Google Analytics Android SDK version 1.4.2. Copyright 2009 Google, Inc. All rights reserved. ================================================================================ DESCRIPTION: This SDK enables developers to add Google Analytics tracking to applications. The tracker code is packaged as a single jar file. Add libGoogleAnalytics.jar to your project's /libs directory (if using Eclipse right click on the jar in the libs directory and choose "Build Path" -> "Add to Build Path"). See the samples/SampleApplication application for an illustration of how to use page tracking and event tracking. The SDK requires your application to have the following permissions present in AndroidManifest.xml: An Analytics tracking 'visit' is defined as the events and page views generated between calls to startNewSession() and stopSession() on the GoogleAnalyticsTracker. Every time startNewSession() is called a new visit is started. You should call stopSession() on GoogleAnalyticsTracker when your application is closing. You will need an Analytics Account ID to properly initialize the GoogleAnalyticsTracker object. We recommend you create a new website profile, by clicking "+ Add new profile" from the main Overview page in Google Analytics ( Select "new domain" in the wizard, and choose a descriptive but fake URL for your app. The Web Property/Account ID will take the form "UA-0000000-1". You must indicate to your users, either in the application itself or in your terms of service, that you reserve the right to anonymously track and report a user's activity inside of your app. Referrer Tracking: Google Analytics can track the source of the application install using referrer tracking. To enable referrer tracking, a Broadcast Receiver needs to be registered in your AndroidManifest.xml: To pass referrer information to your application, link to it in Market as follows: where is the application's package name, and is a url encoded list of Analytics Campaign information. There is a tool you can use to generate urls at: All tracked page views/events will be now be attributed to this campaign. (NOTE: do not start the GoogleAnalyticsTracker in your Application onCreate() method if using referral tracking). Implementation Details: Pageviews, events and Ecommerce hits are stored in an SQLite database and dispatched to the Google Analytics servers periodically, at a rate determined by the developer or manually. A battery efficient strategy may be to "piggy-back" a dispatch just after the application needs to perform network activity. Dispatching happens by pipelining HTTP requests down a single connection (one request per pageview/event with a maximum of 30 per dispatch). ================================================================================ BUILD REQUIREMENTS: Android SDK 1.5+ ================================================================================ RUNTIME REQUIREMENTS: Android OS 1.5+ ================================================================================ DOCUMENTATION AND SAMPLES: You can find the latest, detailed information about the SDK as well as download examples using the SDK at: ================================================================================ PACKAGING LIST: GoogleAnalytics libGoogleAnalytics.jar ReadMe.txt sample AndroidManifest.xml build.xml libs copy-libGoogleAnalytics-jar-into-here.txt res drawable icon.png layout main.xml values strings.xml src com google android apps analytics sample ================================================================================