XML Schema Test Descriptions for Microsoft tests.

Copyright and License

This document and the test materials and results it points to are copyright the World Wide Web Consortium and the contributors thereof, respectively. They are hereby made available for public use under the W3C Document Licence.


The display below organizes test descriptions into groups of schema and instance tests. The structured description for these tests is stored in an XML file which conforms to the TS Schema for Test Submission. The column labeled "TestId" displays test identification information. The column labeled "Expected" displays the outcome expected by the contributor. The column labeled "Status" indicates the test's accuracy in testing the feature it is intended to test. The "Description" column is provided by the test contributor. For the test file(s) present which has/have extension .xsd, its/their conformance to the XML Schema REC's definition of valid XML representations of XML Schemas is what is at issue. When a test file with extension .xml is present as well, its schema-validity is at issue as well.

Test Set Summary
Test set name:MS-attributeGroup2002-01-16
Total number of test groups:111
Number of schema tests:111
Number of instance tests:33

1 attgA001
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgA001
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - A Test attributeGroup declaration with optional attribute id='a'
2 attgA002
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgA002
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - A Test attributeGroup declaration with optional attribute id='0'
3 attgA003
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgA003
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - A Test attributeGroup declaration with optional attribute id=''
4 attgA004
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgA004
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - A Test attributeGroup declaration with attribute id=':a'
5 attgA005
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgA005
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - A Test attributeGroups: 2 global attributeGroups with same ID
6 attgA006
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgA006
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - A Test attributeGroups: 2 attributeGroups, one is global and one is from 'redefine', with same ID
7 attgA007
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgA007
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - A Test attributeGroups: 2 attributeGroup, one is from complexType and one is inside another attributeGroup of some extension, with same ID
8 attgA008
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgA008
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - A Test attributeGroups: 2 attributeGroup, one is from imported xsd, and one is from included xsd, with same ID
9 attgA009
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgA009
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ID) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - A Test attributeGroups: redefine an attributeGroup and give it an existing ID
10 attgB001
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgB001
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (name) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - B Test attributeGroup declaration with attribute name='a'
11 attgB002
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgB002
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (name) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - B Test attributeGroup declaration: cannot have name attribute if not global, parent is attributeGroup, name='a'
12 attgB003
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgB003
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (name) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - B Test attributeGroup declaration: cannot have name attribute if not global, parent is complexType, name='a'
13 attgB004
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgB004
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (name) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - B Test attributeGroup declaration: cannot have name attribute if not global, parent is extension, name='a'
14 attgB005
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgB005
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (name) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - B Test attributeGroup declaration: cannot have name attribute if not global (redefining global is ok), parent is redefine, name='a'
15 attgB006
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgB006
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (name) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - B Test attributeGroup declaration with attribute name='0'
16 attgB007
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgB007
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (name) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - B Test attributeGroup declaration with attribute name=''
17 attgB008
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgB008
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (name) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - B Test attributeGroup declaration with attribute name='msxml'
18 attgB009
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgB009
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (name) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - B Test attributeGroup declaration: 2 attributeGroups, one imported, one included with same name but different targetNamespace
19 attgB010
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgB010
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (name) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - B Test attributeGroup declaration: 2 global attributeGroups with same name
20 attgB011
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgB011
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (name) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - B Test attributeGroup declaration: 2 attributeGroups with same name both of them from different redefine, with same namespac.
21 attgB012
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgB012
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (name) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - B Test attributeGroup declaration: 2 attributeGroups with same name both of them from different import, with different namespac.
22 attgB013
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgB013
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (name) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - B Test attributeGroup declaration: 2 imported attributeGroups with same name and same targetNamespace
23 attgB014
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgB014
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (name) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - B Test attributeGroup declaration: 2 imported attributeGroups with same name but different targetNamespace
24 attgB015
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgB015
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (name) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - B Test attributeGroup declaration: 2 attributeGroups, one imported, one included with same name and same targetNamespace
25 attgC001
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC001
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: cannot have ref attribute on global, parent is schema, ref='name of a global attribute group '
26 attgC002
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC002
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is attributeGroup, ref='name of a global attribute group declared at the beginning of xsd'
27 attgC003
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC003
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is attributeGroup, ref='name of a global attribute group from imported xsd'
28 attgC004
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC004
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is attributeGroup, ref='name of a global attribute group from included xsd'
29 attgC005
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC005
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is attributeGroup, ref='name of global attribute group declared at the end of xsd'
30 attgC006
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC006
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC006.i



