;; tasha.txt ;; -*- outline -*- * 15th level human female wild mage scholar Anastariel, human female; 5'4" tall; 110 lbs; 23 years old; long, auburn hair; green eyes; freckles; very slight build ** STR 10 | 10/10 hit +0 dmg +0 mp 115 door 6 bblg %2 weight 40 ** DEX 16 | 15/17 missile +0 react +2 def -3 ** CON 14 | 13/15 sshock %85 PoisonAdj +0 hp +1 res %94 ** INT 18 | 18/18 SpLvl 9 Prof 7 %Learn 85% SpImmun 0 ** WIS 14 | 13/15 mdef +1 SpImmun - ** CHR 17 | 16/18 hench 8 loyalty +4 react +7 * AC: 10 -3 -1 = 6 HP: 41 | 41 stoneskin: 12 | 10 Flux 1-d6, for 23 | 22 base/spell - dex - earrings (on loan to Tylonne) 10/8 3 1 ** Hit Points (+ 4 1 ; first 3 1 ; second 2 1 ; third 4 1 ; fourth 3 1 ; fifth 2 1 ; sixth 1 1 ; seventh 4 1 ; eighth 1 1 ; ninth 2 1 ; tenth 1 ; eleventh 1 ; twelf 1 ; thirteenth 1 ; fourteenth 1 ; fifthteenth ) * saving throws paralyzation/poison/death 11 rod/staff/wand 7 petrification/polymorph 9 breath weapon 11 spells 8 dex: -3 bonus wis: 1 bonus earring: 1 to all (loan to Tylonne) cloak: 1 to all (loan from Selene) * equipment ** 17.4K in varied ~32.5k in varied funds (500 gp converted 500 pp) ------------------------------------------------------ 15k for the portable hole .1k for climbing equipment, canoe, and camping gear .01K for spell components ** magical *** anklet of mortal charms This item takes the form of a small chain with many charms, suitable for wearing as a bracelet or an anklet (or perhaps a necklace for very small creatures). There are d6+2 unique charms that each take the form of: {elven,human,dwarven,half-elven,gnomish}{male,female} The anklet allows the user to undergo a slow and vulnerable transformation into one of the forms represented by the charms. (note that these forms are all independant of the users true form) The transformation into the guise takes a full turn to complete. The user is coherent (but somewhat distracted) for the first two and last two minutes of the transformation time; the user is completely unresponsive for the `middle' rounds of the transformation. The user glows strongly of (alteration) magic during the transformation; the glow fades slowly (in stages) over 6 turns. After the 6 turns have passed, there is no residual indication of alteration magic, and the change is undectable to detection spells and spell-like effects, such as _Detect Magic_ and _True Seeing_, although _Legend Lore_ remains effective. The guise assumed affects the characters appearance, but does not actually change the race. Racial and class abilities, Hit Points, ?Armor Class?, and saving throws do not change. The guise continues without concentration so long as only one charm is in use. If someone attempts to use a charm while a transformation is still in effect, the first transformation reverts (as above). The user can revert the guise to true form (again, same time and effect on user as transformation) at will. This particular anklet has 8 charms: human female a elven male b gnomish female c human female d elven female e human male f dwarven female g half-elven male h *** tan'ar'i fighting kit 0 holy water Whunoz 1 potion healing 1 ball of teleport 1 bead of force ** Wand of Fire ** Cloak of Protection +1 (on loan from Selene) ** 3 beads (of force ?) ** potion (of healing ?) ** 3 ring, serpent ** mundane, in _portable hole_ canoe climbing equipment for 5 climbing rope 200' climbing hammer pitons caribiners webbing spell components * proficiencies ; bns nwp wp per lvl (- (+ 21 8 3 (* 4 15)) ; cost prof base stat score (+ 2 3 ; spellcraft 7 (int/r) +5 +1 16 1 3 ; reading/writing 8 (int/k) +5 +1 14 3 1 ; local history 8 (int/k) +5 +1 15 6 2 ; disguise 5 (chr/l) +3 10 4 ; lip reading 7 (int) +5 +1 13 2 ; observation 8 (int) +5 +1 14 5 ; concentration 6 (wis) +1 +1 8 2 1 ; research 6 (Int) +5 +1 13 4 1 ; sage: wild magic 5 (int) +5 +1 +2 14 4 4 ; metaphysical theory (242) 6 (int/r) +5 +1 16/8(for negation) 2 ; thaumaturgy 5 (int) +5 +1 11 3 ; planes lore ;;; Traits 4 ; Empathy (watch for at least d6 and then learn group info) 3 ; Precise Memory (duh) 4 ; Natural Affinity (Wild Magic, +5%learn, +1NWP, +1 MaxSpells) ;;; Signature Spells (cast +2lvl | (save -2 | ct=-3)) 4 ; Fluctuating Armor (1st list) 4 ; Surge Missile (2nd list) 4 ; Alternate Reality (3rd list) 7 ; Improved Blink/Spell Capture (5th list) )) * Signer scholar specialist abilities ** wild mage 10 bonus spells (mem one extra wild spell per list) 12 no components (pick one spell per lvl) 10 extend duration (duration + 1 unit/(lvl/2) 5 automatic spells (each new level, get a free spell <= max list) 5 learning bonus (+15% learn spells) 5 research bonus (treat wild spells as -1list for research) 3 casting reduction (cast 2 faster, min 1) -10 no weapons (no weapon prof whatsoever) ----- 30 specialist + 10 human 40 ** scholar +1 int or wis checks, including NWP +1 init penalty in combat ** Level Variation /--------------------------------------------------------------\ | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *9* 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ | 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 *1* 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ | n e g a t i v e | surge | p o s i t i v e | \--------------------------------------------------------------/ ** imagining (d20 < (((18 + 14) / 2) +1) - 5) Make a check versus (((wis + int)/2) -5). Subsequent attempts each week add another -5. Mimic any wizard or priest spell up to 4th as a wiz or priest of current level. If you fail, you can't try again for the rest of the week. rolling a `1' on an imagination check results in becoming a _shadow monster_ version of self. once/day can try to imagine self back. * Notes phil ** special attacks cold half gas half fire none poison none weapon +1,silver ** special spells - advanced illusion - animate dead - charm person - infravision - know alignment (always) - suggestion - teleport without error - detect invisibility - invisibility - locate object - polymorph self - produce flame