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IAP / Spring 2018 Search Results

Searched for: "21g.714"    Subjects offered any term      

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21G.714 Spanish for Heritage Learners

Not offered academic year 2018-2019Undergrad (Spring) HASS Humanities
Prereq: Fluency in a Spanish dialect or permission of instructor
Units: 3-0-9
Add to schedule Lecture: TR EVE (7-8.30 PM) (16-628)
Designed for students who have conversational skills (typically gained from growing up in a Spanish speaking environment) without a corresponding level of literacy. Builds upon students' existing linguistic and cultural knowledge to develop competence and confidence in using the language in more formal contexts. Examines a variety of texts and genres, music, films and visual arts, in order to enrich vocabulary, improve grammatical accuracy, and gain a greater social, cultural, political, and historical understanding of the Spanish-speaking world. Taught in Spanish. Limited to 18.
J. Barroso
Textbooks (Spring 2018)