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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
Fall 2018 Search Results

Searched for: "8.511"    Subjects offered any term      

1 subject found.

8.511 Theory of Solids I

Graduate (Fall)
Prereq: 8.231
Units: 3-0-9
Lecture: MW1-2.30 (4-153) +final
First term of a theoretical treatment of the physics of solids. Concept of elementary excitations. Symmetry- translational, rotational, and time-reversal invariances- theory of representations. Energy bands- electrons and phonons. Topological band theory. Survey of electronic structure of metals, semimetals, semiconductors, and insulators, excitons, critical points, response functions, and interactions in the electron gas. Theory of superconductivity.
L. Levitov
Textbooks (Fall 2018)

8.512 Theory of Solids II

Graduate (Spring)
Prereq: 8.511
Units: 3-0-9
Second term of a theoretical treatment of the physics of solids. Interacting electron gas: many-body formulation, Feynman diagrams, random phase approximation and beyond. General theory of linear response: dielectric function; sum rules; plasmons; optical properties; applications to semiconductors, metals, and insulators. Transport properties: non-interacting electron gas with impurities, diffusons. Quantum Hall effect: integral and fractional. Electron-phonon interaction: general theory, applications to metals, semiconductors and insulators, polarons, and field-theory description. Superconductivity: experimental observations, phenomenological theories, and BCS theory.