Zephyr Classes are considered to be private because there is no * wildcard
option for the class field. You must subscribe to a class explicitly.
If you try to subscribe to a class using
zctl sub \* \* \*
you will be subscribed to all the instances on the class named
*. However, the lack of this wildcard does not guarantee absolute
privacy on a Zephyr class. Listening in on a Zephyr class is as easy
as figuring out what the name of the class is and then subscribing to
Classes are a good to use for things like having a group of friends chat, or to send zephyrgrams to a number of people, perhaps about a group project. If you and your friends wanted to use a Zephyr class to chat, you could make up a name like myfriends (you would want to choose something private, that other people would probably not be using already) and then type
zctl sub myfriends \* \*
(Again, you could use zctl add instead.)
The * for the instance means you will be subscribed to all instances on class myfriends. This means that your friends could write to a specific instance within class myfriends, perhaps to distinguish what you are talking about, or just to be silly, and you would receive the message regardless of which instance they decided to use.
One class you might want to subscribe to allows you to receive zephyrgrams from the post office servers when you get new mail. To subscribe to this class, you should use zctl add mail inbox. You probably want to use add rather than sub so that you will receive these zephyrgrams whenever you are logged in. In your .zephyr.subs file, this will appear as the line mail,inbox,%me%, indicating that you are only subscribed to messages on this class with your username as the recipient, and on the instance inbox.
Another class that you might be interested in subscribing to is class help. As its name suggests, it is commonly used for the purpose of asking questions about various topics. To subscribe to it, type at the athena prompt:
zctl sub help \* \*
Topics on this zephyr class are threaded by instance, using the topic name. After subscribing, in order to send a message, you can type (at an Athena prompt:)
zwrite -c help -i
Geoffrey G Thomas 2009-02-09