Google Analytics SDK for Android Changelog -------------------------------------------- Version: 2.0beta5 (April 2013) -------------------------------------------- * Fifth beta release. * EasyTracker exception parsing bug fix. When ga_reportUncaughtExceptions flag is set, we were not initializing the exception parser, and as a result not parsing the location of an uncaught exception. With this fix, the crash and exception reports will report the location of uncaught exceptions when ga_reportUncaughtExceptions is set to true. -------------------------------------------- Version: 2.0beta4 (January 2013) -------------------------------------------- * Fourth beta release. * The SDK will now respect the sample rate setting. If you previously set the sample rate to other than 100% you will now see a corresponding decrease in some of your Analytics metrics compared with beta 3. * Changed track methods to send (e.g. trackView now called sendView). * Use HTTPS by default instead of HTTP. * SDK will not attempt to dispatch hits if there is no network connectivity. * Avoid ANRs while attempting to handle install campaign data. * Removed TrackedActivity classes from the SDK. * Move SDK initialization off the main UI Thread. * Improve the SDK's ability to recover from a corrupted SQLite database. * Several other crashes and bugs fixed. -------------------------------------------- Version: 2.0beta3 (August 2012) -------------------------------------------- * Third beta release. * Implemented custom dimensions and metrics. * Fixed occasional crashes during initialization of the SDK. * Fixed INSTALL_REFERRER broadcasts being ignored on some devices. * Fixed ConcurrentModificationExceptions in GoogleTracker class. * Made StandardExceptionParser class public. * Implemented social tracking. * Other bugfixes and enhancements. -------------------------------------------- Version: 2.0beta2 (June 2012) -------------------------------------------- * Second beta release. * Simplified EasyTracker interface. * Control of dispatching moved to a new class, GAServiceManager. * Updated to latest wire format. * sampleRate changed to double. * Excessive tracking is throttled. * Undispatched tracking information is deleted when opt-out is enabled. * Undispatched tracking information older than 30 days will be deleted. * Other bugfixes and enhancements. -------------------------------------------- Version: 2.0beta1 (May 2012) -------------------------------------------- * Initial internal beta release. * startSession method has been removed. Use setStartSession instead. * Added ga_sessionTimeout parameter to EasyTracker. See javadoc for details. * Uncaught exceptions on the Analytics Thread should no longer cause app crashes. * Implemented power save mode. Automatic dispatch calls will now be turned off if no hits are queued for dispatch. * Exposed several new Tracker methods in EasyTracker. See javadoc for details. * Added trackView method to GAITracker which takes no argument. * Fixed a bug that prevented exception parameters from being sent on hits. * Hits that can't be read from the database are discarded instead of permanently blocking all hits from being dispatched. * Updated to latest wire format. * Implemented timing hit type. * Implemented Ecommerce hit types (transaction and item). -------------------------------------------- Version: 2.0alpha1 (April 2012) -------------------------------------------- * Initial internal alpha release.