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Searched for: "21w.015" Subjects offered any term 1 subject found.
21W.015 Writing and Rhetoric: Writing about Sports
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-9
Credit cannot also be received for 21W.011, 21W.012, 21W.013, 21W.014, 21W.016
Lecture: TR3-4.30 (1-135)
Examines the role of sports in our individual lives and American culture at large. Considers a broad range of issues, such as heroism and ethical conundrums, gender equality, steroids, and the proper role of sports in college life. Examples of high-quality, descriptive and analytic sports writing serve as the focus for class discussion and as models for student essays. Limited to 18.
K. Boiko
No required or recommended textbooks