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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
Fall 2018 Search Results

Searched for: "22.811"    Subjects offered any term      

1 subject found.

22.811[J] Sustainable Energy

Graduate (Fall)
(Same subject as 1.818[J], 2.65[J], 10.391[J], 11.371[J])
(Subject meets with 2.650[J], 10.291[J], 22.081[J])
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Units: 3-1-8
Lecture: TR3-5 (32-155) Recitation: F2 (24-115)
Assessment of current and potential future energy systems. Covers resources, extraction, conversion, and end-use technologies, with emphasis on meeting 21st-century regional and global energy needs in a sustainable manner. Examines various energy technologies in each fuel cycle stage for fossil (oil, gas, synthetic), nuclear (fission and fusion) and renewable (solar, biomass, wind, hydro, and geothermal) energy types, along with storage, transmission, and conservation issues. Emphasizes analysis of energy propositions within an engineering, economic and social context. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments.
M. Golay
Textbooks (Fall 2018)