - -2 if over a month.~P - -3 if over a year~P - -4 if over a decade.~P - -5 if over fifty years.~P - -6 if over five centuries.), page(M63) *** Death Vision, needs(ADS:Magery), duration(1 sec), castingcost(2), time(3 sec), notes(Subject is stunned by a vision of his own death. subject is tunned until he makes an IQ roll. The vision may be true or only possible, thus it could be useful in pointing out a deadly hazard.), page(M63) *** Instant Regeneration, type(M/VH), needs(ADS:Magery=3, Regeneration), duration(Instant), castingcost(80), time(1 sec), notes(One try only. As per Regeneration but works instantly.), page(M45) *** Regeneration, type(M/VH), needs(ADS:Magery=2, Restoration), duration(Permanent), castingcost(20), time(1 min/1 month), notes(One try only. One minute to cast the spell, but a month before the regeneration is complete. Cannot use the part until the month has passed. Regrows one lost limb or eye.), page(M45) *** Restoration, type(M/VH), needs(Major Healing), duration(Permanent), castingcost(15), time(1 min/1 month), notes(Allows the subject to regain the use of a crippled limb, eye, hearing, smell, etc. Will not work on a LOST limb or eye, that requires Regeneration. If a limb has been amputated and is intact, you may try Restoration within the hour at -5 to reattach it.), page(M45) *** Major Healing, type(M/VH), needs(ADS:Magery, Minor Healing), duration(Permanent), castingcost(1 to 4), time(1 sec), notes(Heals 2 time points in spell. Does not eliminate disease, but can repair damage already done. Skill modifier of -3 for each additional time per day this is used on the same subject. If Physician is 15+ then a critical failure counts as an ordinary failure if it was the first time that day the spell was used on a subject. Both Major and Minor Healing can be used once each without risk.), page(M44) *** Minor Healing, needs(Lend Health), duration(Permanent), castingcost(1 to 3), time(1 sec), notes(Heals 1 point per point in spell. Does not cure disease but repairs damage already caused. Skill modifier of -3 for each additional time per day this is used on the same subject. If Physician is 15+ then a critical failure counts as an ordinary failure if it was the first time that day the spell was used on a subject. Both Major and Minor Healing can be used once each without risk.), page(M44) *** Lend Health, needs(Lend Strength), duration(1 hour), castingcost(1 per HT), time(1 sec), notes(Cannot be maintained. Each point in spell boosts hit points by 1 for 1 hour. This is a TEMPORARY measure. Cannot be raised above original level. No cost *** Lend Strength, needs(ADS:Magery | ADS:Empathy | ADS:Magery (Healing College Only)), duration(Permanent), castingcost(1 per ST), time(1 sec), notes(Transfers Fatigue from caster to subject. No reduction in cost for high skill. Cannot increase Fatigue above original level.), page(M44) reduction for high skill.), page(M44) *** Draw Power, needs(Steal Power, 2 Spells from 10 Colleges), page(G101) *** Steal Power, needs(ADS:Magery=2, Minor Healing, Conduct Power), page(G101) *** Seek Power, page(G99) *** Conduct Power, needs(ADS:Magery, Seek Power), page(G101) *** Measurement, page(M47) *** Know Recipe, needs(Seek Food, History), page(G43) *** Seek Machine, page(G95) *** Find Weakness , needs(1 Earth, 1 Air, 1 Fire, 1 Water), page(M51) *** Schematic, type(M/VH), needs(Reveal Function, History), page(G97) *** Reveal Function, needs(Seek Machine), page(G96) *** History, needs(Trace), duration(Instant), castingcost(Varies), time(1 sec per point), notes(Cast on any inanimate object, or 1 hex section of an object, lets the caster determine the recent past of the object, user's personality, etc. But no names. Cost - 3 for 1 day, 5 for 1 week, 10 for 1 month.), page(M48) *** Shape Metal, needs(ADS:Magery, Shape Stone | ADS:Magery, 6 Technological), page(G106) *** Shape Plastic, needs(ADS:Magery, Shape Plant | ADS:Magery, 6 Technological), page(G106) *** Identify Metal, needs(Seek Metal), page(G106) *** Seek Earth (metal), duration(N/A), castingcost(3), time(10 sec), notes(Tells caster direction and approximate distance of any one type of earth, metal or stone. Use long distance modifiers. Any known sources may be excluded if the caster specifies them.), page(M28) *** See Radiation, page(G104) *** Cure Radiation, type(M/VH), needs(Resist Radiation, Major Healing), page(G105) *** Resist Radiation, needs(3 GR:Radiation Spells), page(G105) *** See Radiation, page(G104) *** Irradiate, needs(Create Earth, Create Fire), page(G105) *** Extinguish Radiation, type(M/VH), needs(ADS:Magery=2, Extinguish Fire, Earth to Air, Irradiate), page(G105) *** Extinguish Fire, needs(Ignite Fire), duration(Instant), castingcost(3), time(1 sec), notes(Cost is per hex. Extinguishes ordinary and magical fires but not molten steel, lava, etc.), page(M33) *** Earth to Air, needs(Create Air, Shape Earth), duration(Permanent), castingcost(8/hex), time(2 sec), notes(Cost of 1 gives 1 minute of air from 1 cubic foot of earth/stone.), page(M29) *** Create Earth, needs(Earth to Stone), duration(Permanent), castingcost(4/hex to create, 2/hex to solidify), time(1 sec), notes(Lets caster create solid earth, must adjoin existing earth.), page(M29) *** Earth to Stone, needs(ADS:Magery, Shape Earth), duration(Permanent), castingcost(3 for upto 20lbs, 5/hex), time(1 sec), notes(Turns an item of earth or clay into hard stone, not gemstone.), page(M28) *** Shape Earth, needs(Seek Earth), duration(1 min), castingcost(2/hex,1/hex), time(1 sec), notes(Allows caster to move earth at 2 hexes per second and shape it into any form. Stable forms will remain at the end of the spell, unstable ones will collapse. Can bury people if they allow it to.), page(M28) *** Seek Earth, duration(N/A), castingcost(3), time(10 sec), notes(Tells caster direction and approximate distance of any one type of earth, metal or stone. Use long distance modifiers. Any known sources may be excluded if the caster specifies them.), page(M28) *** Create Fire, needs(Ignite Fire), duration(1 min), castingcost(2,1/2 cast), time(1 sec), notes(Cost is per hex. If there are flammable materials, maintenance may not be necessary. Lets caster create fire without fuel. Produces up to a hex of fire, or in midair, a sphere of fire which falls. This is real fire, which will ignite inflammable objects. Cannot be cast within rocks, foes, etc.), page(M33) *** Ignite Fire, duration(1 sec), castingcost(1 to 4,ditto), time(1 sec), notes(1 - match, 2 - torch, 3 - blowtorch, 4 - magnesium or phosphorous. This is the basic Fire spell. It produces a single spot of heat and is used to set fire to READILY flammable objects. It works best on paper and cloth, and will not affect any item that would not burn in an ordinary fire. In particular, will NOT set fire