
Although it is a three-letter word, zhm, the Zephyr Host Manager, is also important in understanding how Zephyr works. zhm is the program that is run on a machine you are logged into that allows your machine to communicate with the Zephyr servers. All zephyrgrams, and error messages about Zephyr, are transmitted through zhm. Once in a while, you may get an error message when you are logging in saying something about Hostmanager not responding. This generally means that for some reason, the zhm process on your machine is not running or is too slow to be useful. Therefore, when your other Zephyr processes try to start, they can't communicate with the Zephyr servers. If the problem persists, you can fix this by starting a new zhm process on your machine by typing su and then the root password, and then typing



to exit from the root shell. (You would also need to load your Zephyr subscriptions again using zctl load after starting a new zhm).

Geoffrey G Thomas 2009-02-09