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Searched for: "hst.040" Subjects offered any term 1 subject found.
HST.041 Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis
(Subject meets with HST.040)
Prereq: Biology (GIR), 7.05, and permission of instructor
Units: 4-2-6
HST.040: Begins Sept 4. Final exam at harvard. Lecture: T8.30-12 (MEC-250) Lab: R8.30-10.30 (MEC-343)
HST.041: Begins Sept 4. Final exam at harvard. Lecture: T8.30-12 (MEC-250) Lab: R8.30-10.30 (MEC-343)
Deals with the mechanisms of pathogenesis of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. Approach spans mechanisms from molecular to clinical aspects of disease. Topics selected for intrinsic interest and cover the demonstrated spectrum of pathophysiologic mechanisms. Only HST students may register under HST.040, graded P/D/F. Lab fee. Enrollment limited.
C. Crumpacker II, H. Simon
HST.040: Textbooks (Fall 2018)
HST.041: Textbooks (Fall 2018)