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Searched for: "1.253" Subjects offered any term 1 subject found.
1.253[J] Transportation Policy, the Environment, and Livable Communities
(Same subject as 11.543[J])
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Units: 3-0-9
Lecture: F2-5 (9-255)
Examines the economic and political conflict between transportation and the environment. Investigates the role of government regulation, green business and transportation policy as a facilitator of economic development and environmental sustainability. Analyzes a variety of international policy problems, including government-business relations, the role of interest groups, non-governmental organizations, and the public and media in the regulation of the automobile; sustainable development; global warming; politics of risk and siting of transport facilities; environmental justice; equity; as well as transportation and public health in the urban metropolis. Provides students with an opportunity to apply transportation and planning methods to develop policy alternatives in the context of environmental politics. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments.
J. Coughlin and F. Salvucci
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