to a living being. Once ignited, the fire burns normally.), page(M32) *** Malfunction, needs(ADS:Magery=2, Glitch), page(G97) *** Glitch, needs(Machine Control), page(G96) *** Machine Speech, needs(Machine Summoning), page(G96) *** Machine Summoning, needs(Machine Control), page(G96) *** Machine Control, needs(Reveal Function, Locksmith, Lightning), page(G96) *** Reveal Function, needs(Seek Machine), page(G96) *** Seek Machine, page(G95) *** History, needs(Trace), duration(Instant), castingcost(Varies), time(1 sec per point), notes(Cast on any inanimate object, or 1 hex section of an object, lets the caster determine the recent past of the object, user's personality, etc. But no names. Cost - 3 for 1 day, 5 for 1 week, 10 for 1 month.), page(M48) *** Trace, needs(Seeker), duration(1 hour), castingcost(3,1), time(1 min), notes(One attempt per day. May be cast on any person, animal or object. As long as maintained, the caster will know where the subject is by concentrating. Either subject must be present when the spell is cast, or 'Seeker' must be cast first. Use long-distance modifiers if subject is not in caster's presence.), page(M47) *** Seeker, needs(ADS:Magery, IQ=12, 2 GR:Seek Spells), duration(Instant), castingcost(3), time(1 sec), notes(One try per week. Use long-distance modifiers. Attunes caster to one individual or man-made item he is looking for. Gives a vision of the items location, or will lead him there if it is within a mile. +1 if caster has handled or is otherwise familiar with the item. -5 if there is not something associated with the item available to use as a link.), page(M47) *** Seek Earth (metal), duration(N/A), castingcost(3), time(10 sec), notes(Tells caster direction and approximate distance of any one type of earth, metal or stone. Use long distance modifiers. Any known sources may be excluded if the caster specifies them.), page(M28) *** Seek Machine, page(G95) *** Locksmith, needs(Apportation), duration(1 min), castingcost(2,2), time(1 sec), notes(Allows manipulation of fine parts, eg lock. Adds 5 to Lockpicking, if he has tools. Or lets a wizard with no tools attempt to open at normal skill. Gives similar bonus to Mechanic, etc where a 'third hand' is useful.), page(M61) *** Lightning (probably don't have), needs(6 Air), duration(Instant), castingcost(1 to 3), time(1 to 3 sec), notes(Each point, up to 3, does d-1 damage. SS13, Acc+3, 1/2D50, Max100 for bolt. Treat metal armour as PD0 DR 1. Remember that lightning will be conducted away by metal, so cars, bars, etc can distort or block the effects of a bolt.), page(M32) *** Copy, needs(ADS:Literacy, Dye), duration(Permanent), castingcost(2+1 per copy), time(5 sec), notes(Makes non-magical copies of a single page of writing. Paper or parchment must be provided. Does not duplicate functional scrolls, etc.), page(M52) *** Rider Within, needs(2 GR:Animal Control), castingcost(4,1), duration(1 min), time(3 sec), notes(Animal version of Soul Rider, lets the caster use the senses of the animal by concentrating.), page(M22) *** Soul Rider, needs(Mind-Reading), duration(1 min), castingcost(5/2), time(13 sec), notes(Caster can see through subjects senses when concentrating. Caster exerts no control. Mods as per Mind Reading.), page(M26) *** Shapeshifting, type(M/VH), needs(ADS:Magery, 6 spells), castingcost(6,2), duration(1 hour), time(3 sec), notes(Changes the caster into a specific form of animal. Retains intellect/skills and worn items. IQ loss for prolonged use.), page(M22) *** Total Paralysis (via staff), needs(Paralyze Limb), castingcost(5), duration(1 min), time(1 sec), notes(MUST touch target on the head, -5 to hit. Subject completely paralysed.), page(M24) *** Create Air, needs(Purify Air), duration(5 sec), castingcost(1), time(1 sec), notes(Cost is per hex as normal air pressure. This spell creates breathable air. Cast in air it produces an outward breeze for about 5 seconds, in a vacuum it creates breathable air, underwater it makes bubbles. Cast in stone or earth with will fill empty spaces with air, but not burst it.), page(M30) *** Purify Air, duration(Instant), castingcost(1), time(1 sec), notes(Cost is per hex. Spell removes all impurities from the air in the target area. While smoke could be removed one area at a time, poisons should be removed all at once to prevent some spreading. Will also freshen stale air, 1 hex of air will last 1 resting person 45 minutes.), page(M30) *** Heat, needs(Create Fire, Shape Fire), duration(1 min), castingcost(1 to 3,ditto), time(1 min), notes(Cost per individual hex is 3, 1 for fist sized, 2 for cubic foot. Each minute raises temperature by twenty degrees. Time can be halved by doubling the energy but not vice versa. Can produce heat up to that of a smith's forge. Useful for cooking, etc. Heat radiates normally. Suggest that caster's who make extensive use of this spell make a list of the melting points of various materials.), page(M33) *** Cold, needs(Heat), duration(1 min), castingcost(1 to 3,ditto), time(1 min), notes(As per Heat, but lowers the temperature by twenty degrees. Can reduce an object to absolute zero if maintained long enough. Many materials will shatter if struck while sufficiently cold.), page(M33) *** Enchant, type(M/VH), needs(ADS:Magery=2, 10 other colleges), duration(N/A), castingcost(-), time(-), notes(This spell must be known at 15+ to be able to cast enchantments. Always roll the lower of Enchant and the specific enchantment. Needed for all enchantments except Scroll. If assistants are used, their skill with Enchant and the spell must be 15+, but the roll is based on the caster's skill.), page(M38) *** Power, needs(Enchant, Recover Strength), duration(N/A), castingcost(500; 1000; 2000; x2 per point), time(Varies), notes(Reduces the cost of a spell cast through the item by the amount of Power, this is drawn from the mana in the surrounding air. Affects cost to cast and maintain. Zero cost to maintain is 'always on' which caster is awake to renew spells. Zero cost to cast is 'always on' even when caster is unconscious. In either case the caster can deactivate the spell at will. Halve Power in a low mana area and double in a high or very high mana area. Never provides 'extra' power.), page(M38) *** Golem, type(M/VH), needs(Enchant, Shape Earth, Animation), duration(N/A), castingcost(Varies), time(Varies), notes(Lets caster create and animate a permanent servant or warrior. Attributes given on page M116. Golems make excellent warriors, they never tire and are immune to stunning, pain, etc, and cannot be 'stolen' from the caster. Golem is 'always on' and follows verbal orders from the caster in 1 language which the caster can speak. It has no initiative an will not act when it has no instructions, but never forgets. Golems never heal unless Healing spells are cast on them by their caster, the exception is Resurrection which has no effect. If HT reaches 0 the Golem is destroyed. Creator must first construct the body, them cast this spell. Caster can order it to cease to be at any time. Requires no concentration or spell maintenance.), page(M39) *** Quick-Draw (tools), needs(Enchant, Apportation), duration(N/A), castingcost(300 per lb), time(Varies), notes(Minimum cost 300. 