DIRECTORY OF OPEN BUGS 96-06-06 15:25 (GMT) 1408-005 over-enthusiastic warning on default discriminants 1421-003 cannot instantiate complex_io 1428-011 generic visibility problem 1515-002 failure to raise storage error 1611-005 missing check for implicit conversion 1613-011 problem with incomplete access type causes gigi abort 1613-014 bogus missing body message (visibility error) 1618-009 missing semantic checks for access types 1706-003 failure to resolve expressions (bogus ambiguities) 1724-012 gigi abort, caused by reference before freeze 1727-003 missing error check in instantiation for aliased? 1728-001 problem with generic formal packages (2.04 regression) 1730-008 problem with generic instantiation 1810-001 dewar incorrect resolution from real time clock 1812-004 error message improvement request (reference to generic) 1813-002 invalid parameter list in call, not investigated 1814-003 bad warnings from gnatf about unused entities 1819-005 gigi abort, caused by access to _master before def 1819-007 bogus equality ambiguity message 1820-014 tasking program works on OS/2, hangs on SGI? 1821-013 conversion of universal to modular not raising CE 1825-003 schonberg bad error message (confusing use of procedure name) 1902-001 dewar poor error recovery 1912-014 crash during execution from bad task discriminants 1917-001 problem with renamed discriminants 1921-006 segmentation error from giant string type, should be OK 1926-006 visibility problem with child package 1927-011 tasking and delay problem 1931-005 comar assert error from discrimininated tagged type 2007-004 dewar missing check for incorrect body present 2008-002 incorrect freezing order 2012-001 dewar confusing error message (misuse of package name) 2015-003 schonberg incorrect error message, see comment 2015-006 dewar poor error message and recovery (bad semicolon fix) 2017-003 strange problem with subtype of private type 2027-001 problem with abstract type 2106-002 dewar error msg should be on instantiation, not template 2115-008 problem with matching of generic parameter 2118-001 missing an ambiguity in overloading? 2125-007 problems with elaboration of generic package bodies 2128-003 problem with generic parameters (reopened from B tests) 2129-009 schonberg incorrect allowance of implicit deref for proc call 2204-006 schonberg marginal task visibility problem 2210-003 missing accessibility check 2213-005 problem with generic parameters (reopened from B tests) 2218-004 assert error from C++ interface stuff 2219-004 dewar various obscure problems with Version and Body_Version 2220-003 peculiar problem with abstract types (D2 problem) 2303-002 failure to diagnose bad use of generic exception 2310-001 dismukes missing conversion causes gigi abort 2314-013 dewar poor error recovery (is/semicolon case) 2323-002 dewar confusing error message 2328-004 assert error from subprogram renaming 2330-002 blowup caused by giant array (stack overflow) 2405-001 improper scoping for exception handlers 2407-003 missing error check, results in abort 2408-003 read/write attribute for exception occurence not impl 2408-006 problem with interrupts and task entries 2410-001 duplicate bodies for default parameters 2411-007 storage size attribute returning wrong result 2411-010 problem with hang in float'image 2413-001 bad discriminant list 2413-007 dewar confusing message wrt instantiations and types 2414-010 problem with visibility and generics 2414-011 illegal dispatching program not diagnosed 2417-004 incorrect output (extension aggregate problem?) 2417-006 gigi abort, use before definition 2420-008 takes for ever to compile, generates bad relocation 2422-005 bomb caused by oversize object 2427-001 unchecked conversion raises bogus constraint error 2503-004 unchecked access not working 2508-004 gigi abort from incorrect ref to init proc parameter 2508-006 assert error, unknown cause 2508-007 problem with stream attributes 2509-004 big new at outer level causes OS/2 asm error 2510-003 missing constraint check 2510-006 claimed error, not investigated 2513-001 random tasking program hang 2514-003 tasking program hangs 2516-004 segmentation fault during compilation, unknown cause 2517-001 missing constraint error on passing slice 2517-007 incorrect results from stream I/O usage 2519-004 problem with generic parameters (reopened from B tests) 2524-001 problem with extension aggregates 2524-002 failure to diagnose null used for anonymous access type 2525-005 reference before definition for private type 2526-004 infinite recursion (testing for private components) 2527-003 assert error, unknown cause 2527-004 incorrect handling of exponent attribute 2527-005 finalize not called properly 