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Searched for: "15.425" Subjects offered any term 1 subject found.
15.425 Corporate Finance
Prereq: 15.415
Units: 3-0-6
Lecture: MW10-11.30 (E62-276) or MW1-2.30 (E62-276) +final
Foundational, applied course providing instruction in the tools and techniques of corporate financial management from the perspective of the CFO. Case studies present the financial tools needed to make value-enhancing business decisions: how to decide which projects to invest in, how to finance those investments, and how to manage the cash flows of the firm. Topics include capital budgeting, investment decisions and valuation; working capital management, security issues; dividend policy; optimal capital structure; and real options analysis. Restricted to students in the Master of Finance Program.
D. Thesmar
Textbooks (Fall 2018)