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Searched for: "4.246" Subjects offered any term 1 subject found.
4.246[J] DesignX Accelerator
(Same subject as 11.246[J])
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Units: 2-4-6 [P/D/F]
Lecture: W EVE (5-7 PM) (9-450A) Lab: F9-1 (9-450A)
Students work in entrepreneurial teams to advance innovative ideas, products, services, and firms oriented to design and the built environment. Lectures, demonstrations, and presentations are supplemented by workshop time, when teams interact individually with instructors and industry mentors, and by additional networking events and field trips. At the end of the term, teams pitch for support of their venture to outside investors, accelerators, companies, or cities. Limited to 30; preference to students in DesignX Program.
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