2000 for a quiver or other ammo container which places missiles into the wearers hands. May be cast on any tool. Weapon will leap to the owner's hand at his mental command and is instantly Ready. No roll needed. Will not work at over 1 yard or if the weapon is peacebonded, in a pack, etc. Weapon is never unready, even if unbalanced.), page(M40) *** Lighten (battlesuit), needs(Enchant), duration(N/A), castingcost(100 or 500), time(Varies), notes(Makes armour or shield lighten when WORN, not when carried. 100 to reduce by 25%, 500 to reduce by 50%.), page(M41) *** Fortify, needs(Enchant), duration(N/A), castingcost(50; 200; 800; 3000; 8000), time(Varies), notes(Costs listed in order of +1. Adds +1 to +5 DR to each PART of armour it is cast on. If using 'generic' armour, cast on Torso and use as protecting entire body.), page(M40) *** Deflect, needs(Enchant), duration(N/A), castingcost(100; 500; 2000; 8000; 20000), time(Varies), notes(Costs are listed in order of +1 each time. Spell can be incremented by paying cost difference and recasting the spell. +1 to +5 to PD on each PART of the armour. If using 'generic' armour, cast on the torso and use it as adding PD over the entire body.), page(M41) *** Staff, needs(Enchant), duration(N/A), castingcost(30), time(Varies), notes(Anything touched by a mage's staff, which has this spell on it, is considered to be touched by the mage for casting purposes. While many items may have the form of a staff or wand, they need not have this spell on them. The Staff spell is used when the mage wants an item to extend his reach. Many mages limit the staff so that others cannot use it against them - this is not automatic.), page(M41) *** Powerstone, needs(Enchant), duration(N/A), castingcost(20), time(Varies), notes(Turns a jewel into a mana store. One carat per point of maximum size of the Powerstone. Two successive failures block any further increase in the size of the powerstone. CF DESTROYS the jewel. Each casting increases the size of the powerstone by 1, up to the maximum for the jewel. The jewel is usually opal. Each ordinary failure warps the stone, giving it a quirk. These usually either limit its use, or its ability to recharge. Caster knows if casting failed, but must use Analyze Magic to determine what the new quirk is. A powerstone is maintains the same charge level when it is enchanted, and cannot be used to enchant itself. Recharge rates vary by mana level.), page(M41) *** Halt Aging, type(M/VH), needs(ADS:Magery=2, 6 Healing), duration(5d days), castingcost(20), time(1 sec), notes(One try per week. Stops subject aging of 5d days. Cannot be cast again until the first spell wears off.), page(M45) *** Youth, type(M/VH), needs(ADS:Magery=3, Halt Aging), duration(Instant), castingcost(100), time(1 sec), notes(One try per month. Removes 1d MONTHS from the subjects age. Any attribute levels gained or lost in that period due to aging are reversed. Does not affect memories, skills, injuries, etc gained during the 'lost' months.), page(M45) *** Alarm, needs(Tell Time), duration(1 week), castingcost(1), time(1 sec), notes(Will alert the subject at a specified time up to one week after casting, awakening him if necessary. Will also remind him of one thing, provided he was told that thing as the spell was cast.), page(M47) *** Tell Time, duration(Instant), castingcost(1), time(1 sec), notes(Tells caster exact time, day and year.), page(M47) *** Detect Magic, needs(ADS:Magery), duration(Instant), castingcost(2), time(5 sec), notes(Lets caster determine if any one object is magical. If successful, a second casting can determine if it is temporary or permanent. A CS on either roll *** Aura, needs(Detect Magic), duration(Instant), castingcost(3), time(1 sec), notes(Shows caster aura of subject. Gives general insight into the personality of the subject. Particularly - shows if and how powerful a mage, whether or not they are possessed or controlled and if they are experiencing a violent emotion. Illusions and created beings have no aura, neither do inanimate objects. A zombie has a fainted death-aspected aura. A vampire retains their living aura. A CS will reveal secret magical traits like lycanthropy, vampirism, unnatural longevity, etc.), page(M47) will fully identify the spell, as per Analyse Magic.), page(M47) *** Measurement, duration(Instant), castingcost(1), time(1 sec), notes(Cost is per hex. Tells caster any one of the following about the subject: weight, measurements in all dimensions, volume, precise colour - useful for painters and jewellers.), page(M47) *** Mage Sight, needs(Detect Magic), duration(1 min), castingcost(3,2), time(1 sec), notes(Caster can detect all magical items in his field of vision. Each such item will have an aura similar to that of a living being. Items under armour, clothes or up to 1/2 inch of solid material will still glow. Permanent items glow stronger than temporary ones. Enchanted or magical beings glow, mages do not unless they have spells on them at the time. A good roll may have the aura give an indication of the type of magic. A CS will allows the caster to fully identify every item he sees. Note that any mage has an inherent ability similar to this spell.), page(M49) *** Identify Spell, needs(Detect Magic), duration(Instant), castingcost(2), time(1 sec), notes(Tells caster what spells have been cast in the last five seconds, or are being cast on or by the subject. Does not ID permanent magic items. One casting will ID ALL spells cast on or by the subject. However, completely unknown spells give only a vague description. As a rule, every wizard has heard of every spell in the Magic Book, unless some are deemed secret. They will not have heard of GM or player created spells.), page(M49) *** Analyze Magic, needs(Identify Spell), duration(Instant), castingcost(8), time(1 hour), notes(Tells caster what spell/s are on the subject. If more than one, reveals least energy spell and indicates that there are more spells. Gives limited information about spells the caster does no know, and is resisted by spells which conceal magic. Once a spell is known, it can be excluded and Analyze Magic cast again to determine the next spell. The Name of an item, if it has one, requires a separate casting and automatically resists at +5, and each caster only gets one try ever. The same is true of the Password spell.), page(M49) *** Glass