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Searched for: "1.200" Subjects offered any term 1 subject found.
1.200[J] Transportation Systems Analysis: Performance and Optimization
(Same subject as 11.544[J])
Prereq: 1.010 and permission of instructor
Units: 3-1-8
Lecture: MW3-4.30 (5-233) Recitation: F3 (5-233)![]()
Problem-motivated introduction to methods, models and tools for the analysis and design of transportation networks including their planning, operations and control. Capacity of critical elements of transportation networks. Traffic flows and deterministic and probabilistic delay models. Formulation of optimization models for planning and scheduling of freight, transit and airline systems, and their solution using software packages. User- and system-optimal traffic assignment. Control of traffic flows on highways, urban grids, and airspace.
C. Osorio Pizano
No required or recommended textbooks1.201[J] Transportation Systems Analysis: Demand and Economics
(Same subject as 11.545[J])
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Units: 3-1-8
Lecture: TR2.30-4 (2-105) Recitation: F11 (2-105) +final![]()
Covers the key principles governing transportation systems planning and management. Introduces the microeconomic concepts central to transportation systems. Topics include economic theories of the firm, consumer, and market, demand models, discrete choice analysis, cost models and production functions, and pricing theory. Applications to transportation systems - including congestion pricing, technological change, resource allocation, market structure and regulation, revenue forecasting, public and private transportation finance, and project evaluation - cover urban passenger transportation, freight, maritime, aviation, and intelligent transportation systems.
M. Ben-Akiva
Textbooks (Fall 2018)