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Searched for: "18.022" Subjects offered any term 1 subject found.
18.022 Calculus
Prereq: Calculus I (GIR)
Units: 5-0-7
Credit cannot also be received for 18.02, 18.02A, CC.1802, CC.182A, ES.1802, ES.182A
Lecture: TR1,F2 (4-270) Recitation: MW11 (2-146) or MW12 (2-146) or MW1 (4-149) +final
Calculus of several variables. Topics as in 18.02 but with more focus on mathematical concepts. Vector algebra, dot product, matrices, determinant. Functions of several variables, continuity, differentiability, derivative. Parametrized curves, arc length, curvature, torsion. Vector fields, gradient, curl, divergence. Multiple integrals, change of variables, line integrals, surface integrals. Stokes' theorem in one, two, and three dimensions.
P. Etingof
Textbooks (Fall 2017)