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is attributeGroup, ref='name of attribute group declared inside a redefine', and xml instant has value different what is defined as fixed in the redefined attributeGroup.
31 attgC007
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC007
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC007.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is attributeGroup, ref='name of attribute group declared inside a redefine', and xml instant has value same as what is defined as fixed in the redefined attributeGroup.
32 attgC008
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC008
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is attributeGroup, ref='foo (not a valid reference to an attributeGroup)'
33 attgC009
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC009
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is attributeGroup, ref=''
34 attgC010
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC010
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: self referencing, name="test", has child attributeGroup that also has, parent is attributeGroup, ref='test'
35 attgC011
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC011
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is attributeGroup, ref='foo (a name of a global attribute)'
36 attgC012
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC012
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is attributeGroup, ref='very very log string ( more than 9999 chars)'
37 attgC013
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC013
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is complexType, ref='name of a global attribute group declared at the beginning of xsd'
38 attgC014
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC014
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is complexType, ref='name of a global attribute group from imported xsd'
39 attgC015
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC015
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is complexType, ref='name of a global attribute group from included xsd'
40 attgC016
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC016
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is complexType, ref='name of global attribute group declared at the end of xsd'
41 attgC017
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC017
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is complexType, ref='name of attribute group declared inside a redefine'
42 attgC018
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC018
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is complexType, ref='foo (not a valid reference to an attributeGroup)'
43 attgC019
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC019
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is complexType, ref=''
44 attgC020
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC020
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: self referencing, name="test", has child attributeGroup that also has, parent is complexType, ref='test'
45 attgC021
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC021
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is complexType, ref='foo (a name of a global attribute)'
46 attgC022
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC022
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is complexType, ref='very very log string ( more than 9999 chars)'
47 attgC023
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC023
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is extension, ref='name of a global attribute group declared at the beginning of xsd'
48 attgC024
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC024
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC024.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is extension, ref='name of a global attribute group from imported xsd'
49 attgC025
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC025
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC025.i



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is extension, ref='name of a global attribute group from included xsd'
50 attgC026
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC026
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC026.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is extension, ref='name of a global attribute group from included xsd'
51 attgC027
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC027
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is extension, ref='name of global attribute group declared at the end of xsd'
52 attgC028
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC028
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC028.i



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is extension, ref='name of attribute group declared inside a redefine'
53 attgC029
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC029
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is extension, ref='foo (not a valid reference to an attributeGroup)'
54 attgC030
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC030
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is extension, ref=''
55 attgC031
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC031
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: self referencing, name="test", has child attributeGroup that also has, parent is extension, ref='test'
56 attgC032
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC032
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is extension, ref='foo (a name of a global attribute)'
57 attgC033
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC033
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is extension, ref='very very log string ( more than 9999 chars)'
58 attgC034
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC034
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is redefine, ref='name of a global attribute group declared at the beginning of xsd'
59 attgC035
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC035
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC035.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is redefine, ref='name of a global attribute group from imported xsd'
60 attgC036
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC036
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC036.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: parent is redefine, ref='name of a global attribute group from included xsd'
61 attgC037
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC037
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC037.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is redefine, ref='name of global attribute group declared at the end of xsd'
62 attgC038
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC038
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC038.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is redefine, ref='name of attribute group declared inside a redefine'
63 attgC039
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC039
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is redefine, ref='foo (not a valid reference to an attributeGroup)'
64 attgC040
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC040
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is redefine, ref=''
65 attgC041
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC041
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: circular Ref is allow if parent is redefine, name="test", has child attributeGroup that also has, parent is redefine, ref='test'
66 attgC042
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC042
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is redefine, ref='foo (a name of a global attribute)'
67 attgC043
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC043
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C Test attributeGroup declaration: can only reference global attributeGroup parent is redefine, ref='very very log string ( more than 9999 chars)'
68 attgC044
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC044
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C attributeGroup with two attributeGroup as children, both has ref="foo"
69 attgC045
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgC045
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Syntax Checking for Attribute Declaration (ref) Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - C attributeGroup with name="foo", complexType with name='foo'
70 attgD001
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD001
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D attributeGroup with annotation
71 attgD002
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD002
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D attributeGroup with two annotation
72 attgD003
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD003
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD003.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D attributeGroup with 2000 attribute decl as child, the xml has the 2000 attributes
73 attgD004
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD004
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD004.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D attributeGroup with just another attributeGroup, the xml has the attributes
74 attgD005
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD005
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD005.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D attributeGroup with child in the sequence of ( att, attg, att, attg, att), the xml has the attributes
75 attgD006
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD006
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D attributeGroup with two attribute, same name, same namespace
76 attgD007
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD007
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D attribute group with two attribute, where the name of one att is same as the ref value of the other
77 attgD008
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD008
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D attributeGroup with two attribute, same name, same type
78 attgD009
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD009
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D attributeGroup with two attribute, same name, different type
79 attgD010
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD010
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D attributeGroup with child attribute and attributeGroup which intern reference to different attributeGroup containing attributes and attributeGroup
80 attgD011
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD011
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D attributeGroup with child attributeGroup that reference to an element
81 attgD012
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD012
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D attributeGroup with child element declaration
82 attgD013
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD013
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D attributeGroup with child attributeGroup that reference to a simpleType
83 attgD014
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD014
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D attributeGroup with child attributeGroup that reference to complexType
84 attgD015
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD015
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D Basic AttributeGroup ( w/ name = foo and containing an attributeGroup with ref = foobar) and attributeGroup (w/ name=foobar and containing an attributeGroup with ref=foo)
85 attgD016
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD016
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D attributeGroup that has two attributeGroups, which reference to two different attributeGroups that reference the same attribute
86 attgD017
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD017
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D attributeGroup that has two attributeGroups, parent is redefined, attG1 reference a global attributeGroup which define an attribute 'foo', attG2 reference the redefining xsd's attributeGroup 'foo' with same namespace
87 attgD018
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD018
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD018.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ id)
88 attgD019
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD019
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD019.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ annotation)
89 attgD020
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD020
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD020.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace=##any), the xml has the attribute instance with no namespace
90 attgD021
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD021
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD021.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace=##any), the xml has the attribute instance with "foo" as its namespace
91 attgD022
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD022
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD022.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace=##other), the xml has the attribute instance with namespace different from the targetNamdspace of the xsd
92 attgD023
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD023
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD023.i



