In general, an ability is something special about the character or something special that the character can do. Abilities are distinguished from skills in that abilities do not require a die roll to use. Making effective use of an ability may require a successful skill use, and some skills are useless without certain abilities; these should all be clearly indicated.
Abilities will be listed by name, follwed by a point cost (in parens). The number listed is the cost in character points. If the listing includes multiple numbers separated by `/', then the number indicated in the nth position is the cost for the nth time the abilities is gained. If the number in the cost is followed by a `*', then the power may be gained multiple times, each at the listed cost. If the cost section has a number followed by a `+', then the cost for the ability is the number listed plus some special additional cost, as described in the ability description.
Cost | 1 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 |
Roll Used | d4 | d6 | d8 | d10 | d12 | 2d8 | d20 |
The first time this ability is taken, the character may use this power once per day. For each additional 2 points spent after the first, the character may transform 1 extra time that day. It is suggested that the change take approximately 1 minute, that the allowed size range from as small as a field mouse to as large as a hippopotamous, and that the maximum duration of the change be 1 day. For special efforts (fast change, extremely small or large size, etc), a concentration or Constitution check is recommended.
Detect Undead (10):
Turn undead (15):
Command undead (15):
Allure (4)
Alertness (5)
Ambidexterity (6)
Blindfighting (5)
Artistic Ability (4*)
Talent (1/3/8*)
Empathy (4*)
Fast Healer (4)
Internal Compass (4)
Keen Sense (4*)
Light Sleeper (3)
Precise Memory (6)
Access to Domain (10/5*):
Persistent spell effect (15 +3/spell
Elemental Bolt (10*):
Players in search of more breadth, depth, character, or points for their characters may consider taking one or more of these disadvantages. Disadvantages have negative point costs; they are treated as abilities in all other respects.
Opposition school (-5+):
Bruise Easily(-8)
Colorblind (-3)
Compulsive Honesty (-8)
Deep Sleeper (-5)
Greed (-5)A
Phobia (-7*)
Tonguetied (-6)
Unlucky (-4)