Tar-Dalanthus Qual'lain CN Elven thief-mage 8/9 Height: 5'6", Weight: 109, Age: 127 Ability Scores and Effects-------------------------------------------- | STR | hit damage max press open doors bb/lg weight | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | DEX 19 | missle reaction def | | | +3 +3 -4 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | CON | System shock HP adj ressurection poision regen | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | INT 18 | lang spell learn Max per illusion | | | 7 9th 85% 18 '() | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | WIS | spell failure magic def bonus immunity | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | CHR | loyalty henchmen reaction | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Saving Throws----------------------------------- Experience----------------- | para/poison/death | 11 | +3/+3/+3 | 8/8/8 | | Bonus: 10% | | rod/staff/wand | 9 | +3 | 6 | | curr: 125,000 / 125,000 | | petri/poly | 10 | +3/+3 | 7/7 | | next: 135,000 / 160,000 | | breath | 13 | +3 | 10 | -------------------------- | spells | 10 | +3 | 7 | ----------------------------------------------- Armor------------------------------------------------------------ ------ | bracers of AC8 base - dex - armor - magic - spec = AC | HP | | ring of prot +2 10 - 4 - 2 - 2 - 0 = 2 | 66 | | boots of speed 3 0 | | | cloak of prot +1 5 -1 | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Racial Abilities-------------------- | infravision 60' | | det sloping passage 1-5/d6 | | det new construction 1-5/d6 | | det slid/shift wall/room 1-4/d6 | | det stonework traps/pits 1-3/d6 | | det depth underground 1-3/d6 | | change magic item failure 20% | ----------------------------------- Thieving Skills-------------------------------------------------- | | PP | OL | F/RT | MS | HS | DN | CW | RL | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | Base | 15 | 10 | 5 | 10 | 5 | 15 | 60 | 0 | | kit | | +10 | | | | | | | | race | + 5 | - 5 | | + 5 | +10 | + 5 | | | | dex | +15 | +20 | +10 | +15 | +15 | | | | | armor | + 5 | | | +10 | + 5 | | +10 | | | % dist | 5 | 60 | 80 | 35 | 30 | 45 | | 45 | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | total | 45 | 95 | 95 | 75 | 65 | 65 | 70 | 45 | ---------------------------------------------------------------- Proficiencies------------------------------------------ | dagger | | hoopak | ------------------------------------------------------ | # stat base mod tot | ------------------------------------------------------ | Reading & Writing | 1 | int | 18 | +1 | 12 | | Spellcraft | 1 | int | 18 | | 18 | | Tumbling | 1 | dex | 19 | | 19 | | Rope Use | 1 | | | | | | Ancient History | 1 | | | | | | Alertness | 1 | wis | | +1 | | | Fast-talking | 1 | chr | | * | | | Locksmithing | 1 | dex | 19 | 0 | 19 | | Observation | 1 | int | | 0 | | | Information Gathering | 1 | int | 18 | * | | ----------------------------------------------------- Items Backpack: 2 small bags of flour bottle of perfume bottle of ink 2 small bottles of aniseed. small metal mirror bell cloth (canvas) needle chalk fishhooks charcoal flint and steel 2 flasks greek fire 2 small sacks large belt-pouch 2 small belt pouch whistle soap 4 candles cloak change of clothes limewood strip (4) hammer and (2)chisel magnifying glass hacksaw file(3) wire cutters oil and funnel listening cone climbing daggers grapple spikes and line glass cutter housebreaker's harness bag of caltrops (dark color) bag of marbles (light color) blade boot Thigh kit. fishhooks flint and steel needle small metal mirror lockpicks (small set) 2" feet of wire 2" feet of thread sliver of soap chunk of wax limewood strip (2) hoopak (Kender multi-use staff) 3 very small throwing daggers, right forearm sheath 1 larger throwing knife, left forarm sheath 1 dagger, belt sheath 2 daggers, chest sheath (one on each side) 1 boot knife, right boot 1 throwing boot dagger, left boot 3 small throwing knives, inner thigh kit (see above) 4 throwing daggers, lower back sheath, 2 on each side 2 throwing knives, shoulder sheath, 1 on each side 2 throwing daggers, one on each thigh Ginzu dagger (+3) dagger +1 6 small throwing knives Boots of speed cloak of protection +1 ring of protection +2 Bracers of defense (AC 8) Ring of wizardry cloak of arachnia rations for 14 days Travelling spellbook