Wall, needs(Earth Vision | 5 Knowledge), duration(1 min), castingcost(4,2), time(1 sec), notes(Lets the caster see through a single wall, ceiling, floor or similar barrier up to 4 feet thick. Material is irrelevant.), page(M49) *** Infravision, needs(Keen Eyes | 5 LD), duration(1 min), castingcost(3,1), time(1 sec), notes(Lets the subject see 'infrared' or heat rays in addition to normal light. Thus, in the dark, hot things will glow brightly; warm things will glow dimly. Warm-blooded creatures and their trails will glow. A heat source like a campfire will produce 'light' which will reflect off surrounding objects. This spell will not allow invisible objects to be seen.), page(M50) *** Dark Vision, needs(Night Vision | Infravision), duration(1 min), castingcost(5,2), time(1 sec), notes(Subject can see even in complete darkness, this includes the Darkness spell.), page(M50) *** Repair, needs(ADS:Magery=2, Rejoin), duration(Permanent), castingcost(3 per 10lb), time(1 sec per lb), notes(Minimum cost of 6. Permanently repairs a broken inanimate object. If some small parts are missing, skill is at -5, and appropriate materials to make the missing parts must be provided. If the spell succeeds, the missing parts will reappear. Broken magical items will not regain their magic when repaired, but weakened magic items can be restored to full durability.), page(M52) *** Counterspell, needs(ADS:Magery), duration(Permanent), castingcost(1/2 countered spell), time(5 sec), notes(Based on cost of spell without reduction for high skill. Cast at the LOWER of Counterspell, or the spell being dispelled. Will not affect 'permanent' spells, but can be used to eliminate pieces of an area enchantment. Spell being countered must be known to caster. Resisted by subject spell.), page(M53) *** Dispel Magic, needs(Counterspell, 12 spells), duration(Permanent), castingcost(3), time(1 sec per point), notes(Cost is per hex. This spell dispels ALL spells in an area and is NOT selective. Certain spells are unaffected, namely those which require Remove Curse. The spells need not be known. To removed specific spells, use Counterspell.), page(M53) *** Restore Mana, type(M/VH), needs(Dispel Magic, 10 colleges), duration(Permanent), castingcost(10), time(1 hour), notes(Cost is per hex. This spell is the reverse of the Drain Mana spell. It restores the mana level to the average of the surrounding area. Unlike Drain Mana, there is no risk of losing Magery.), page(M54) *** Daze, needs(Foolishness), duration(1 min), castingcost(3,2), time(2 sec), notes(Subject looks and acts normal, but simply will not notice what is going on around him, or remember it later. A dazed guard will stand there while a thief walks past. Any injury, or successful resistance to a spell, causes the subject to return to an alert state.), page(M57) *** Mass Daze, needs(Daze, IQ=13), duration(1 min), castingcost(2,1), time(1 sec per point), notes(Cost is per hex, minimum of 2 hexes. As per Daze but can be cast over an area.), page(M57) *** Mental Stun, needs(Daze | Stun), duration(Instant), castingcost(2), time(1 sec), notes(Subject is stunned until he makes an IQ roll to recover.), page(M57) *** Sleep, needs(Daze), duration(up to 8 hours), castingcost(4), time(3 sec), notes(Subject falls asleep, if standing he will fall without waking. He can be awakened by a blow, loud noise, etc but will be 'stunned' and must make an IQ roll to wake fully. The Awaken spell will act normally. Subject will sleep for 8 hours otherwise and awaken normally.), page(M57) *** Mass Sleep, needs(Sleep, IQ=13), duration(upto 8 hours), castingcost(3), time(1 sec per point), notes(Cost is per hex, minimum of 2 hexes. As per Sleep but can be cast over an area.), page(M57) *** Keen Eyes (for _foo Vision_), duration(30 min), castingcost(1 to 5,1/2 cast), time(1 sec), notes(Increases subject's IQ rolls to see by 1 per point in spell.), page(M60) *** Keen Ears, duration(30 min), castingcost(1 to 5,1/2 cast), time(1 sec), notes(Increases subject's IQ rolls to hear by 1 per point in spell.), page(M60) *** Haste, duration(1 min), castingcost(2,1), time(2 sec), notes(Cost is per point added, AND per hex of creature. Eg 2 hexes and +2 Move is x4. Increases subjects Move and Dodge by up to 3 hexes per turn.), page(M69) *** Great Haste, type(M/VH), needs(ADS:Magery, Haste, IQ=12), duration(10 sec), castingcost(5), time(3 sec), notes(If subject <> caster then subject also loses 5 Fatigue at the end of the spell. Allows subject two actions per turn, once at the usual point, and once at the end.), page(M69) *** Apportation, needs(ADS:Magery), duration(1 min), castingcost(Varies, ditto), time(1 sec), notes(Cost 1 for 1lb, 2 for 10lb, 3 for 50lb, 4 for 200lb, +1 per 100lb added. Lets caster move objects without touching them. This is not a Teleport. If the caster cannot see the item, distance modifiers apply, but caster must know exactly the objects location and properties to do this at all. item has Move 1.), page(M60) *** Lighten Burden, needs(Apportation), duration(10 min), castingcost(Varies,1/2 cast), time(3 sec), notes(Cost 3 for 25%, 5 for 50%. Reduces burden carried by subject by that percentage.), page(M69) *** Manipulate, needs(Locksmith), duration(1 min), castingcost(4,3/10lb), time(3 sec), notes(Allows manipulation of items larger than that of Locksmith spell. Ropes can be untied, doorknobs turned, etc. Caster need not touch subject. Any action complex enough for a -ve modifier requires the same modifier for this spell.), page(M61) *** Undo, needs(Locksmith), duration(Instant), castingcost(3 to 6), time(1 sec), notes(Three is a single fastening, plus one per additional fastening up to xis for everything in the hex. This spell undoes knots and fastenings of any kind that could normally be undone by hand, but not locks. A CS would even undo chain mail. Useful to surreptitiously rob someone of earrings, necklaces, etc. Will unstring bows, open belts and bodices, etc. If there is a person in the target hex, they resist with IQ. This spell may, at GM's choice, be boosted so the stronger items, like chains, can be undone.), page(M61) *** Teleport, type(M/VH), needs(Hawk Flight | IQ=15, 10 colleges), duration(Instant), castingcost(Varies), time(1 sec), notes(Cost <10hex - 3~P <20hex - 4~P <100hex - 5~P <500hex - 6~P <2mi - 7~P <10mi - 8~P <100mi - 9~P <1000mi - 10~P + per x10. Skill penalty of COST-3. Penalties for lack of familiarity with destination. Disorientation. Fail by 1 = 1d damage. Fail by more = random teleportation.), page(M62) *** Flight, type(M/VH), needs(ADS:Magery=2, Levitation), duration(1 min), castingcost(5,3), time(2 sec), notes(Lets the subject fly at Move 10, less encumbrance. A flying character can move and fight normally, and has a combat advantage if above his