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Welcome to the 2017 Edition of 6.034

Logistical stuff:

Reference stuff:

Note that the current staff mailing list is 6.034-2017-staff@.


December 2017

Friday, December 15: End-of-semester review sessions

On Saturday (December 16) and Sunday (December 17), we will be having end-of-semester review sessions covering all 6.034 core topics. More details can be found on the office hours page.

Sunday, December 10: Quiz 4 thresholds

We'll be returning Quiz 4 during recitations this week. Beginning Wednesday, you may pick up your quiz from Professor Winston's office (32-251) when he is in, or contact your TA to arrange a pick-up. The Quiz 4 thresholds are:

Thorough understanding (5) Acceptable understanding (4) Some understanding (3) / Needs work
Problem 1: Bayes (50) ≥ 44 ≥ 39 ≥ 33
Problem 2: Boosting (50) ≥ 46 ≥ 41 ≥ 35
Total ≥ 90 ≥ 80 ≥ 68

Friday, December 1: Quiz 4 Locations

Quiz 4 will take place on Wednesday, December 6. Locations will be the same as for Quiz 2. That is,

  • Family name A-M in Walker, 3rd floor
  • Family name N-Z in 10-250

The core topics are Bayesian inference and boosting (Adaboost). The spiritual/right now topics are listed as "4srn" on the Reference material page.

November 2017

Monday, November 20: 6.034 2017 T-shirts announced

By popular request, you can now order a limited-edition 6.034 2017 T-shirt, featuring our class motto as coined by Dr. Vikash Mansinghka, former 6.034 student and Head TA.

This year's T-shirt will be available in sapphire blue, available at cost in both crew-neck ($8) and v-neck ($9). If you would like to buy one, please order here by Tuesday morning, November 28.

Sunday, November 12: Quiz 3 thresholds

We hope you've had a pleasant long weekend!

We'll be returning Quiz 3 during recitations tomorrow and Tuesday. Beginning Wednesday, you may pick up your quiz from Professor Winston's office (32-251) when he is in, or contact your TA to arrange a pick-up. The Quiz 3 thresholds are:

Thorough understanding (5) Acceptable understanding (4) Some understanding (3) / Needs work
Problem 1: SVMs (50) ≥ 45 ≥ 39 ≥ 33
Problem 2: Neural Networks (50) ≥ 45 ≥ 40 ≥ 33
Total ≥ 90 ≥ 79 ≥ 66

Tuesday, November 7: Quiz 3 Locations

Quiz 3, covering neural networks and support vector machines, will be held during class time on November 8. You will be in the same location as you were for Quiz 1: in other words,

  • Family name A-M will be in 10-250
  • Family name N-Z will be in Walker, 3rd floor

October 2017

Monday, October 23: Quiz 2 thresholds

We will be returning Quiz 2 during recitations on Monday and Tuesday. Beginning Wednesday, you may pick up your quiz from Professor Winston's office (32-251) when he is in, or contact your TA to arrange a pick-up. Thresholds are:

Thorough understanding (5) Acceptable understanding (4) Some understanding (3) / Needs work
Problem 1: ID Trees (30) ≥ 27 ≥ 24 ≥ 19
Problem 2: k-Nearest Neighbors (30) ≥ 26 ≥ 22 ≥ 16
Problem 3: Constraint Propagation (40) ≥ 33 ≥ 26 ≥ 20
Total ≥ 86 ≥ 72 ≥ 55

Saturday, October 14: Quiz 2 Locations

Quiz 2 (covering constraint propagation, k-nearest neighbors, and identification trees) will be held on October 18 at 10am. If you were in Walker for quiz 1, you will be in 10-250 for quiz 2, and vice versa. Hence,

  • Family name A-M will be in Walker, 3rd floor
  • Family name N-Z will be in 10-250

Sunday, October 1: Quiz 1 thresholds

Quiz 1 will be returned in recitations on Monday and Tuesday. Beginning Wednesday, you may pick up your quiz from Professor Winston's office (32-251) when he is in, or contact your TA to arrange a pick-up. Thresholds are:

