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Searched for: "15.8741" Subjects offered any term 1 subject found.
15.8741 System Dynamics for Business Policy
(, )
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-9
Introduction to systems thinking and system dynamics modeling applied to strategy, organizational change, and policy design. Students use simulation models, management flight simulators, and case studies to develop conceptual and modeling skills for the design and management of high-performance organizations in a dynamic world. Case studies cover successful applications of system dynamics in growth strategy, management of technology, operations, supply chains, product development, and other areas. When offered concurrently, meets with 15.871 first half of term and with 15.872 second half of term. Expectations and evaluation criteria differ for students taking the half-term graduate subjects; consult syllabus or instructor for specific details.
J. Sterman, H. Rahmandad, D. Keith
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