foes.), page(M62) *** Hawk Flight, type(M/VH), needs(Flight), duration(1 min), castingcost(8,4), time(3 sec), notes(A very fast Flight spell. Subject has Move 40, 80mph, encumbrance costs x4. Subject can move and fight normally, and has a combat advantage if above his foes.), page(M62) *** Ethereal Body, type(M/VH), needs(ADS:Magery=3, Body of Air | 6 Movement), duration(10 sec), castingcost(8,4), time(30 sec), notes(Subjects body and clothing, but not equipment become ethereal and can move through solid objects and creatures. Need not eat, drink, breathe. Can speak and be seen, although is translucent. Communication & Empathy or Mind spells are effective and are resisted at -2, as are mind and soul spells of the Necromantic college. No physical and few other magical attacks can affect the subject. Subject can use magic, but treat as a low mana area. Ethereal bodies are mutually intangible.), page(M63) *** Steal Health, needs(Steal Strength), duration(Permanent), castingcost(None to caster), time(1 min), notes(As per Steal Strength, but drains HT instead of ST, and restores Hit Points not Fatigue. Stops at HT-1, or usual conditions.), page(M64) *** Steal Strength, needs(Minor Healing), duration(Permanent), castingcost(None for caster), time(1 min), notes(Time is per 3 ST drained from subject. Subject must be helpless or willing. Must touch subject. Each 3 ST taken from subject gives caster 1 Fatigue. Loss is permanent. Spell stops at 0 ST, when caster decides, or caster reaches Fatigue maximum.), page(M64) *** Missile Shield, needs(Apportation | Shield), duration(1 min), castingcost(5,2), time(1 sec), notes(Deflects missiles by the smallest fraction needed to miss the subject. Does not work on spells. The existence of this spell should be concealed from opponents for as long as possible, they 'just missed'.), page(M68) *** Reverse Missiles, needs(Missile Shield | Force Dome), duration(1 min), castingcost(7,3), time(1 sec), notes(Turns any ranged attack, including spells, upon the attacker. If the attacker's 'to hit' roll is successful, he hits himself - if not, he sees the missile fly back toward him and miss. The game effect is as though the missile had bounced straight back from the subject to the attacker.), page(M68) *** Sound Vision, needs(Keen Ears | ADS:Acute Hearing), duration(1 min), castingcost(5,2), time(1 sec), notes(Gives Sonar to subject. Attacks against invisible at -2. can still use normal vision too.), page(M70) *** Silence, needs(Sound), duration(1 min), castingcost(2,1), time(1 sec), notes(Cost is per hex. Nothing in the area of effect can make a sound and no sound enters. Area only is affected, people leaving can speak etc. Can prevent spoken spells from working.), page(M69) *** Hush, needs(Silence), duration(10 sec/1 min), castingcost(2,1), time(2 sec), notes(Duration 10 sec if the subject ATTEMPTED to resist, otherwise 1 minute. The object, living or not can make no sounds, either deliberately or accidentally. Add 3 to Stealth or subtract 5 from Hearing roll of a listener. This can silence a caster!!), page(M70) *** Permanent Shapeshifting, type(M/VH), needs(ADS:Magery=3, Shapeshifting), page(G12) *** Itch, castingcost(2), duration(Until scratched), time(1 sec), notes(Target at -2 DX until they scratch for 1 turn. Don't forget to allow for armour, etc. Not cumulative.), page(M23) *** Tickle, needs(Itch), page(G15) *** Lengthen Limb, needs(ADS:Magery=3, Shapeshifting), page(G18) *** Steelwraith, needs(ADS:Magery=2, Walk Through Earth), page(G22) *** Resist Lightning, needs(6 Air), page(G27) *** Defending Weapon, needs(Enchant, Air-Golem), page(G40) *** Shield, needs(ADS:Magery=2), duration(1 min), castingcost(2 to 10,1/2 cast), time(1 sec), notes(Adds 1 to PD for each two points in spell, up to 5. Treated for all purposes as PD from armour.), page(M67) *** Manastone, type(M/VH), needs(Enchant), page(G42) *** Phase, needs(ADS:Magery=3, Plane Shift | ADS:Magery=3, Ethereal Body), page(G46) *** Accelerate Time, type(M/VH), needs(ADS:Magery=2, IQ=15, 2 spells from 10 colleges), page(G50) *** Suspend Time, type(M/VH), needs(ADS:Magery=3, Slow Time), page(G50) *** Time Out, type(M/VH), needs(ADS:Magery=3, Accelerate Time), page(G51) *** Body-Reading, needs(Sense Life | Awaken), page(G51) *** Tell Position, needs(Measurement), page(G58) *** Know Location, needs(ADS:Magery, Tell Position), page(G58) *** Test Area, needs(Measurement), page(G58) *** Seek Magic, needs(Detect Magic), page(G60) *** Far-Feeling, needs(ADS:Magery), page(G61) *** Small Vision, needs(Keen Eyes | 5 LD), page(G65) *** Explode, type(M/VH), needs(ADS:Magery=2, Shatter, Apportation), page(G66) *** Rive, type(M/VH), needs(ADS:Magery=2, Shatter), page(G66) *** Transparency, needs(Dye, Stone to Earth), page(G67) *** Toughen, needs(Shatterproof), page(G67) *** Transform Object, type(M/VH), needs(ADS:Magery=2, Reshape, 4 GR:Create Spells), page(G68) *** Maintain Spell, type(M/VH), needs(Link), page(G72) *** Suspend Mana, type(M/VH), needs(Suspend Magic, 10 Colleges), page(G74) *** Fascinate, needs(Daze), page(G75) *** Vigil, type(M/VH), needs(ADS:Magery=2, Sleep, Lend Strength), page(G75) *** Command, needs(ADS:Magery=2, Forgetfulness), page(G77) *** Distant Blow, needs(ADS:Magery=2, Apportation), page(G81) *** Block, needs(ADS:Magery), page(G91) *** Tech spells (g94-g106) * Equipment ** personal equipment a pair of custom gauntlets that make up some combination of the power glove (UT-16) the long-arm glove (UT2-12) the zap glove (UT2 64) the neuroglove (UT2 64) scrambler (UT52, TL10) holdout blaster pistol monofilament +d, 1/10 DR (UT62, TL9) bioplas contacts neural interface finger (UT2 104) suspend ** force sword (x2) ** force shield bracelet ** cashcard 2400 | 2377 plus: 100K, + 20K for winning * Kesselar ** Ship Layout ------------------------------------------------------------ Also, for ship allocation, we currently have: Deck 4 rear are engineering and engines middle hangar bay forward sensor array Deck 3 rear enginnering and engines guest quarters exit (through deck 4) Deck 2 Private area forward 30x30 conference room quarters are 30x40 each, lavishly appointed 50x50 lab A physical training and rec? 50x50 lab B magical research? 50x50 lab C tech research/nanofac? 