Thorough understanding (5) Acceptable understanding (4) Some understanding (3) / Needs work
Problem 1: Search (35) ≥ 32 ≥ 27 ≥ 22
Problem 2: Rules (35) ≥ 31 ≥ 27 ≥ 21
Problem 3: Games (30) ≥ 28 ≥ 24 ≥ 20
Total ≥ 91 ≥ 78 ≥ 63

September 2017

Saturday, September 23: Quiz 1 Locations

Quiz 1 (covering rule-based systems, search, and games) will be held on Wednesday, September 27 at 10am. Half of you will take the quiz in 10-250, and half in 10-250, enabling less crowded conditions. Locations:

  • Family name A-M: 10-250
  • Family name N-Z: Walker, 3rd floor

Sunday, September 10: Recitations are now assigned

Recitations have been assigned! To view or change your recitation, please visit the 6.034 Recitation Self-Service page. Recitations begin on Monday 9/11 (tomorrow) and Tuesday 9/12. We'll see you there!

Wednesday, September 6: Recitation Sign-Up

Recitations will start next Monday 9/11 and Tuesday 9/12. Please fill out the recitation request form by 5pm today to indicate your recitation preferences. Recitation assignments will be sent out by Sunday afternoon.

If you are not yet registered for the class, please fill out the recitation request form anyway, and register for 6.034 as soon as possible.

Summer 2017

Special 2017 opportunity for extra units

The 2017 edition of 6.034 will offer an optional 3-unit add-on set of lectures given by Professor Robert C. Berwick. This addition will supplement the main lectures and recitations because it will focus on the science side of 6.034, addressing long-standing scientific questions and biological intelligence, rather than existing tools for building applications. Evolution and human language will be emphasized.

To avoid conflicts with other classes, Professor Berwick will offer the once-a-week extra session twice:

3-4 on Wednesdays 36-153

2-3 on Fridays. 36-155

You can attend either of the two sessions.

If you are interested, sign up for 6.S077 in addition to 6.034.

Special 2017 opportunity for graduate credit

The 2017 edition of 6.034 will offer an optional, experimental, graduate-credit version, for graduate students only, by Professor Gerald J. Sussman. Students involved will do all 6.034 classes, homework, and quizzes plus an extra class with Professor Sussman and extra work. You can read the prospectus here.

The class, 6.S966, will meet on Fridays, 11am-12noon, in 34-303.

If you are interested, register for 6.S966. When registering, you must explicitly register for 12 units; the registration software will try to default to 1 unit.

6.034 Lab 0 Released

Many students interested in taking 6.034 for credit wonder if their Python skills are adequate for the 6.034 laboratory assignments, especially those who have not taken 6.0001 or equivalent. The answer is to be found in Lab 0, which in past years we have released at the beginning of the semester.

You can look over Lab 0 now, before the semester begins, so that you can determine if you should review Python for a day or two before the semester begins. You can find Lab 0 here.

If you have any questions, email the 6.034 staff at 6.034-2017-staff@.

About 6.034, Fall 2017 Edition

In the fall semester of 2017, 6.034 will meet Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 to 11 in 10-250. Most, but not all of Professor Winston's lectures will be on Monday and Wednesday. On many, but not all Fridays, you will learn about what is happening in the field right now from someone who is doing work right now in an area related to the Monday and Wednesday lectures.

Examinations will cover material from the traditional lectures as well as the right-now lectures. It will be extremely difficult to field questions on the right-now material if you do not attend the right-now lectures because the material is not yet in textbooks or, in many cases, published papers.

Recitations (previously known as "tutorials") will meet weekly on Monday and Tuesday. On the first day of class, you will fill out a form that will enable us to assign you to a recitation.

6.034 is no longer offered in the spring term.

More details will emerge during the first lecture.

We are pleased to note that Bloomberg has listed 6.034 as among "Five of the Best Computer Science Classes in the U.S." What they meant to say is that 6.034 has had outstanding TAs.

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