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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
Fall 2018 Search Results

Searched for: "14.32"    Subjects offered any term      

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14.32 Econometric Data Science

Undergrad (Fall, Spring) Institute Lab
(Subject meets with 14.320)
Prereq: 14.30
Units: 4-4-4
Lecture: TR1-2.30 (E52-164) Recitation: F2 (E51-376) +final
Introduces multiple regression methods for causal inference and descriptive analysis in economics and related disciplines. Extensions include instrumental variables methods, analysis of randomized experiments and quasi-experimental research designs, and regression with time series data. Develops the skills needed to conduct - and critique - empirical studies in economics and related fields. Students complete an empirical project with a written description and interpretation of results; this may involve original data collection or use of existing data sets. Applications drawn from real-world examples and frontier research. Familiarity with statistical programming languages is helpful. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments.
Fall: A. Mikusheva
Spring: B. Frandsen
Textbooks (Fall 2018)