50x50 lab D science/tech lab full medical station (E) 100x100 library (F) generic shrine (G) (for God. get it? :-) Deck 1 bridge armory secure storage training/entertainment area ** Equipment List --------------------------------------------------------- The following lists are my second pass through Ultra-Tech, Ultra-Tech 2, and Space. Page numbers are listed after most items. Equipment suggestions are listed in three categories: stuff that I'd expect everyone to have and carry ``all the time'', equipment we'd leave on the ship most of the time, but occasionally pull out for special circumstances, and stuff that would stay on the ship most of the time. Suggested equipment `per person' utility belt (SP45) contact mike & ear button (SP46) towel (SP45) survival knife (SP45) flashlight (UT15) either multiview goggles (UT20) or nightshades (UT20) skinsuit (UT25) one type of mini tool kit (UT16) one of (fire extinguisher (UT15) high-power drill (UT15) laser torch (UT15) sonic probe (UT15) electronic lockpick (UT83) pocket pack (UT27) electronic handcuffs (UT91) neurovine (UT97) ascepaline (UT98) survival watch (UT2 27) datastring (UT2 40) vid glasses (UT2 44) Survival/Special Ops Gear tracer needle (UT91) spinneret (UT22) televiewers (UT20) either filtration canteen (UT23) or vapor canteen (UT23) monowire spool (UT22) scanners survival foam (UT24) rebreather (UT25) respirator/reducing respirator (UT26) ai battlecomp (UT31) communicators (UT36) helmet video (UT38) holovisor (UT39) viral solvent (UT84) com tap (UT84) nanobug (UT84) distort belt (UT86) bug detector (UT90) bug stomper (UT90) privacy field (UT90) crediline (UT91) criminology kit (UT91) biohound (UT91) x-ray scanner (UT91) backpack parawing (UT114) underwater propulsion pack (UT114) thruster pack (UT114) nightwing ultralight (UT115) fusion flight pack (UT115) zero-G worksuit (UT115) smart rope (UT2 19) backpack aesa (UT2 24) indicator goo (UT2 26) mini life jacket (UT2 26) hoverplate (UT2 28) catalyst crystals (UT2 28) suitspray (UT2 28) biobeacon (UT2 40) datastring spool (UT2 42) Partial ship equipment list cybertek (UT16) tool kits (UT16) periphreals pack (UT32) including reader & recorder (UT38) neural induction helmet (UT37) sleep teacher (UT39) teaching suit (UT39) stealth capsules? (UT85) security scanners (UT88) distorion mesh (UT90) x-ray scanner (UT91) medical stuff (UT94-UT108) memory plastic and metal (UT2 18) molecular glue (UT2 19) [heavy] plasma torch (UT2 19) gravitic screwdriver (UT2 20) gourmet food processor (UT2 29) grooming gun (UT2 29) vr stuff (UT2 36) neural induction filed/pad (UT2 42) *** UT Page numbers 15 laser torch high power drill fire extinguisher exoskeleton with armored vacc suit (EAVS) or vacc suit (EVACS) biphase rope flashlight 16 power glove monowire stuff cybertek mini-toolkit tool kits 17 minifac sonic probe 18-19 sensors 20 goggles, visors, shades, and contacts (check UT2) 21 radiation sensors 22-26 rope, depth gauge, piton, wet suit, spinneret, canteen, tent, foam, air, heat/vacc suit, respirator, skin, zero-G, eva suit 27 pocket pack 32 printer, scanner, drive farm, disks 33 programs 34 database systems 36 commo gear 38 recording gear 39 sleep teacher/suit 40 game systems 41-70 weapons 74-77 armor 79-80 defensive systems 83 93-100 med stuff tool kits? ** Full Ship Description -------------------------------------------------- The Kesselar Delician Victory-Class Spacecruiser Prototype The Kesselar is a modified Ignathi spacecruiser purchased by Cainlan as a proof-of-concept. The ship was placed in storage in the mountain and then salvaged by Tucker just before he died in order to prevent the Darkening from spreading to other worlds. Tucker brought the un-modified ship and its computer bank with him to the new timestream when he was brought out of stasis by the Delic II PC party. Although considered one of the finest spaceships ever built by the Ignathi, the Kesselar underwent significant renovations during the time that it was docked in the Citadel's central hanger bay. All technical circuitry was overlaid with a magical conduit system and the main energy source was tied together with a magical core. An organic mind was also tied into the ship's main computer core and a J'loer was immersed into the ship proper. What emerged was a marvel - a ship that could run on both physical and magical energy, possessing its own intelligence and able to make an manifestation of itself that can interact with the crew. *** Hull - 20,000 cubic yards (cy) (base mass 7 tons) (HT 5,000) *** Armor - Sixteen layers of armor (Defense Factor 5) (added mass 49 tons) (HR 30, HP 40,0000) *** Shields -- 16 force generators (Defense Factor 5) (added mass 128 tons -64 cy, 128 MW energy drain) *** Streamlining - Winged (+1.75 tons) *** Compartmentalization - Total compartmentalization (+7 tons) All walls and doors are AC 4, 50 HP *** Stress Rating - 300% (+900 tons) *** Power Plant - Total Conversion MW output 2000 MW (25 tons, -300 cy) (DR 10, HP 3,000) *** Maneuver Drive - Reactionless Drive - 2G (TF 3600 Tons) (180 tons, -720 cy, 360 MW) (DR 5, HP 3,000) *** Stardrives - Warp Drive (WTF 7200) ship can cross 4 parsecs in a day (362 tons, -720 cy, 720 MW) 4 units (DR 5, HP 2,000) *** Required Crew - 6 *** Crew Requirements - Bridge, Controls Stations (6 tons -150 cy) *** Computer - (TL 13 Complexity 6) o Optical base system o Software o Astrogation (skill 9 or +4 to roll) o Damage Control (+5 to roll ) o Datalink o Electronics Repair (skill: 14 or +4 to roll) o Environmental Analysis (skill: 11 or +3 to roll) o Gunner (skill 9 or +5 to roll) o Internal Security (skill 14 or +2 to Electronics Operations (Security Systems)) o Interpreter (skill 14 - at start, only common in database at start - see Translation skill) o Medical (+8 to Surgery, +4 to First Aid/Healing) o News Daemon o Optical Recognition o Personality Simulation o Routine Vehicle Operations (skill 12 in all Piloting/Driving) o Targeting (+2 to Gunner rolls) o Translation (Mental/Very Hard levels, see Ultra-Tech, p. 34) o Intrusion and Security Programs o Worm (+2 to any Computer Hacking roll) o Security (All computer systems -8 to hacking roll) o Defense (passive - skill 14, see Ultra-Tech, p. 34) o DB systems - 200 Billion Terabytes (200 Trillion Gigs) of Space o Virtual Reality Systems o VR Manager (Complexity 6, Full VR) o Virtual World ("lifelike imagery" 1 billion Gig) o Luxury Accomodations for crew (6 people) plus 6 passengers -- (48 tons, -1200 cy) *** Life Support - Full lifesystem for 20 people (12 tons, -44 cy, -10 MW) *** Weapons Systems (DR 200, HP 10,000 each) o 5 Light Lasers - (10 tons, -10 cy, FP 5 each, 5 MW each) o 3 Medium Lasers - (15 tons, -15 cy, FP 20 each, 20 MW each) o 2 Heavy Lasers - ( 20 tons, -16 cy, FP 40 each, 40 MW each) o 2 Particle Beams - (30 tons, -20 cy, FP 50 each, 50 MW each) o 1 Heavy Particle Beam - (25 tons, -15 cy, FP 150, 150 MW) o 1 Disruption Beam - (40 tons, -25 cy, FP 200, 200 MW) forward line of fire only o Missiles o 40 Light Antimatter Missiles - (.2 tons, -10 cy, FP 200 each) o 20 Medium Antimatter Missiles - (.4 tons, -20 cy, FP 500 each) o 10 Heavy Antimatter Missiles - (10 tons, -40 cy, FP 1000 each) *** Sensor System - (5 tons, -5 cy) o Advanced extreme-range gravscanner with rangefinder (scan 31, DR 3, HT 125, electronics) o Advanced extreme-range thermograph (scan 29, DR 3, HT 20, electronics) o Early-warning radar with rangefinder (scan 34, DR 3, HT 125, electronics) o Advanced long-range multiscanner (scan 23, DR 3, HT 30, electronics) o Early-warning air-search radar with rangefinder (scan 37/31, DR 3, HT 125, electronics) o ALLTV (+8). o Stealth Suite - TL 13, Level 5 suite (6.4 tons, -16 cy, 16 MW) o Heavy deceptive jammer (jam 16, DR 3, HT 25, electronics) o Heavy area jammer (jam 16, DR 3, HT 25, electronics) o Terrain-following radar *** Communications Suite o FTL Radio *** Gravity and Contragravity Systems o Artificial Gravity - 70 units (70 tons, -70 cy, 70 MW) o Pressor/Tractor Beams - 2 2000 ton units (40 tons, -80 cy, 20 MW each) o Contragravity - Grav Compensators (2.8 tons, -2.8cy, 2.8 MW). Protects for up to 2 G of accelerations *** Accessories o Airlocks o Port-side primary airlock - Large airlock 12 adults (2 tons, -24 cy) o Port-side secondary airlock - Standard airlock 6 adults (1 ton, -8 cy) o Starboard-side primary airlock -- Large airlock 12 adults (2 tons, -24 cy) o Starboard-side secondary airlock - Standard airlock 6 adults (1 ton, -8 cy) o Dorsal-side emergency airlock - One man airlock (.5 ton, -2 cy) o Ventral-side airlock - One man airlock (.5 ton, -2 cy) o Energy Passage Tubes - One on each primary airlock (2 tons, 4 MW) o Retractable Landing Gear - (30 tons, -300 cy) o Hangar Deck - (1 ton, -2000 cy) o Other Accessories -- automatic fire suppression, *** Final Specifications o Tonnage: 1800 Tons o Used Volume: 6518 cy o Free Volume: 13482 cy o Total DF 15 o Total PF 50 o TL 13 *** Magical Modifications The Kesselar has received one major modification. The Conversion power source has been tied into a magical converter that enables it to charge a set of magical batteries laid throughout the ship. These batteries can hold an additional 2000 MW of energy, so the ship can run entirely on physical energy or magical energy or a combination of both. This reserve energy can be diverted to weapons, increasing their damage (a weapon can be overcharged by 10% safely, increasing its firepower by 10%), the drive systems (again, a 10% overcharge can be safely applied) or used as a separate power source to power other energy uses. *** The Bridge The Bridge of the Kesselar has six consoles: o Helm - Control of the ship's sub-light engines and directional systems o Astrogation - Control over the Hyperdrive and Hyperspace navigational systems o Weapons - Control over the ship's various weapons systems o Sensors - Control over the ship's sensors and stealth systems as well as the tractor/pressor beams o Comm - Control over the ship's communications systems o Science - Control over the ship's internal sensors, and access to the ship's computer databanks. Each of the consoles can divert high level control of its functionality to another console. However, no one console has the ability to control more than three consoles at any time. *** The Ship With a hull size of 20,000 cy, the Kesselar officially qualifies as a destroyer, if it were classified as a military ship. However, the Kesselar's outward appearance is that of a freighter. Of the ship's 6 warp units, only three are actually visible during normal operation. After the jump to hyperspace, the remaining 3 units can be uncovered and activated. Likewise, most of the ship's weapon turrets are hidden within the armor plating of the hull and will not be detected unless they are revealed or a thorough sensor sweep of the entire ship is done. The interior of the ship is compromised of 4 decks. The rear of decks 3 and 4 are taken up by engineering and the massive sub-light and warp engines. The hangar and the forward sensor array occupy the rest of deck 4. A highly guarded passageway leads from the ground through deck 4 and into deck 3. The front half of deck 3 is devoted to secure quarters for passengers. These quarters have a number of sensors and monitoring devices. However, they are sumptuously furnished. o 6 Bedrooms - Fully appointed 20 ft. x 20 ft. bedrooms, with private baths o Central Meeting/Dining Room - With food replicators and a nice long meeting table that can seat twenty easily The second deck is entirely given over to the crew of the ship. At the nose of the ship is a 30 ft. x 30 ft. conference room with floor to ceiling glass windows around the room. The crew quarters are each 30 ft x 40 ft, with private baths. Also on the deck are a library, 3 50 ft x 50 ft labs, a full technical lab (with science scanners and toolkits), a full medical station and even a generic shrine. At the front of the top deck is the bridge, with its six console and 32 ft. holographic projection screen. Just behind the bridge are the armory and secure storage areas. Finally, the rear half of the top deck is a large open training area with a number of holographic projectors. *** Medium Shuttle "Spacelifter" (TL 11) The NAT "Spacelifter" is a medium-sized commercial shuttle. Vehicles like this one can be found on every spaceport or in the hangars of tramp merchanters who can't rely on local facilities. The 500 cy craft transports up to 80 tons and 40 passengers to and from orbit. With a full load, the shuttle can operate on worlds up to 1.2 G. With the listed load, this rises to 1.35 G. A full load gives 2.4 G (2.7 G with the listed load). Food and air last for 176/persons days. Sensors are a radar (320 miles) and ALLTV. The durasteel armor can resist infantry weapons. For a TL11 craft, the shuttle is surprisingly primitive, to make maintenance easier. It requires 0.5 man-hours of maintenance for every hour of flight. (DF 6, FP 0, TL 11) o Structure: 13,500 cf cheap medium body (HT 6,000), max. load 270 tons, very good streamlining, sealed body, four retractable wheels (HT 250/500), vertol lift system. o Propulsion: Two 270 ton reactionless engines (DR 5, HT 800). o Power: 55 MW "large" fusion plant (DR 5, HT 175) and 1 MWh rechargeable cells (DR 5, HT 6). o Accomodation: 4 standard seats and 40 roomy seats. Vision: Slits. o Crew Requirements: Pilot, co-pilot, 2*flight attendant (optional). o Accessories: Crashwebs, compact fire entinguisher (2 units), 4*44 man-days life support, radiation shielding, medium radar (scan 28, DR 3, HT 4, electronics), ALLTV (+8), two airlocks, two cargo ramps, four minicomps (C6, DR 3, HT 4, electronics), dual controls, galley (7 units), two secure long-distance radios (DR 3, HT 4, electronics), two transponders, searchlight (DR 5, HT 8, exposed equipment), neutrino communicator, heavy tractor beam (DR 5, HT 75, equipment). Programs: Computer navigation, database (3.25 GB maps), datalink, sensor operation (C6, skill 20 or +9), routine vehicle operation (C6, skill 19). o Cargo: 4,000 cf (and 856.7 cf access space). o Armor: 1800 points cheap armor, F6/400 B6/200 R6/300 L6/300 