At the beginning of each fall term, people tour W91/W92 (and the SIPB machine room, if it's still interesting), then go off to hear stories about computer madness! First, email jis and ask if he could do stories/what time he's available. Ask for the first day of classes - it tends to be a good option. Email zacheiss and ask if it's possible to get tours of W91/W92 for around that time. Last year, he gave the tours himself. He might be able to refer you if he can't. Confirm a time with jis - generally somewhere in the 8pm-10pm range. Once you've done that, get a room (4-231 is awesome): http://web/registrar/classrooms/reserve/stds/index.html If you're not already a room signatory, ask the Chair or other SIPB members to either reserve it for you or make you one. Make sure to ask for both jis and zacheiss' phone numbers, just in case. It's also good to confirm with both two days before. Sample schedule: 6:15pm - Time to tell people to gather in the office 6:30pm - Leave the office (people are always late) 6:45pm - Arrive at W91/W92 for tours 7:45pm - Leave W91/W92 for tours 8:00pm - Stories in that-room-you-reserved Advertise! - to - to jobslists (email anneh and ask her to post it) - poster/Midway flier *printing 250 seems to be good, with extras to poster after *try to get funding for posters in advance, then go to CopyTech in the basement and charge to SIPB's account *note that the schedule should be completely set BEFORE Midway - other methods?? Snacks: Ask for about $50 worth at a meeting. Get food AND drinks.