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Searched for: "21m.601" Subjects offered any term 1 subject found.
21M.601 Drawing for Designers
(, )
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-6
Lecture: T EVE (7-10 PM) (W97-261)
Explores drawing as a fundamental component of the design process. In-class drawing exercises focus on developing the hand-to-eye relationship and pre-visualization skills essential to any designer. Studies the use drawing as a route to understanding space and form and achieving accuracy through expression. By drawing figures, landscapes and/or still life compositions in a variety of media, students investigate the figure/ground relationship while dealing with tone, line, and composition, which are all requisite elements of design. Provides exposure to designers who have used drawing as a central component of their work. Students create a portfolio that includes in-class drawings, studies done outside of class, and one research-based written project. Limited to 20.
Fall: S. McBride
Spring: O. Botez, S. Brown
No required or recommended textbooks