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace=##other), the xml has the attribute instance with namespace same as the targetNamdspace of the xsd
93 attgD024
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD024
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD024.i



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace=##any), the xml has the attribute instance which fall under targetNS, but not defiled in the schema
94 attgD025
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD025
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD025.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace=##local), the xml has the attribute instance which is namespace UNqualified
95 attgD026
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD026
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD026.i



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace=##local), the xml has the attribute instance which is namespace qualified
96 attgD027
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD027
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD027.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace="foo"), the xml has the attribute instance which is of namespace "foo"
97 attgD028
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD028
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD028.i



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace="foo"), the xml has the attribute instance which is of namespace "bar"
98 attgD029
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD029
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD029.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace=##targetNamespace), the xml has the attribute instance which is of namespace targetNamespace
99 attgD030
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD030
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD030.i



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D Basic AttributeGroup with anyAttribute (w/ namespace=##targetNamespace), the xml has the attribute instance which is of namespace other than targetNamespace
100 attgD031
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD031
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD031.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D AttributeGroup (w/ namespace=other, processContents=##skip), the xml has the attribute instance which conatins attribute not declared in any schema
101 attgD032
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD032
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD032.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D AttributeGroup (w/ namespace=other, processContents=##lax), the xml has the attribute instance which conatins valid elements and attribute against schema
102 attgD033
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD033
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD033.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D AttributeGroup (w/ namespace=other, processContents=##lax), the xml has the attribute instance which conatins invalid attribute against schema
103 attgD034
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD034
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD034.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D AttributeGroup (w/ namespace=other, processContents=##strict), the xml has the attribute instance which conatins valid elements and attribute against schema
104 attgD035
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD035
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD035.i



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D complexType's AttributeGroup with reference to attributeGroup from 'redefine', where there is an attribute declared as int, with value="37", the xml has the attribute instance which "36"
105 attgD036
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD036
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD036.v



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D complexType's AttributeGroup with reference to attributeGroup from 'redefine', where there is an attribute declared as int, with value="37", the xml has the attribute instance which "37"
106 attgD037
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD037
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D AttributeGroup with ref="foo" and has attribute decl as child
107 attgD038
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD038
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D AttributeGroup with ref="foo" and has attributeGroup decl as child
108 attgD039
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD039
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D AttributeGroup with ref="foo" and has AnyAattribute decl as child
109 attgD040
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD040
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D AttributeGroup with ref="foo" and has annotation as child
110 attgD041
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD041
Test type:<>instanceTest (0)



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16


Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D circular reference, attG A ref to B which ref C which ref back to A
111 attgD042
Test type:<>schemaTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD042
Test type:<>instanceTest (1)
Test files:1.attgD042.i



Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Status:accepted as of 2002-01-16

Content Checking Specs section: 3.6.6 Constraints on Attribute Group Definition Schema Components - D AttributeGroup (w/ namespace=other, processContents=##strict), the xml has the attribute instance which conatins invalid attribute against schema