; tasha-notes.txt ; -*- outline -*- * notes ** peoples Tylonne - Karnov Stoth - Leader of Yulash Revolutionary Group - Lyttani - Barmaid at Silver Dragon Inn (drop site) Randal - hillsfar name - Kaltin - for-pay spy Amananca - ZK name - Luthregal - mage in forces who spies Frederick Flintstone the third ** Tan'ar'i info from sensates *** alu-fiend bat-winged woman odd eybrows *** babau 7feet tall skeletons covered in dark leather 1 horn in back head very fast, esp. in combat *** balor honkin' big guy! *** bar-legura hulkinh, brutish, orangutan brown, reddish fur greyish brown 6 fingers, claws move on all 4s *** cambion ugly, terrifying human sized black skin scaly skin arm[or]ed *** chasme giant mosquito (7' long) humanoid head, hands *** dretch fat guy, skinny limbs gaunt, hairless, rubbery, pale bodies *** glabrezu mog winged 2 hands 2 pincers 2 legs *** hezrou frog-boy *** manes ``manes are the most pathetic beings'' looks like large gobinoids, claws, ugly, have parasites *** mereliths *** molydeus muscular humanoid two heads - dog head in front and snake head in back `tough' *** nebasu 7' gargoyles *** malfeshnee 20' tall ape/boar cross, with small wings *** rutterkin malformed humans *** succubus leathery-winged chick *** incubus male succubus *** vrock vulture/human *** wastrilith water creature funny sea serpent with funny hands ** Vulnerable full magic missile full acid full holy water half fire half cold none electricity some cold-wrought iron ** people in Sigil *** Lady Marelle - has been to Gehenna, supposedly
in Clerk's Ward very old wizard woman *** A'kin, the Friendly Fiend *** Kesto Brighteyes, bookshop *** Factol Montgomery, sensate * inside plateau word inside snake head: Vytholus word from plant: Erthoon (sp?) shield item +1 #6 sword item +2 #5 234 gp 353 sp 1 jewelled comb valuable#1 potion item #7 scroll item #8 mend det evil tongues dig 249 pp 63 gp 10 gems of 100gp each cloth-wrapped ring, item #10 Cursed? Mind Clearing and Focusing 30 cp 1457 sp gem box (25 gems) 389 gp 892 sp 3 necklaces 3 daggers (magic, weak) 1 mace (magic, weak) 1 scroll (clairvoyance) 400 gp 4 suits drow chain+1 1 mace+1 2 buckler+1 1 wand of frost (Nethir) - non-medusa stuff 2 dagger +1 1 bow +2 1 cloak abjuration+(stronger than 1) (Selene) 1 wand wierd (Nethir) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; - corpse 1 bag #14 - girl 1 wand #15 1 dagger (non-magical) 1 snake ring - boy 3 beads (of force) 1 potion (of healing) 1 snake ring - snake person 3 eggs 1 snake ring - merylith backpack of something ring #10/candle magical key ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Tomb of Im-Ravin, says Big Skeleton (with Wraiths) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; long sword (+3) #18 (C) book (manual) #19 (T) robe (non-magical) #20 amulet (abjuration, necromancy, enchantment) #21 gauntlets (alteration) #22 hand axe (+2) #23 shield (+1) #24 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; laa-nor(she), ur-thane(giant?), rand (he), yee-kiss (parent)