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Searched for: "sts." Subjects offered any term 134 subjects found. Please try something more specific.
- 1.097 Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
- 4.286 SMArchS Urbanism Pre-Thesis Preparation
- 6.033 Computer Systems Engineering
- 6.856J Randomized Algorithms
- 8.225J Einstein, Oppenheimer, Feynman: Physics in the 20th Century
- 10.977 Seminar in Electrocatalysis
- 11.011 The Art and Science of Negotiation
- 11.133J Dilemmas in Biomedical Ethics: Playing God or Doing Good?
(21A.302)- 11.151J Youth Political Participation
- 11.461J Technocracy
- 11.527 Advanced Seminar in Transportation Finance
- 12.306 Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry
- 12.310 An Introduction to Weather Forecasting
- 12.806J Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry
- 12.862 Coastal Physical Oceanography
- 15.136J Principles and Practice of Drug Development
- 15.360 Introduction to Technological Entrepreneurship
- 15.431 Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital
- 15.4311 Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital
- 15.691 Research Seminar in Work, Employment and Industrial Relations
- 15.719 Entrepreneurial Finance
- 15.929 Identity and Action
- 16.707J The History of Aviation
- 16.895J Engineering Apollo: The Moon Project as a Complex System
- 17.150 The American Political Economy in Comparative Perspective
- 17.395J Innovation Systems for Science, Technology, Energy, Manufacturing, and Health
- 18.919 Graduate Topology Seminar
- 21A.302J Dilemmas in Biomedical Ethics: Playing God or Doing Good?
(New number 11.133)- 21A.829J Ethnography
- 21G.120 Business Chinese
- 21H.205J The Civil War and the Emergence of Modern America: 1861-1890
- 21H.285J Making the Modern World: The Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective
- 21M.451 Studio Accompanying for Pianists
- 21M.600 Introduction to Acting
- 21M.803 Performance and Design Workshop
- 21W.031 Science Writing and New Media: Explorations in Communicating about Science and Technology
- 21W.031 Science Writing and New Media: Explorations in Communicating about Science and Technology
- 21W.752 Making Documentary: Audio, Video, and More
- 21W.824 Making Documentary: Audio, Video, and More
- CMS.595 Learning, Media, and Technology
(New)- CMS.895 Learning, Media, and Technology
(New)- HST.163 Molecular Diagnostics and Bioinformatics
- IDS.411 Concepts and Research in Technology and Policy
- STS.001 Technology in American History
- STS.002 Finance and Society
- STS.003 The Rise of Modern Science
- STS.004 Intersections: Science, Technology, and the World
- STS.006J Bioethics
- STS.007 Technology in History
- STS.008 Technology and Experience
- STS.009 Evolution and Society
- STS.011 Engineering Life: Biotechnology and Society
- STS.012 Science in Action: Technologies and Controversies in Everyday Life
- STS.022J Gender in Science, Technology, and Environment
- STS.023J Science, Gender and Social Inequality in the Developing World
- STS.025J Making the Modern World: The Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective
- STS.026 History of Manufacturing in America
- STS.027J The Civil War and the Emergence of Modern America: 1861-1890
- STS.028 Seven Wonders of the Engineering World
- STS.032 Energy, Environment, and Society
- STS.033J People and the Planet: Environmental Histories and Engineering
- STS.034 Science Communication: A Practical Guide
- STS.035 Exhibiting Science
- STS.042J Einstein, Oppenheimer, Feynman: Physics in the 20th Century
- STS.043 Technology and Self: Science, Technology, and Memoir
- STS.044 Technology and Self: Things and Thinking
- STS.046J The Science of Race, Sex, and Gender
- STS.047 Quantifying People: A History of Social Science
- STS.048 African Americans in Science, Technology, and Medicine
- STS.049 The Long War Against Cancer
- STS.050 The History of MIT
- STS.060J The Anthropology of Biology
- STS.062J Drugs, Politics, and Culture
- STS.064J DV Lab: Documenting Science through Video and New Media
- STS.065J The Anthropology of Sound
- STS.071J Cross-Cultural Investigations: Technology and Development
- STS.074J Art, Craft, Science
- STS.075J Technology and Culture
- STS.080J Youth Political Participation
- STS.081J Innovation Systems for Science, Technology, Energy, Manufacturing, and Health
- STS.082J Science, Technology, and Public Policy
- STS.084J Social Problems of Nuclear Energy
- STS.085J Foundations of Information Policy
- STS.086J Cultures of Computing
- STS.087 Biography in Science
- STS.088 Africa for Engineers
- STS.095 Independent Study in Science, Technology, and Society
- STS.095, STS.096 Independent Study in Science, Technology, and Society
- STS.250J Social Theory and Analysis
- STS.260 Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society
- STS.310 History of Science
- STS.320J Environmental Conflict
- STS.330J History and Anthropology of Medicine and Biology
- STS.340 Introduction to the History of Technology
- STS.360J Ethnography
- STS.412 Quantification
- STS.414J Risk, Fortune, and Futurity
(New)- STS.417 STS Seminar on the Global South
- STS.418 Science and Technology in South Asia: Perspectives from History and Anthropology
- STS.419 Global Science, Technology and Society
- STS.425 History of Manufacturing in America
- STS.427 The Civil War and the Emergence of Modern America: 1861-1890
- STS.429 Food and Power
- STS.441 Technology and Self: Technology and Conversation
- STS.443 Technology and Self: Science, Technology, and Memoir
- STS.444 Technology and Self: Things and Thinking
- STS.450 The Global History of Medicine and Public Health
- STS.454 Science and Technology in the Museum Environment
- STS.460 Histories of Information, Communication, and Computing Technologies
- STS.462 Social and Political Implications of Technology
- STS.463J Technocracy
- STS.467J The History of Aviation
- STS.470J Research Seminar: Human, Remote and Autonomous Systems in Air, Sea, and Space
- STS.471J Engineering Apollo: The Moon Project as a Complex System
- STS.474J Art, Craft, Science
- STS.477J Writing: Science, Technology, and Society
- STS.481J Cross-Cultural Investigations: Technology and Development
- STS.482J Science, Technology, and Public Policy
- STS.487 Foundations of Information Policy
- STS.800 Teaching Science, Technology and Society
- STS.901 Independent Study in Science, Technology, and Society
- STS.902 Independent Study in Science, Technology, and Society
- STS.903 Independent Study in Science, Technology, and Society
- STS.901-STS.904 Independent Study in Science, Technology, and Society
- STS.S20 Special Subject: Science, Technology and Society
- STS.S20, STS.S21 Special Subject: Science, Technology and Society
- STS.S91 Special Subject: Science, Technology and Society
- STS.S92 Special Subject: Science, Technology and Society
- STS.THG Graduate Thesis
- STS.THT Undergraduate Thesis Tutorial
- STS.THU Undergraduate Thesis
- STS.UR Undergraduate Research
- STS.URG Undergraduate Research
- WGS.271J Dilemmas in Biomedical Ethics: Playing God or Doing Good?