Structure Msp
(* Msp -- utilities for CGI scripts and ML Server Pages *)
(* Efficiently concatenable word sequences *)
datatype wseq =
Empty (* The empty sequence *)
| Nl (* Newline *)
| $ of string (* A string *)
| $$ of string list (* A sequence of strings *)
| && of wseq * wseq; (* Concatenation of sequences *)
(* Manipulating wseqs *)
val prmap : ('a -> wseq) -> 'a list -> wseq
val prsep : wseq -> ('a -> wseq) -> 'a list -> wseq
val flatten : wseq -> string
val printseq : wseq -> unit
val vec2list : 'a vector -> 'a list
(* Shorthands for accessing CGI parameters *)
exception ParamMissing of string
exception NotInt of string * string
val % : string -> string
val %? : string -> bool
val %# : string -> int
val %% : string * string -> string
val %%# : string * int -> int
(* HTML generic marks *)
val mark0 : string -> wseq
val mark0a : string -> string -> wseq
val mark1 : string -> wseq -> wseq
val mark1a : string -> string -> wseq -> wseq
val comment : wseq -> wseq
(* HTML documents and headers *)
val html : wseq -> wseq
val head : wseq -> wseq
val title : wseq -> wseq
val body : wseq -> wseq
val bodya : string -> wseq -> wseq
val htmldoc : wseq -> wseq -> wseq
(* HTML headings and vertical format *)
val h1 : wseq -> wseq
val h2 : wseq -> wseq
val h3 : wseq -> wseq
val h4 : wseq -> wseq
val h5 : wseq -> wseq
val h6 : wseq -> wseq
val p : wseq -> wseq
val pa : string -> wseq -> wseq
val br : wseq
val bra : string -> wseq
val hr : wseq
val hra : string -> wseq
val divi : wseq -> wseq
val divia : string -> wseq -> wseq
val blockquote : wseq -> wseq
val blockquotea : string -> wseq -> wseq
val center : wseq -> wseq
val address : wseq -> wseq
val pre : wseq -> wseq
(* HTML anchors and hyperlinks *)
val ahref : string -> wseq -> wseq
val ahrefa : string -> string -> wseq -> wseq
val aname : string -> wseq -> wseq
(* HTML text formats and style *)
val em : wseq -> wseq
val strong : wseq -> wseq
val tt : wseq -> wseq
val sub : wseq -> wseq
val sup : wseq -> wseq
val fonta : string -> wseq -> wseq
(* HTML lists *)
val ul : wseq -> wseq
val ula : string -> wseq -> wseq
val ol : wseq -> wseq
val ola : string -> wseq -> wseq
val li : wseq -> wseq
val dl : wseq -> wseq
val dla : string -> wseq -> wseq
val dt : wseq -> wseq
val dd : wseq -> wseq
(* HTML tables *)
val table : wseq -> wseq
val tablea : string -> wseq -> wseq
val tr : wseq -> wseq
val tra : string -> wseq -> wseq
val td : wseq -> wseq
val tda : string -> wseq -> wseq
val th : wseq -> wseq
val tha : string -> wseq -> wseq
val caption : wseq -> wseq
val captiona : string -> wseq -> wseq
(* HTML images and image maps *)
val img : string -> wseq
val imga : string -> string -> wseq
val map : string -> wseq -> wseq
val mapa : string -> string -> wseq -> wseq
val area : { alt : string option, coords : string,
href : string option, shape : string} -> wseq
(* HTML forms etc *)
val form : string -> wseq -> wseq
val forma : string -> string -> wseq -> wseq
val input : string -> wseq
val inputa : string -> string -> wseq
val intext : string -> string -> wseq
val inpassword : string -> string -> wseq
val incheckbox : {name : string, value : string} -> string -> wseq
val inradio : {name : string, value : string} -> string -> wseq
val inreset : string -> string -> wseq
val insubmit : string -> string -> wseq
val inhidden : {name : string, value : string} -> wseq
val textarea : string -> wseq -> wseq
val textareaa : string -> string -> wseq -> wseq
val select : string -> string -> wseq -> wseq
val option : string -> wseq
(* HTML frames and framesets *)
val frameset : string -> wseq -> wseq
val frame : { src : string, name : string } -> wseq
val framea : { src : string, name : string } -> string -> wseq
(* HTML encoding *)
val urlencode : string -> string
val htmlencode : string -> string
This module provides support functions for writing CGI scripts and
ML Server Page scripts.
