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Searched for: "archive" Subjects offered any term 7 subjects found.
12.740 Paleoceanography
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Units: 3-0-9
Studies the basic principles of techniques for reconstructing the history of ocean climate from marine sediment cores, corals, ice cores, and other paleoclimate archives. Examines this data in the light of proposed climate change mechanisms. Micropaleontological, isotopic, geochemical, and mineralogical changes are used to infer changes in seawater composition, atmospheric chemistry, and climate. Observations are interpreted as consequences of changes in ocean temperature, circulation, and chemistry, and are used to evaluate theories proposed to account for glacial/interglacial cycles. Focuses on the past two million years, but major processes and events from the past 100 million years are also included.
21L.590 Cultural Encounters: Global Literature Abroad
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Units: 3-3-3
While living abroad, students study literature, art and history with a focus on the multi-national contexts of cultural production. Emphasis of the course will vary but it will always examine the dynamic exchange of culture beyond national borders, the relationship between geography, history and the literary imagination, and the different esthetic experience of seeing from within and seeing from the outside. Students study a variety of texts as well as music, dance and visual materials. Visits to museums, archives, and architectural sites are an integral part of this subject. May be repeated for credit with instructor's permission so long as the content differs.
21L.639[J] Globalization and its Discontents: Spanish-speaking Nations
(Same subject as 21G.739[J])
Prereq: One intermediate subject in Spanish or permission of instructor
Units: 3-0-9
Studies new paradigms of cultural exchange that have shaped Latin America in the 20th and 21st centuries. Examines how globalization is rapidly changing the identity of peoples and cultures in Spanish-speaking nations. Spotlights debates about human rights. Materials studied include film, fiction, essay, architectural archives, music and art. Students complete a research project about a specific aspect of Hispanic culture that has been shaped by contemporary forces in the global economy. Taught in Spanish with required readings and writing in Spanish.
21W.021 Writing and Experience: MIT Inside, Live
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-9
Credit cannot also be received for 21W.022, 21W.026
Lecture: MW2.30-4 (1-375)
Acting as participant-observers, students investigate MIT's history and culture through visits to the Institute's archives and museums, relevant readings, and depictions of MIT in popular culture. Students chronicle their experiences and insights through a variety of writing projects, culminating in the completion of a portfolio. Limited to 18.
J. Graziano
Textbooks (Fall 2017)21W.825 Advanced Science Writing Seminar I
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Units: 6-0-18
Lecture: MWF10-12 (14N-112)
First term of year-long graduate sequence in science writing offers students intensive workshops and critiques of their own writing, and that of published books, articles, and essays; discussions of ethical and professional issues; study of science and scientists in historical and social context; analysis of recent events in science and technology. Emphasis throughout on developing skills and habits of mind that enable the science writer to tackle scientifically formidable material and write about it for ordinary readers. Topics include the tools of research, conceived in its broadest sense- including interviewing, websites, archives, scientific journal articles; science journalism, including culture of the newsroom and magazine-style journalism; science essays. Considerable attention to science writing's audiences, markets, and publics and the special requirements of each.
S. Mnookin
Textbooks (Fall 2017)CMS.633 Digital Humanities: Topics, Techniques, and Technologies
(Subject meets with CMS.833)
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-9
Lecture: T EVE (7-10 PM) (16-676)
Examines theory and practice of using computational methods in the emerging field of digital humanities. Develops an understanding of key digital humanities concepts such as data representation, digital archives, information visualization, and user interaction through the study of contemporary research in conjunction with working on real-world projects for scholarly, educational, and public needs. Students create prototypes, write design papers, and conduct user studies. Some programming and design experience is helpful but not required. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments.
K. Fendt
No textbook information availableCMS.833 Digital Humanities: Topics, Techniques, and Technologies
(Subject meets with CMS.633)
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-9
Lecture: T EVE (7-10 PM) (16-676)
Examines theory and practice of using computational methods in the emerging field of digital humanities. Develops an understanding of key digital humanities concepts such as data representation, digital archives, information visualization, and user interaction through the study of contemporary research in conjunction with working on real-world projects for scholarly, educational, and public needs. Students create prototypes, write design papers, and conduct user studies. Some programming and design experience is helpful but not required. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments.
No textbook information available