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Searched for: "11.025" Subjects offered any term 1 subject found.
11.025[J] D-Lab: Development
(Same subject as EC.701[J])
(Subject meets with 11.472[J], EC.781[J])
Prereq: None
Units: 3-2-7
Lecture: MWF3.30-5 (N51-310)
Issues in international development, appropriate technology and project implementation addressed through lectures, case studies, guest speakers and laboratory exercises. Students form project teams to partner with community organizations in developing countries, and formulate plans for an optional IAP site visit. (Previous field sites include Ghana, Brazil, Honduras and India.) Recitation sections focus on specific project implementation, and include cultural, social, political, environmental and economic overviews of the target countries as well as an introduction to the local languages. Enrollment limited by lottery; must attend first class session.
S. L. Hsu, A. B. Smith, B. Sanyal
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