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Searched for: "6.912" Subjects offered any term 1 subject found.
6.912 Engineering Leadership
(, )
Engineering School-Wide Elective Subject.
(Offered under: 6.912, 16.651)
Prereq: None. Coreq: 6.911 or permission of instructor
Units: 1-0-2
Lecture: M9-10.30 (5-233) or M11-12.30 (5-233) or T9-10.30 (5-233) or T11-12.30 (5-233)
Exposes students to the models and methods of engineering leadership within the contexts of conceiving, designing, implementing and operating products, processes and systems. Introduces the Capabilities of Effective Engineering Leaders, and models and theories related to the capabilities. Discusses the appropriate times and reasons to use particular models to deliver engineering success. Includes occasional guest speakers or panel discussions. May be repeated for credit once with permission of instructor. Preference to first-year students in the Gordon Engineering Leadership Program.
J. Magarian, J. Schindall, L. McGonagle
No required or recommended textbooks