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Searched for: "15.401" Subjects offered any term 1 subject found.
15.401 Managerial Finance
(, )
Prereq: None
Units: 4-0-5
Lecture: MW10-11.30 (E51-149) or MW1-2.30 (E51-149) or MW10-11.30 (E51-395) or MW1-2.30 (E51-325) or MW2.30-4 (E52-164) Recitation: F2 (E51-149) or F1 (E51-149) or T1 (E51-372, E51-085) or T4 (E51-345) +final
Covers the fundamentals of modern financial analysis that are essential to any manager, entrepreneur, investor, or other business professional. Topics include valuation, risk analysis, personal and corporate investment decisions, and an introduction to security analysis and asset management. A prerequisite for all other finance electives offered by the Finance Group. Meets with 15.417 when offered concurrently. Expectations and evaluation criteria differ for students taking graduate version; consult syllabus or instructor for specific details.
D. Greenwald, R. Kissinger, J. Cowin, C. Monique, E. Matveyev, R. Kissinger, J. Cowin, E. Matveyev, J. Cowin, R. Kissinger, A. Verdelhan, C. Monique, R. Kissinger, J. Cowin, A. Verdelhan, C. Monique, R. Kissinger, J. Cowin, S. Kogan, R. Kissinger, J. Cowin
Textbooks (Fall 2017)15.402 Corporate Finance
(, )
Prereq: 15.401
Units: 3-0-6
Credit cannot also be received for 15.418
Lecture: MW10-11.30 (E51-145) or MW1-2.30 (E51-345) +final
Introduction to corporate financial management. Topics include capital budgeting, investment decisions and valuation; working capital management, security issues; dividend policy; optimal capital structure; and real options analysis. Meets with 15.418 when offered concurrently.
A. Malenko, J. Cowin, C. Monique, D. Thesmar, C. Monique, J. Cowin, D. Thesmar, J. Cowin, C. Monique
Textbooks (Fall 2017)