2530-004 gigi abort from bad types for comparison 2530-006 comar incorrect values for extension aggregates 2601-005 assert error on array object declaration 2602-005 curious problem with implicit dereference for 2-d array 2605-009 tasking program blows up 2608-001 problem with converting private type 2608-009 object files too large from simple static aggregates 2611-001 missing check on subtype of class wide type 2612-007 rupp missing compiler warning message 2614-004 problem with private type expected, same type found 2614-005 incorrect bounds on OS/2, works on SGI 2615-001 dismukes confusing error message (see long comments) 2615-005 dewar missing warning message 2621-005 namet assert error on Solaris (works on OS/2, SGI) 2622-001 operation in private part is incorrectly visible 2627-001 assert error for instantiation of derived tagged formal 2627-003 problem with stream_io, works on OS/2, but not on SGI 2701-005 bombs during compilation (infinite loop of some kind) 2703-002 missing error check for missing discriminants 2704-005 missing error check for improper exception 2704-006 gigi abort, missing identifier on loop 2704-008 problem with delay duration'last 2705-004 assert error, unknown cause 2707-001 gigi abort, use before definition 2707-002 missing check on homonyms caused by renames 2708-004 gasperon gnatbind causes assert error for inconsistent files 2710-001 problem with duplicated types in generic instance 2711-003 problem with overloading in generic instance 2711-004 incorrect initialization of variable with address clause 2712-002 failure to wrap dynamic variable created by expansion 2718-002 gigi abort, use before definition 2719-004 dewar passive partition incorrectly included in bind 2721-003 assert error from convert concurrent problem 2722-004 the sockets/tasking problem 2726-006 missing error check for illegal abstractness 2727-008 comar freezing problem with packed arrays 2801-005 gasperon incorrect constraint error raised by aggregate 2801-007 dewar heap corruption from use of interfaces.c routines 2801-008 incorrect handling of task priorities 2803-002 gigi abort, unknown cause 2803-004 bomb for bad extension with bogus discriminant 2804-002 problem with generics and full views 2804-004 sema problem with giant aggregate 2805-001 gigi abort, use before definition 2805-003 gigi abort, use before definition 2810-002 sigsegv, some kind of freezing error 2811-002 assert error, unknown cause 2811-003 simple tasking example hangs on OS/2 (crashes on Sun?) 2812-004 incorrect warning message generated 2815-004 schenker problem with rejecting correct prefix 2815-006 assert error, unknown cause, does not happen on OS/2 2816-002 not detecting too-late rep clause 2816-003 namet assert error from access with 'class missing 2817-001 kenner bob duff's size test (one case not working) 2818-005 time_error raised unexpectedly 2819-006 crash at runtime, cause unknown 2819-004 exp_ch4 assert error to do with freezing (OK on OS2??) 2819-005 strange message about undefined selector 2822-003 missing error check in unusual dispatching case 2824-001 problem with incorrect visibility 2826-001 dewar problem with file sharing 2829-001 dewar problem with procedure body compiled as spec file 2901-001 dewar request to detect more cases of uninit variables 2907-002 problem with private types and instantiation 2908-001 dismukes missing check for completion in private part 2908-002 allocator causes assert error in namet 2908-007 atc problem on sunos (silly.adb) 2910-004 failure to raise constraint error 2910-006 dewar wrong file name causes assert error (ok warning) 2912-002 claimed error in package instance 2914-003 blowup from aggregate usage 2918-001 dewar sloc wrong for subtype indicatoin (ASIS related) 2920-001 odd missing body caused by presence of a pragma 2921-003 claimed failure to diagnose incorrect aliased usage 2923-006 program error raised at runtime by finalization 2927-001 incorrect diagnostic regarding conversion 2928-002 unexpected exception, unknown cause 2928-004 the booch components bug fr Dave Weller (works on OS/2) 2930-004 missed detection of overloading ambiguity 2931-006 error message caused by controlled type 3003-001 dewar bad external name, should be checked 3003-005 failure to check aliases in generic formal 3004-002 problem with conversion from private type to ancestor 3004-003 assert error compiling generic function 3004-006 dewar assert fail from incorrect use of valid attribute 3005-001 visibility problem (rtsfind from assert pragma?) 3005-003 bomb on completely wrong array usage 3005-005 problem with recursion or secondary stack? 3006-003 pragma Annotate does not work 3006-004 gigi abort, unknown cause