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Searched for: "14.12" Subjects offered any term 1 subject found.
14.12 Economic Applications of Game Theory
Prereq: 14.01 and (6.041B or permission of instructor)
Units: 4-0-8
Lecture: TR2.30-4 (E52-164) Recitation: F10 (E51-361) or F2 (E51-395) or F3 (E51-395) +final
Analysis of strategic behavior in multi-person economic settings. Introduction to solution concepts, such as rationalizability, backwards induction, Nash equilibrium, subgame-perfect equilibrium, and sequential equilibrium, with a strong emphasis on the assumptions behind these solution concepts. Issues of incomplete information, such as signaling and reputation formation. Applications drawn from microeconomics and political economy.
M. Yildiz
Textbooks (Fall 2018)