[wseq] is the type of efficiently concatenable word sequences.
Building an HTML page (functionally) as a wseq is more efficient
than building it (functionally) as a string, and more convenient
and modular than building it (imperatively) by calling print.
[Empty] represents the empty string "".
[Nl] represents the string "\n" consisting of a single newline character.
[$ s] represents the string s.
[$$ ss] represents the string String.concat(ss).
[&&(ws1, ws2)] represents the concatenation of the strings
represented by ws1 and ws2. The function && should be declared
infix &&
[prmap f xs] is f x1 && ... && f xn evaluated from left to right,
when xs is [x1, ..., xn].
[prsep sep f xs] is f x1 && sep && ... && sep && f xn, evaluated
from left to right, when xs is [x1, ..., xn].
[flatten ws] is the string represented by ws.
[printseq ws] is equivalent to print(flatten ws), but avoids
building any new strings.
[vec2list vec] is a list of the elements of vector vec. Use it to
convert e.g. the results of a database query into a list, for
processing with prmap or prsep.
Shorthands for accessing CGI parameters:
[%? fnm] returns true if there is a string associated with CGI
parameter fnm; otherwise returns false.
[% fnm] returns a string associated with CGI parameter fnm if there
is any; raises ParamMissing(fnm) if no strings are associated with
fnm. Equivalent to
case Mosmlcgi.cgi_field_string fnm of
NONE => raise ParamMissing "fnm"
| SOME v => v
In general, multiple strings may be associated with a CGI parameter;
use Mosmlcgi.cgi_field_strings if you need to access all of them.
[%# fnm] returns the integer i if there is a string associated with
CGI parameter fnm, and that string is parsable as ML integer i.
Raises ParamMissing(fnm) if no string is associated with fnm.
Raises NotInt(fnm, s) if there is a string but it is not parsable
as an ML int.
[%%(fnm, dflt)] returns a string associated with CGI parameter fnm
if there is any; otherwise returns the string dflt.
[%%#(fnm, dflt)] returns the integer i if there is a string
associated with CGI parameter fnm, and that string is parsable as
an ML int; otherwise returns the string dflt.
HTML generic marks:
[mark0 t] generates the HTML tag <t> as a wseq.
[mark0a attr t] generates the attributed HTML tag <t attr> as a wseq.
[mark1 t ws] generates <t>ws</t> as a wseq.
[mark1a attr t ws] generates <t attr>ws</t> as a wseq.
[comment ws] generates <!--ws--> as a wseq.
HTML documents and headers:
[html ws] generates <HTML>ws</HTML>.
[head ws] generates <HEAD>ws</HEAD>.
[title ws] generates <TITLE>ws</TITLE>.
[body ws] generates <BODY>ws</BODY>.
[bodya attr ws] generates <BODY attr>ws</BODY>.
[htmldoc titl ws] generates
HTML headings and vertical format:
[h1 ws] generates <H1>ws</H1>.
[p ws] generates <P>ws</P>.
[pa attr ws] generates <P attr>ws</P>.
[br] generates <BR>.
[bra attr] generates <BR attr>.
[hr] generates <HR>.
[hra attr] generates <HR attr>.
[divi ws] generates <DIV>ws</DIV>.
[divia attr ws] generates <DIV attr>ws</DIV>.
[blockquote ws] generates <BLOCKQUOTE>ws</BLOCKQUOTE>.
[blockquotea attr ws] generates <BLOCKQUOTE attr>ws</BLOCKQUOTE>
[center ws] generates <CENTER>ws</CENTER>.
[address ws] generates <ADDRESS>ws</ADDRESS>.
[pre ws] generates <PRE>ws</PRE>.
