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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
Fall 2017 Search Results

Searched for: "2.671"    Subjects offered any term      

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2.671 Measurement and Instrumentation

Undergrad (Fall, Spring) Institute Lab
Prereq: 2.001, 2.003, 2.086, Physics II (GIR)
Units: 3-3-6
Pre-reg required. Lecture: TR12.30-2 (3-270) Lab: M2-5 (3-038) or T9-12 (3-038) or T2-5 (3-038) or W9-12 (3-038) or W2-5 (3-038) or R2-5 (3-038) or F9-12 (3-038) or F2-5 (3-038)
Experimental techniques for observation and measurement of physical variables such as force, strain, temperature, flow rate, and acceleration. Emphasizes principles of transduction, measurement circuitry, MEMS sensors, Fourier transforms, linear and nonlinear function fitting, uncertainty analysis, probability density functions and statistics, system identification, electrical impedance analysis and transfer functions, computer-aided experimentation, and technical reporting. Typical laboratory experiments involve oscilloscopes, electronic circuits including operational amplifiers, thermocouples, strain gauges, digital recorders, lasers, etc. Basic material and lab objectives are developed in lectures. Instruction and practice in oral and written communication provided. Enrollment limited.
I. W. Hunter, J. J. Leonard
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