2 - Lars and Egon Lars arrives after strange encounter in Alps. Helps Scott with security for big UN meeting. There's an attack attempt by ~10 soldiers and 2 strangely infected people who are travelling in a truck with a nuclear device. The infected people have wierd-tasting blood, blood-vials, can `point and hurt' in an area of effect, and seem immune to our machinegun fire. Egon travels to the meeting, refining his cover story. Sends message to Aerodyne CEO/President, from Chris Sterling. Message says, roughly ``Unusual situation has come up. Have `rushed' an invite to the party under my name, but I'll be sending along an op (Egon Suona) pretending to be me instead. Please help his cover story, and be very careful at the party.'' CEO calls, expecting Sterling; pretend to be Egon pretending to be Sterling instead, as a stall. Seems successful.