T6/200 U6/400. o Statistics: Cost $5,000,000, design mass 135 tons, max. payload 135 tons, max. cargo 80 tons, current load 65 tons, loaded mass 200 tons, size modifier +7, radar signature +7, IR signature +11, acoustic signature +7 (ground) or +3 (air). o Ground Performance: Speed factor 26, top speed 357.5 mph, acceleration 13.75 mph/s, deceleration 10 mph/s, MR 0.25, SR 6. o Water Performance: None. o Air Performance: Speed factor 72, top speed 846 mph, acceleration 23.5 mph/s, deceleration 10 mph/s, MR 2, SR 4, ceiling unlimited. *** 2 "Colibri" Airbikes (TL 11) The K-Star "Colibri" is part two of the TL11 scout kit (look for the other K-Star products). The airbike can carry one or two scouts over all kinds of terrain on terrestrial planets up to 2 G (with slightly decreased payload). The power lasts for four hours unless the ladar is working (it cuts a few minutes). The improved durasteel armor might stop fragments or archaic weapons. A ladar (16 miles) is the only sensor. It might look like the speederbikes from _Return_of_the_Jedi_. o Structure: 10 cf cheap XH body (HT90), max. load 0.45 tons, good streamlining, sealed body, two skids (DR 4, HT15), flotation hull (flotation 550 lbs.), vertol lift. o Propulsion: 0.5t reactionless engine (DR 5, HT 12). o Power: 200 KWh rechargeable cell (DR 5, HT 4). o Accomodation: Two external seats. o Accessories: Cheap mini ladar (scan 21, DR 3, HT 2, electronics), dumb midget comp (C4, DR 3, HT 2, electronics), secure tactical radio, transponder. Programs: Computer navigation, database (own tech readout), datalink, sensor operation (skill 16 or +5). o Cargo: 1 cf (and 0.54 cf wasted space). o Armor: 110 points standard armor, F4/20 B4/15 L4/20 R4/20 T4/15 U4/20. o Statistics: Cost $10,000, design mass 180 lbs., max. payload 720 lbs., max. cargo 90 lbs., current load 240 lbs., loaded mass 0.21 tons, size modifier 0, radar signature 0, IR signature 0, acoustic signature 0. o Ground Performance: Speed factor 20, top speed 265 mph, acceleration 13.25 mph/s, deceleration 5 mph/s, MR 0.25, SR 3. o Water Performance: Speed factor 2, top speed 26.5, acceleration 6.625 mph/s, deceleration 13.3125 mph/s, MR 0.75, SR 4, draft 15". o Air Performance: Speed factor 39, top speed 429 mph, acceleration 22 mph/s, deceleration 10 mph/s, MR 2.5, SR 2, ceiling unlimited. *** Light Interceptor (1) DF 10 (2 armor, 2 shields, 6 stealth) Space Mass Power Thrust Firepower 200 - Hull 0.04 - Armor 2 - Force Fields 2 4 4 - Streamlining 0.01 - Compartmentalization 0 0 0 - Power Plant 4.25 4.25 - [factor] grams can last 5 years Maneuver Drives 160 40 80 800 StarDrives 0 0 0 Crew and Passengers 1.5 0.5 Life Support 0.1 0.1 2 days of life support Weapons Heavy Particle Beams 5 7.5 50 50 Railgun 8 4 8 12 Lt Antimatter Missiles (4) 1 0.2 0 200 Optional Not needed in all flights Sensors and Comm. 5 5 1 Stealth 6 2.4 6 Gravity and ContraGrav 0 0 0 Grav Compensators 1 1 0.2 Can protect up to 200 tons of mass and cancels 4 G of accel. Accessories Computer - - - Landing Gear 0 1.3 0 193.85 72.3 149.2 Stress Rating 0.75 126.525 Max Accel: 6.322861095 *** Heavy Interceptor (1) DF: 12 (4 armor, 6 shields, 2 stealth) Space Mass Power Thrust Firepower 200 - Hull 0.04 - Armor 32 - Force Fields 8 16 16 - Streamlining 0.01 - Compartmentalization 0 0 0 - Power Plant 7.25 7.25 - [factor] grams can last 5 years Maneuver Drives 140 35 70 700 StarDrives 0 0 0 Crew and Passengers 1.5 0.5 Life Support 0.1 0.1 2 days of life support Weapons Heavy Particle Beams 20 30 200 200 Railgun 4 2 4 6 Lt Antimatter Missiles (4) 1 0.2 0 200 Optional Not needed in all flights Sensors and Comm. 5 5 1 Stealth 2 0.8 2 Gravity and ContraGrav 0 0 0 Grav Compensators 1 1 0.2 Can protect up to 200 tons of mass and cancels 4 G of accel. Accessories Computer - - - Landing Gear 0 2 0 189.85 131.9 293.2 Stress Rating 0.5 197.85 Max Accel: 3.538033864 * Notes ** Igeshi Holon Gure - reserved penthouse Michael Rappea - Aksani prime, well off, bills go to ``Rappea family'' PMR - People's Military Resistance ** Aliases Jericel Kheltorin - Yoav - Malik Shadow `Spider' - Chad - Lars Schmidt Alskal Vatorel - Shabby - Hal Gardner Tevik - Rob - Nathan Christopher Lake Edison - Joe - Adrian Platt Mike - - Scott Thompson Kim - - Julie Sun ** Virius Order of St. John - monastic order of monks. looking for Claudio pay phone number: +4 24 666 17104 phone buffer number: 0 555 121 ** ships wolf class destroyer `Raptor' 2 timos class fast cruisers `Squall' & `Thunderhead' terror class battlecruiser `Gaurdian' warhawk class cruiser `Patexent' galeho class corvet `Ardent' remian class explorer `Investigator' * mecha story the basic idea is that some people (I had thought including Spider, although that's obviously changeable) have been working on a project to improve the links between mecha and pilots and magic and technology, with the eventual goal (at least in Spider's mind) of achieving a system wherein someone could cast spells in mecha. The idea behind this was that, at least part of the time, the group would be fighting in mecha. I had thought that you were interested in this... my own rough idea would be something like: Tevik: heavy combat mech (combat guy) Jericel: medium-heavy combat mech (combat guy) Edison: medium combat mech (playing off of knife/star fighter experience) Spider: light support mech (cyclone-like; basically battlesuit) Alskal: heavy support mech (veritech-like; for transporting Tevik) let me know what you think... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Spider has a hushed conference with a small group of people, including 2 lab-coated scientist-types, an odd-looking teenager with metal studs in his ears, nose, eyebrow, and lower lip, and a ripped sleeveless tunic with the logo for something called `Metallica', and a tall, lithe figure in a flightsuit with long, light purple hair. Spider seems to have a gleeful expression, and can be seen rubbing his hands together in an excited manner. He flashes the group a double thumbs-up, then he walks off with the group. When he's next heard from, he's in Lab D, asking people to come meet him there. Questions are all answered with ``I've got something to show you.'' and ``You'll see.'', but nothing more. His expression, however, looks most like a kid with a new toy... The lab, when you arrive, is more cluttered than usual, and Cainlan and Kay are there, but doesn't seem unusal otherwise. Once everyone arrives, Cainlan nods at Spider, who produces, from behind his back, an odd metallic device, looking roughly like a large, flat section of ribbon formed into a letter `C'. ``This is tuned for Alskal right now... Alskal, would you mind trying it on?'' says Spider, moving to affix the ribbon around the back of Alskal's head, with the ends resting on the temples. (/ 6100 12)