HTML anchors and hyperlinks:
[ahref link ws] generates <A HREF="link">ws</A>.
[ahrefa link attr ws] generates <A HREF="link" attr>ws</A>.
[aname nam ws] generates <A NAME="name">ws</A>.
HTML text formats and style:
[em ws] generates <EM>ws</EM>.
[strong ws] generates <STRONG>ws</STRONG>.
[tt ws] generates <TT>ws</TT>.
[sub ws] generates <SUB>ws</SUB>.
[sup ws] generates <SUP>ws</SUP>.
[fonta attr ws] generates <FONT attr>ws</FONT>.
HTML lists:
[ul ws] generates <UL>ws</UL>.
[ula attr ws] generates <UL attr>ws</UL>.
[ol ws] generates <OL>ws</OL>.
[ola attr ws] generates <OL attr>ws</OL>.
[li ws] generates <LI>ws</LI>.
[dl ws] generates <DL>ws</DL>.
[dla attr ws] generates <DL attr>ws</DL>.
[dt ws] generates <DT>ws</DT>.
[dd ws] generates <DD>ws</DD>.
HTML tables:
[table ws] generates <TABLE>ws</TABLE>.
[tablea attr ws] generates <TABLE attr>ws</TABLE>.
[tr ws] generates <TR>ws</TR>.
[tra attr ws] generates <TR attr>ws</TR>.
[td ws] generates <TD>ws</TD>.
[tda attr ws] generates <TD attr>ws</TD>.
[th ws] generates <TH>ws</TH>.
[tha attr ws] generates <TH attr>ws</TH>.
[caption ws] generates <CAPTION>ws</CAPTION>.
[captiona attr ws] generates <CAPTION attr>ws</CAPTION>.
HTML images and image maps:
[img s] generates <IMG SRC="s">.
[imga s attr] generates <IMG SRC="s" attr>.
[map nam ws] generates <MAP NAME="name">ws</MAP>.
[mapa nam attr ws] generates <MAP NAME="name" attr>ws</MAP>.
[area { alt, coords, href, shape}] generates
<AREA SHAPE="shape" COORDS="coords" HREF="link" ALT="desc">
when href is SOME link (where HREF is replaced by NOHREF otherwise)
and alt is SOME desc (where ALT is omitted otherwise).
HTML forms etc:
[form act ws] generates <FORM ACTION="act">ws</FORM>.
[forma act attr ws] generates <FORM ACTION="act" attr>ws</FORM>.
[input typ] generates <INPUT TYPE=typ>.
[inputa typ attr] generates <INPUT TYPE=typ attr>.
[intext name attr] generates <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="name" attr>.
[inpassword name attr] generates <INPUT TYPE=PASSWORD NAME="name" attr>.
[incheckbox {name, value} attr] generates
<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="name" VALUE="value" attr>.
[inradio {name, value} attr] generates
<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="name" VALUE="value" attr>.
[inreset value attr] generates <INPUT TYPE=RESET VALUE="value" attr>.
[insubmit value attr] generates <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="value" attr>.
[inhidden {name, value}] generates
[textarea name ws] generates <TEXTAREA NAME="name">ws</TEXTAREA>.
[textareaa name attr ws] generates
<TEXTAREA NAME="name" attr>ws</TEXTAREA>.
[select name attr ws] generates <SELECT NAME="name" attr>ws</SELECT>.
[option value] generates <OPTION VALUE="value">.
HTML frames and framesets:
[frameset attr ws] generates <FRAMESET attr>ws</FRAMESET>.
[frame { src, name }] generates <FRAME SRC="src" NAME="name">.
[framea { src, name } attr] generates <FRAME SRC="src" NAME="name" attr>.
HTML encoding functions:
[urlencode s] returns the url-encoding of s. That is, space (ASCII 32)
is replaced by `+' and every non-alphanumeric character c except
the characters - _ . is replaced by %hh, where hh is the hexadecimal
representation of the ASCII code of c.
[htmlencode s] returns the html-encoding of s. That is, < and >
are replaced by < and > respectively, and & is replaced by
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