There are a variety of sipb mailing lists that prospectives, or members, may be interested in. This is the general sipb list. Most sipb business it mailed here. You should be subscribed to it by way of sipb-prospectives. A list for long discussion. It exists primarily to cut down on the mail sent to sipb-office. Membership is open to all sipb members and prospectives. This list serves as the main external contact point for sipb. It also get's a fair amount of user questions. If you'd like to help answer them, you should pay attention to zephyr as people often assert a lock. The meeting minutes are mailed here. Membership is open to all sipb members and prospectives. a social mailing lists, where events are sometimes announced. Membership is open to all sipb members and prospectives. Job and resume related mailings. Membership is open to all sipb members and prospectives. In addition most projects have their own mailing lists.