6.813/6.831: User Interface Design & Implementation
Spring 2018 · Course Staff · MWF1 (34-101)
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Thu Feb 8: Preparation for this Friday and PS1 released
This Friday we will have an all-class meeting at 1pm in 34-101, just like today. We’ll talk about learnability, and you’ll need to prepare by doing reading 2 and answering its reading questions. Reading questions should be submitted by 10pm the night before to get participation credit. There will be a nanoquiz at the start of Friday’s class.
Problem Set 1 (UI Hall of Fame and Shame) is also posted, and is due next Wednesday.
Undergrads and masters students (in 6.813U and 6.831M) will have no studio this Friday. Studios for those versions of the course will start once we’ve formed project groups.
PhD students (in 6.831D) do have a studio meeting this Friday, 2-3pm (right after class) in 36-155. More information about what to prepare for the 6.831D studio has already been emailed directly to the people who signed up for 6.831D on the signup form.
Mon Jan 29: Welcome
You are getting this message because you preregistered for 6.813/6.831 User Interface Design and Implementation for the spring semester. We’re looking forward to a fun class this semester, but there are a few things you need to know.
- Attendance is required at the first lecture on Wed Feb 7 (1-2 pm in 34-101). The course is oversubscribed, so if you’re not there, you won’t be able to take the course.
- Please sign up immediately on the course sign up form at https://goo.gl/forms/fxlLm3qHVYa7oCZ13 so we can reserve recitation rooms. For schedule information you do not have, provide your best guess
- The class meets MWF1. For about half the Fridays, we’ll skip the all-class meeting at 1 and break up into studio sections instead (at 1, 2, 3, or 4, depend on which section your group is in). But you should make sure your schedule has F1 free for the weeks when we do meet as a full class on Friday.
- Laptops will be required for lectures – including the first. If you don’t have a functioning laptop, IS&T has a loaner program (http://ist.mit.edu/services/hardware/lcp), but you should act now to get one.
- The course has a prerequisite: 6.031 or equivalent software engineering experience. In particular, we expect you to have all of the following: substantial programming experience in Java, C#, C++, or a similar language (i.e. not just Python or Javascript); experience building at least one graphical user interface experience working in a small software development team using version control
- Note that programming experience limited to HTML, Javascript, or Python does NOT satisfy the prerequisite for this course, and you will not be able to enroll or pass the course. When you fill out the signup form, you will have to explain how you satisfy the prerequisite. That’s it for now. See you in February!
— David Karger, Lea Verou, and Amy Zhang
- 01: Usability
- 02: Learnability
- 03: Efficiency
- 04: Safety
- 05: UI Software Architecture
- 06: User-Centered Design
- 07: Output
- 08: Input
- 09: More Learnability
- 10: More Efficiency
- 11: Prototyping
- 12: User Testing
- 13: Graphic Design
- 14: Layout
- 15: Color
- 16: Typography
- 17: Heuristic Evaluation
- 18: Accessibility
- 19: Internationalization
Problem Sets
Group Project
Programming Labs optional
6.831M only