This is just a few random ideas that got thrown about this year. belmonte suggests that since we lose a lot of people along the way, it might be better to have a central location with food and stories and either lead people from there to various locations or have people come and do their demos there. jhawk suggests that we find a means of transportation other than walking. I tend to agree that this would help things along a lot. I note that the majority of the people who came along were much more interested in the media lab/ai lab end of things than in the server rooms (it's very sad). Advertising those more heavily is probably therefore a plus. In order to increase the amount of interaction between SIPB folk and frosh, one idea is to have a stop where the frosh sit in one of the NE43 playrooms and can ask upperclassmen questions (about SIPB, about UROPs, about classes, whatever). It might also be worth having food and stories in one of the NE43 playrooms (less travelling, comfy couches in some of them, and a less formal atmosphere than a classroom). This would have the disadvantages that it would be hard for people to join the tour just for stories (about 3 people did this year) and frosh might get lost when they leave.