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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
Fall 2018 Search Results

Searched for: "1.575"    Subjects offered any term      

1 subject found.

1.575[J] Computational Structural Design and Optimization

Not offered academic year 2019-2020Graduate (Fall)
(Same subject as 4.450[J])
(Subject meets with 4.451)
Prereq: ((1.000 or 6.00) and (1.050, 2.001, or 4.462)) or permission of instructor
Units arranged
Lecture: M2-5 (35-225)
Research seminar focusing on emerging applications of computation for creative, early-stage structural design and optimization for architecture. Incorporates computational design fundamentals, including problem parameterization and formulation; design space exploration strategies, including interactive, heuristic, and gradient-based optimization; and computational structural analysis methods, including the finite element method, graphic statics, and approximation techniques. Programing experience and familiarity with structural mechanics necessary. Additional work required of students taking for graduate credit. Enrollment limited to 30.
C. Mueller
No required or recommended textbooks