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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
IAP / Spring 2018 Search Results

Searched for: "2.098"    Subjects offered any term      

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2.098 Introduction to Finite Element Methods for Partial Differential Equations

Graduate (Spring)
Prereq: 2.086, 18.06
Units: 3-0-9
Add to schedule Lecture: MW9-10.30 (1-150)
Variational framework: strong form, weak form, energy. Variational approximation: Rayleigh-Ritz, Galerkin. Finite element method: approximation spaces; discrete equations; solution techniques; implementation; a priori and a posteriori error estimates; SPD eigenproblems. Components and direct stiffness assembly. Method of lines: heat equation, second-order wave equation. Advanced topics: constrained problems, nonlinear problems, reduced basis methods. Applications: elasticity, heat transfer, acoustics, incompressible flow. Implementation in MATLAB or Python.
A. Patera
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