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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
Fall 2018 Search Results

Searched for: "24.900"    Subjects offered any term      

1 subject found.

24.900 Introduction to Linguistics

Undergrad (Fall) HASS Social Sciences Communication Intensive HASS
Prereq: None
Units: 4-0-8
Credit cannot also be received for 24.9000
Add to schedule Lecture: MW11-12.30 (4-163) Recitation: F9 (56-162) or F10 (56-162) or F11 (56-162, 66-156) or F1 (56-162) +final
Studies what is language and what does knowledge of a language consist of. It asks how do children learn languages and is language unique to humans; why are there many languages; how do languages change; is any language or dialect superior to another; and how are speech and writing related. Context for these and similar questions provided by basic examination of internal organization of sentences, words, and sound systems. Assumes no prior training in linguistics.
A. Albright
Textbooks (Fall 2018)