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Searched for: "15.363" Subjects offered any term 1 subject found.
15.363[J] Strategic Decision Making in the Life Sciences
(, )
(Same subject as HST.971[J])
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-6
You must pre-register and participate in Sloan's Course Bidding to take this subject.
Lecture: T EVE (5.30-8.30 PM) (E51-315)
Surveys key strategic decisions faced by managers, investors and scientists at each stage in the value chain of the life science industry. Aims to develop students' ability to understand and effectively assess these strategic challenges. Focuses on the biotech sector, with additional examples from the pharmaceutical and medical device sectors. Includes case studies, analytical models, and detailed quantitative analysis. Intended for students interested in building a life science company or working in the sector as a manager, consultant, analyst, or investor. Provides analytical background to the industry for biological and biomedical scientists, engineers and physicians with an interest in understanding the commercial dynamics of the life sciences or the commercial potential of their research.
Fall: J. Fleming
Spring: J. Fleming
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